#1 2024-07-11 00:57:32

Reputation: 0
Registered: 2024-07-11
Posts: 1
Windows 10 Chrome 122.0

latino Guy and hes cactus friend

So just so you know, there is new rules on simple.

1. When someone is waiting for a vehicle and you take it first when it spawns, it is forbidden.
2. If you so happen to compete with admin, he will just kick/kill you like a little child he is.
3. They want you to follow the rules, but they don't do it themselfs, thats why SIMPLE sucks so much lately.


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#2 2024-07-11 02:07:44

Reputation: +43
Registered: 2021-06-06
Posts: 54
Android Chrome 126.0

Re: latino Guy and hes cactus friend

You weren't explaining situation to admin, but whining like a lil bitch over misunderstanding and assuming they did it on purpose


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