#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal (Major Winters) » 2021-12-05 10:21:15

Winters tell me again this story because I close buy it. And what you wrote at bulge after I mined your apc? "Your mother is whore"? I don't remember can you please tell it again? Or your main rape at moon server and  even better epithets prove only that this game is played by people from margin.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unfair ban » 2021-12-05 10:13:11

Nosacz te typy tutaj to totalne zjeby z psychiatrcznego. Nawet żaden Ci nie odpisał. Jakiś zmeliniały rusek co sobie lubi dać w żyłę jest tutaj głównym adminem, a włsćiciel to nazistowski cwel który specjalnie takiego chujka na zarządcę wybrał. Cały server okręca się na wkładaniu sobie siusiaczków w odbytnicę nawzajem i podlizywaniem się jeden drugiemu. Oni wszyscy chwalą się dziadkami w SS a cała ta ich działalność to niyby taka przypadkowa a w rzeczywistości to jest zypełne nazistowskie pranie mózgu. Im chodzi o to by wszyscy byli członkami ich sekty, a skurwysyństwo jakie rozdają do okoła to chrzest bojowy dla nowicjuszy. Spotkasz takiech śmieci nie tylko na ławce w parku albo w bramie w mieście, w internecie też gwiazdy psychiatrycznego lubią się powykazywać. Kilka lat tu sobie strzelam więc wiem dokładnie jak jest. Ja tam ich zawsze cisnąłem ile wejdzie ale zauważyłem że im tylko o to chodzi żeby ich jechać i wyzywać bo taki jest ich plan, tak jakby ich to podniecało jak się ich wyzywa. Oczywiście nie robią tego wszystkiego w sposób zaplanowany, raczej spontan, podejrzewam że po części i podświadomie. Tak jak na moon server typy co dają kase na server mogą łamać regularnie zasady a jak się zdenejwujesz że admin nie reaguje na twoje zgłoszenia na nich to dostaniesz bana. Tak i tutaj jeśli nie jesteś lizidupem tych starych cweli to nie masz co liczyć na spokojną grę zawsze się dopierdolą.
EA zakończyła wspieranie serwerów, jesteś na prywatnym terenie i oni rozdają tutaj swoje oszczane karty z dupy. Albo to wiesz i umiesz dać sobie z tym radę albo po prostu weź grę co są publiczne servery wspierane. Jeszcze dodam że tobie wewnętrznie może wcale bardzo się nie podobać że grasz w jakiś taki stary chłam na totalnie zarzyganym serwerze i będziesz miał do siebie pretensje w przyszłości, a jesteś tu bo komuś bardzo zależy na większej ilości graczy ale także na czymś jeszcze im zależy i taki jest chaczyk. To tak jak byś z kolegami chciał pograć w piłę a boisko znajduje się na parafiii albo u jakiegoś pedofila co lubi dziecią różne żeczy robić albo u starego nazisty. W tym przypadku towszystkie te 3 fakty opisują ten server. Kieedyś były dobre servery teraz ani jeden nie jest legalny a właścicielami i adminami jest totalna patologia.

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned because Burton was hAcKiNg and didn't want to admit it » 2021-12-05 09:50:44

Hhen I see you "sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit" chat spam every 5 min I know you should be banned longer.

#4 Re: Report Abuse » Qu Qu misadmining, and gullible for Comrade Ivan harassment prank » 2021-12-05 09:40:15

L0rd Waggachugga wrote:

I prefer that my dirty pms  are from chicks.

Do you have a HiV already?

#5 Re: Report Abuse » Qu Qu misadmining, and gullible for Comrade Ivan harassment prank » 2021-12-05 09:36:26

MerliN it is possible to incidentally write 0 instead of 39, the guy you looking for is right up or down in the list. its like you have 10 points and he has 9. People do errors I didn't hear about someone who never do any. I agree with fact that admins aren't diplomatic here, what make you such frustration.
Would you check some random report if you have admin rights ? If someone have to do it he will not able to play. If some player A report player B You never ever look on the list you just use your "kick #".

Three should be implementation which prevent to kick some selected players just like that, because many nobs do fake report especially against merlin. Look if they see you are easy to provoke they will choose you on target faster than another-ones , animals always targeting the smallest and weakest  prays.

#6 Re: Report Abuse » who is this anonymous hero? » 2021-12-05 06:21:47

nifty wrote:

Already its a dying game with less players, plz do not ban players for silly things.

Server is dying only because of stupid management. Logically it is still a good game for people in many countries and many don't even have opportunity yet to play such old crap like bf42. But when they will have they will uninstall game after first play.

Its this feeling when you enter this server and you intuitively know that they don't like you here from the start. Same like you go to sit in park and people around you stupidly watching you all the time, you will not relax there for long, even more when this neighbors are russians fans of vodka, and probably you will not even sit there.

#7 Re: Feedback » Map Vote » 2021-12-05 06:12:28

Imagine typical 12 yo newbie named "ARGENTINAAAA!!" first time installed bf42 he play few days but game has few annoying aspect and one of them is " stupid vote " which made him always "no more" even when there is no enemy around. How you care about your new player? OF course you recommend to him to install something (https://www.mediafire.com/file/c8yjpvhw … 1.rfa/file) from some link from some unknown guy in web from some forum which he don't even know exists, from some topic which he will never found. Nothing more complicated for 98% of them. The vote is annoying for everyone but more annoying when vote win and map is changed every 20 min like in rtw simple server, especially when your game randomly crash when loading all the time, and one man I spoke with few days ago have such problem, I had it too in the past. Jorgens idea to make not voting people's votes same as 7 is the most stupid idea ever. Map will change every 5-10 min. Going further your thinking maps can load one after one every time the previous is ready just after 1 second, and all server can be about loading new map, without even chance to spawn, sound stupid?

#8 Re: Report Abuse » How do you solve a problem like Merlin? » 2021-12-05 06:00:58

Zatoichi wrote:

And the last thing you missed he start attack people with his new provocation: "I know that it is you balvine hiding under this nick"  He attack me many times last week I think his anxiousness get stronger and stronger. Or he accuse me that I am camping on him, and he can't play normally, when I know they the guy which I killed was merlin only from his insults at chat because didn't realize it in action.
Merlin how to tell you that your country is making pleasure themselves with your shining bottom, and you are 21st century slave like everyone, in every "country". You shouldn't be so proud to defend it, take some ice and never ever try take this game seriously because all you see here isn't real but it is virtual.
Look again at your post reply and try to think about it few moments, and be nice because in another situations such medical consultation would cost you a lot of money.
When you wrote it, was so funny, wasn't it? Is it still? Yes or no, no matter, the point is that you spinning the wrong lucky wheel.

#9 Re: Report Abuse » reporting "Rosie" (myself )for being a douche » 2021-12-05 05:31:37

He want you to pm him coz he want to  send you naked invitation for a party, last time he admit that preffer boyz than girlz. Don't play his game until you eat the same cookies.

#10 Report Abuse » Reason: Seven burned own mind like always » 2021-12-05 05:07:42

Replies: 0

Main server 05.12.21 around 02:00 utc+ time
Reason I write here?

This admin named SeVen attack me every time.
I see he very very like to vulgarry abuse admin rights, kicking and banning all the time around and around for his imagined reasons...

There is midway now at server and I "Spammed" as he wrote 3 times air support so he kicked me.

Next he write "of course it is" (spam) after I ask why I was kicked...

I wrote that he is "worst admin here" and he answer: "oh I know who you are" next he BANNED me. reason? He know who I am as he think.
Lets ban all people who you think you know or you know that would be the most funny. And the served will finally will be empty as you wish it and you will be the king of oceans flying your plane alone and noon will dare to shoot you.

SeVen's personality is dissolved.
In one side he kick nubs which enter game zooking team and have score -8 But I am not a nob, rather regular player who usually have place in first 10 of players, in another way he making everything to made this server as empty as AX, what I sometimes wish to happen after meeting such competent professionalists.
Its like 7th or 8th time same situation and every time its looking very similar.
He found some little issue, usually few radio request in short time. He kick me, not even warn or anything, next he immediately banning.

When I ask to ban wreckweff when he spam 6 to 15 messages in 5 second every 2  min when admins are at server nobody even warn him, but when you 1 time use command 3 times you are banned instantly.
And I saw another admins abuse own rights at SIMPLE also against anther players in similar situations. I saw it many many times someone do even 2 same radio command and get kicked. Few of admins here are undervalued kids who trying to raise own ego by such sneaky attack like this. Even today when 1 person was accidentally kicked admin didn't apologize him naturally, but behave like dirty hog.
I know arkos always tell about himself that "he is a nob"  what prove only that he has some distance with opinion about himself what I appreciate especially when see how good he is able to use skill at tanks map. But this sentence is a bit for show.

What is the official reason of the ban? I suppose he will LIE (because this guys always lie here) now that I was team killing or beaching carriers or how bad I was in the past and another stuffs like that so that why he ban me. Every aggressor always justify his attack and searching for new reasons to war and confrontation. Anyone who isn't able to admit to own mistakes don't even shitpost down this message, as you always and always do every time, without exceptions, at this forum.

I have own honor and I know well 3 times same command is a lot, especially when you have an headache and there is more people who abuse radio. I haven't any problems to admit my mistakes I do. Some alleged admins at this server never admit failure, they feel immortal, subconsciously thinking they are Gods, don't want to looking on facts when another people showed it clearly.

I am happy to see admins at simple but 2 of them actually has brain in fire the 1st one is SeVen and 2nd is Hydra. And there its 3rd Arwen who lost mind form time to time also, with her arrogant "shut up finally" when you try to report 3rd time some tk-er who making Armageddon in main. As Arwen and Hydra arent so unfriendly so often SeVen is kid who is always agressive and always makeing problems everywhere.

StayCoolKeepCalmPlayFair smile

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