#1 2024-07-16 15:39:02

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help for my true redemption

Hi admin TL"something" (the admin guy who have that letters on name lol its a big name)

Happen on NEW SIMPLE (the first on the 4 list)

((Please read and take your conclusions after))

Look, im a guy who dont waste time on lies! specially when i have to solve the stuffs! So let me say...

Im teeling the truth when i say im not a troll, or a hacker, not even a cheater couse i dont even know how to use that sh1ts in this game lol! oh yes i see some cheaters and hackers sometimes YES haha yes i do lol! But not me! at least that i can tell! And also im not a guy who just comes to the game to be a 'Dis' player  or a troll and do nothing more... I PROMISE IN THE NAME OF ALL IM NOT THAT!
Here is the truth! i have no problems in saying what i really am! i dont care!...
Its just... i actually love this game! i love the mods like 1918 and the FHS, i like to play that as single player, but to play the original versions of 'BF42' online with many people, that my friend, its just the crown of the fun here to me! feel me?!
So i dont like to come just to disrespect or troll or tk... im not that! i never start a game like that actually!
The big and true and mortal problem to me here is... YES i have a behave problem! i have a problem with anger! i easly get really angry with unfair stuffs and events and some players! and thats when my DIS playing starts!
Its true! i have an anger problem! and that brings me problems in this game servers! im enjoying to play and help my team! i love to do all that i really do! even if i dont get a big score lol! screw that! but then some unfair stuff starts, and then my anger grows and screw all!

So, i got banned by a very big and complex admin name guy (so i dont remmember that well now)
Was in the first NEW SIMPLE server.

What i did - i tked Weasel (enemy player), i changed team just to tk him for what he did! then i disconnected and came back to clean my score! YES i did all that! IM SORRY! I REALLY DO!
It was day 14 some 12:00h night, my player name at that time - Shrek.

So, im really sry! im sry to the Weasel! im sry to the admin who had to ban me! IM SRY TO THIS GREAT GAME! and im sry to you even!
I promise i will control my anger next times! i will just let it go and play my goals! i did it already and i promise i can do it again! please i just ask you 1 single chance for my behave changing on game! will not be that hard to me! i promise!

And the last thing, im not asking you to cut all the ban! not even to reduce time! no! i fkdup! and i deserve the ban! im not a puzzy or a liar like some others dis players!
All i want from you is to help me to know when this ban ends? how many time will take, i just hope its not a perm'ban!

Im really sry! i do! its all true! i had really pure sh...t and angry behaviors sometimes,
and this time i did all i told here! AND I DESERVE THE BAN! just please dont give me a perm ban! its all i ask! give me a last chance for i change my anger issues on this game! i promise! i mean it! im not a troll! i just want to control my anger and play in peace! i have this game online since 2013 lol! and play it single since 2002 LOOOL! so im not a troll i promise! just ask you guys a last chance to do it right! il do it i promise!

Well thank you! and im sry all this! so sry! hope you respond something! Cya! GGs for you.


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#2 2024-07-17 02:37:35

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Re: help for my true redemption

Yeah, I remember this stuation. I was there also.
Player weasel killed this guy, and wanted to get the enemy's tank back to allied main on tobruk. This degenerate switched teams, tk the tank and reconnect under a fakename.

Also, he delib suicides in plane when he is about to ge killed.
Also he constantly harrases people in chat.

I say get rid of him for good.


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#3 2024-07-17 03:03:08

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Re: help for my true redemption

Is his nickname "Bean!"?


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#4 2024-07-17 03:05:04

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Re: help for my true redemption

ye also


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#5 2024-07-17 03:05:58

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Re: help for my true redemption

from the inbox:
"oh your very brave uh? the usual virtual brave guy! what if i decide to get rid of you FOR REAL huh safe piece of shit?! HUH??? shut up! was not talking to a retard less then human like u!"


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#6 2024-07-17 12:51:50

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Re: help for my true redemption

Ye i see that speaking the truth and take the consequences and assume it and that... means no sh1t here! im sure the true trolls do all this and say all this for redemption with no need to do it lol oh ye im pretty sure they do! so go ahead! forgive them and not me lol! aaah Whatever! go ahead! play the Mr. Important character as you want lol! pfffff whatever!

Just dont screw the things out of this forum, couse i allways know everything in the end, and will never be the first time MY lawyer gets me out of trouble. (SO YEAH, WHATEVER U DO AGAINST ME YOU WILL LOSE! DONT EVEN START IT).

So if you dont want to help me to solve this little gaming thing... at least stay away and leave me alone for good! Couse i dont have nothing against you guys! NOT YET.
So go ahead play the 'important ruler nerd' character and see if i care LOL.

And Serebro! i was not talking to u! so... GET A LIFE!


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#7 2024-07-18 00:21:42

Reputation: +254
Registered: 2018-01-16
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Re: help for my true redemption

I was gonna say that he is "Bean!" lol, that writing style it's hard to miss.


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