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Karwsz wrote:ziba128 wrote:This happens due to resolution/aspect ratio and can't be fixed because the game is very old.
Not by a Jedi...
You forgot to say not by a Jedi
Google dementia
This happens due to resolution/aspect ratio and can't be fixed because the game is very old.
Not by a Jedi...
Hahah, great as always Blind. Keep the good stuff going
A wild practice target appears
I'm not an admin, but the thing is that from my observation you df normally until you see MerliN's B17 - then you suddenly remember about your love to Japanese emperor and go full kamikadze
Looking forward to seeying remaining 98% of your power
Absolute chad move. Reboot is the ultimate solution
Lately I was checking flight record tapes with hope of finding some mad gunning clips, but all that was there were videos of drunk me and Karl hijacking B17 and bombing civilians around church, while listening to some happy music. I better burn it before he finds it.
Damn medpacks everywhere
On Market i was kicked for 21 vs 23, yet when I rejoined I was back on allied ("stacked" side), and MerliN, Serebro, Chibi, Darcano were on the same team.
Everyone makes mistakes, but if command is executed as anonymous, mistake no admitted, and no coversation attempted
- it looks like a personal attack.
Next time conversation would be much appreciated
Server rules state:
Please make fair teams and keep them balanced. It's forbidden to teamstack to get better vehicles or simply to the stronger team. Players and admins especially are kindly asked to keep teams balanced by evening them up when possible.
Power stack is a form of teamstack in which players with superior skill level switch to a team with more players with superior skill level, unbalancing the game and taking advantage of this unbalance to get more kills, and is strictly forbidden. All players, and especially highly skilled players are kindly asked to:
-stay in the team they were assigned to at the very beginning;
-help team balance when it's needed and/or when admins ask for balance;
- using disconnect/reconnect trick to get an "easier" team is not recommended.
It's in the interest of all players to keep teams balanced for their own fun in game, let's contribute to balance together.
Yet I was kicked twice today, once on BoB for switching to allied when they got 2/3 spawns and carrier left. They had good pilots, who could easly win if they went after objectives and not farming kills.
Second time, when I changed to allied on start of Market. I've never seen anyone kicked for this, yet I do.
On both maps I sit in top turret of B17 anyways, which is not most impactful role, and I'm pretty sure admin knows that. Also, MerliN could be kicked for many things on chat, and yet he was kicked too for arguing about my kick.
Ocassionally when I see a team unfairly losing I have no problem joining it and helping out, and I have no history of team stacking.
So if I did something wrong, please change the rules to reflect that, because players should be kicked for breaking them, rather than because of someone's bad mood.
I get it only when connecting with https instead of http
Is his nickname "Bean!"?
You weren't explaining situation to admin, but whining like a lil bitch over misunderstanding and assuming they did it on purpose
Currently APC left without driver will explode after quite short time (tested on Bulge), I don't think that should be the case
Definitively recommend, uuuz did a great job
Lol the facial expressions
Why was it removed for Axis? It's important strategic part of the map, that makes it more interesting
Issue still unresolved?
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Have fun
By Blindshuetz the shitposter
That's literally us
I don't think the new autobalance system is good. I personally don't mind on most maps, but I saw some players confused and angry about it so maybe it's worth rethinking it
PS. It gets ridicolous when DM25 gets rebalanced 5 times in one game
Ball (bottom) turret of B17 is unfinished part of game, and operating it feels very clunky - add the fact that situations where enemy plane gets in it's range are very rare, and it becomes most usefull as AFK space for most time.
I might be biased here as addict gunner, but I think it should be buffed by increasing 'roundOfFire 10' by 3-5 to compensate for this weird movement (and because editing damage directly would be too much bother).
Additionaly giving it explosive rounds with mariginal splash damage versus light vehicles and inf would also make it more usefull
(No more traumatizing F6 F3 MerliN), but that could be overkill . Would be nice to try it out tho
Do you have gamespy patch installed?
henks datafield.
That would be great. Datafield is the future, especially if people would start using direct server-client map send feature
You are not supposed to use public IP in configuration file, server does not see it. The problem lies somewhere else, could you please tell what steps you followed in opening ports?