#1 Technical Help » Server Patch » 2024-06-21 20:02:24

Replies: 1

Hello everyone. I heard that, there is a server patch for BF1942. Where I can get that?

#2 Re: BF1942 Events » Omaha Beach day » 2024-06-09 17:17:24

Hi everyone, I am Ashfaqur.
I played the D-Day event hosted on SiMPLE server.
I have recorded a video spectating many players.
I have divided the video into 2 parts: One is from the US perspective, and the other is from the German perspective.
Let me know, how are the videos.
Enjoy smile



#3 BFVietnam Discussion » Battlefield Vietnam Multiplayer Lags » 2024-05-22 17:08:46

Replies: 2

Hello everyone. I am Ashfaqur. Hopefully, you all are well.

I have been playing Battlefield Vietnam since 2021. Whenever I played Singleplayer, I never got lags. But, whenever I play Multiplayer, the game lags a lot. It's impossible to play Multiplayer properly with the lags.

In Battlefield 1942, my ping is from 290-350. And I don't lag in Multiplayer
My ping is the same in BF Vietnam too. But I get lags

Now, my question is: Does my game lag in Multiplayer due to high ping or is any other reason is behind it?

Thank you.

#4 Technical Help » Servers become frozen and again become unfrozen automatically » 2024-05-22 06:41:31

Replies: 0

Hello all. I am Ashfaqur. Hopefully, you all are well.

A few months ago, I talked about a similar issue about servers becoming frozen in the server list.
Yesterday, I played in a server for about 1 hour, then suddenly, I got disconnected. Then I saw that all the servers in my list became 9999 ping.
Everything was fine before that.

It wasn't an issue with the internet, because I could use Youtube and Discord without a problem. Then I understood that it was an in-game issue.

This happens to me every few months: All the servers become frozen without reason, and after 10-12 hours, the servers become unfrozen automatically.

Can anyone tell me, on why does this happen?

Thank you.

#5 Technical Help » Hello! I need a help! » 2024-04-17 14:08:51

Replies: 2

Hello all, I am Ashfaqur.

A few days ago, I downloaded some games.
Whenever I try to launch the games, it shows a DirectX 8.1 error.
I tried various solutions from the Internet. But I couldn't solve the problem.

Can anyone help me with this issue?


#6 Re: Technical Help » Server frozen in list. Please help! » 2024-03-20 10:17:03

Hi, thanks for reply.
I now see that, all servers are unfrozen.
I didn't use the patch, but the servers became unfrozen automatically.
These types of freezing occurs occasionally, but again gets unfrozen automatically few days later.

Can anyone explain to me why does this happen?

#7 Technical Help » Server frozen in list. Please help! » 2024-03-19 20:57:49

Replies: 3

Hello all.
Today, when I opened my game, I saw that every server except one or two in the server list was frozen.

Yesterday, everything was fine. And no servers were frozen.

But today suddenly, they all are frozen, even the new servers of SiMPLE.
Can anyone help me?

#8 Re: Feedback » This server genuinely isn't fun anymore » 2024-03-03 10:01:42

Since the server had moved to a new place, this server has very less players compared to before.

It's too sad to see very less players now sad

#9 Re: Technical Help » Which Image format does ImgBB link support? » 2023-11-30 10:47:44

Arkos wrote:


Open the *.tga with Fast Stone Image Viewer and save it as *.jpg.

Problem solved.


The best is to link just only *.tga with Fast Stone Image Viewer.


Thank you Arkos!
This has worked for me!

#10 Re: Technical Help » Which Image format does ImgBB link support? » 2023-11-29 15:32:24

Serebro wrote:

What file format you are trying to upload?

I tried to upload TGA file format

#11 Technical Help » Which Image format does ImgBB link support? » 2023-11-29 10:16:50

Replies: 7

Hi, I need a help.
If we want to post a screenshot in this forum, we have to upload the image to this link: https://imgbb.com

The problem is this, if I want to upload an image in that link, it shows "Invalid or unsupported file format"
I use Picasa Photo Viewer and Fast Stone Photo Viewer.
I tried to upload image in that link using both of the photo viewers, and it shows "Invalid or unsupported file format"

I request for a solution.

Thank you

#12 Feedback » Guadalcanal CTF » 2023-11-29 09:27:46

Replies: 3

Hello everyone. Hopefully, you are well.

I have a suggestion for SiMPLE server.
SiMPLE server have only one CTF map, and that is El Alamein.

I want to suggest for adding Guadalcanal CTF to the list.
This would bring a  different experience.

Thank you.

#13 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban me » 2023-10-25 05:17:41

Alfred wrote:
ashfaqursiddique47 wrote:

I was never given a 2nd chance

Wrong, they did and you choose being an ass.

No, I wasn't. I was never given a 2nd chance since I was banned in January, 2020.
If you look all my posts and topics, you will understand that I was never given another chance.

#14 Server Ban Appeals » Unban me » 2023-10-24 19:50:29

Replies: 3

Hello admins, I am Ashfaqur.
On April 2023, I was playing in SiMPLE server, the map was Omaha.
An admin accused me of evading ban and gave me a "Permanent ban"; which is actually a 1 month ban.

Then after 1 month, I again started to play in SiMPLE server.

Then today I was playing in SiMPLE server, the map was Bocage.
When I was playing, an admin said to me that I am still banned. And, after a few minutes, he banned me from the server.

Before April, 2023 I was banned from SiMPLE for 1 month; and again the reason is ban evade.

And this has been going on since 2020. I don't know when this cycle of ban will stop.
The admins bans me from server. And when I come back after the ban is expired, I am always accused of evading and then I get another 1 month ban.

The only valid reason ban I got was in January, 2020. And since then, whenever I come back after the ban expires, I am always accused of evading.

I made several unban appeals since 2020. But either the unban appeal is rejected or is ignored.
I also asked several times how long is my ban, but no one answered me.

It's been almost 4 years. And still I was never allowed to enter, even though I said that I will abide by the rules. I was never given a 2nd chance.

The only request to the admins is that please stop banning me. This cycle of ban has been going on for almost 4 years now. I want to play in SimPLE server. I promise, I will abide by the rules of server.

Thank you.

#15 Server Ban Appeals » I was banned a long time ago. » 2023-02-25 11:07:53

Replies: 0

Hi, I am Ashfaqur.

3 years ago, in 2020, I was banned from the main SiMPLE server. I was banned for breaking rules, and then got a permanent ban for evading.

I was a beginner player back in 2020. I was new to multiplayer games. So, at that time, I never knew that Multiplayer servers have rules to follow. So, I did whatever I wanted to do. I used to chat spam, Radio spam, steal vehicles, Teamkilling, trolling, etc. I also misbehaved with some admins and players.
I was banned for these things.

Now, I want to say that, I have been playing this game for years. I now know how to behave in Multiplayer servers, I know the server rules. I promise that, I will be on my best behavior. I won't troll, evade bans or do anything that disturbs the gameplay of others.

I am sorry to the admins and the players, to whom I misbehaved. I am sorry for the trolling I did in past. I won't repeat them again.
I did some unban appeals back in 2020. But, I never admitted my faults, even though I had them.
I am very sorry for the dishonesty I did before.

I want to come back to SiMPLE server again. Please unban me from SiMPLE server. I want to play in SiMPLE servers again.
And again, I apologize for everything I did before.

Please unban me from SiMPLE

#16 Off-Topic » Happy New Year! » 2023-01-01 07:49:28

Replies: 0

Happy New Year everyone!
Today is the start of 2023!

#17 Technical Help » My game keeps crashing all the time » 2022-12-14 21:54:05

Replies: 2

Hello everyone. I hope you are well.
Recently, I gave my PC for repair. After repairs, I tried to launch BF1942. But whenever I launch it, the game crashes every time.
The game crashes even in Singleplayer also. Whenever I try to play Singleplayer, the game crashes while loading, or sometimes before spawning. And my game also crashes before entering into a server.
Please help me with this issue.

#18 BF1942 Discussion » Today is Battlefield's 20th Anniversary » 2022-09-10 15:27:23

Replies: 1

Today is 10th September, 2022.
20 years ago, on this day BF1942 was released and thus Battlefield franchise started its journey.
I started to play BF1942 game in December, 2019.
This game was ahead of its time. It is one of the best Battlefield games.
Battlefield franchise is now 20 years old!

I have made a video for the anniversary.
Watch my video and subscribe me:

#19 Re: Report Abuse » What is the problem actually? » 2021-04-07 18:56:09

dary wrote:
ashfaqursiddique47 wrote:

I am really really sorry. I am seeing that most of the players are having trouble because of me in aX  . I do troll, insult others in aX.
But what to do? I want to tell that, I have a reason behind on why do I troll in aX. Please don't think that it's a made up story.
I can be a troll, but I am not a Liar.
Question: Why do I troll?
I did not started to troll and insult from the very beginning. I started to play in aX from 27th February, 2020.
When I started to talk to the players in aX, they used to behave good with me. I was also a polite boy. But then one day some players like: Internet Bully, Mom, +, racoon, Electric Gator, Hercules, Comrade Ivan Kovolot started insult me because of my in-game name. They said that my name sounds like Assf***er. I did not replied anything to them. But after few weeks, they started to insult me more because I did not get much score and kills. They sweared at me. They also said many bad things about my race.
Whenever I used to get in a vehicle, they used to destroy my vehicles. They even team killed me. They even said to me that, Asians are not allowed to play here. They even used racial slurs. So to defend myself I started to bully them a little.
Whenever I wanted to make a new friend in aX, they used to say that player that:
"Please don't be friend with Ashfaqur. He belongs to the shitty Asian race. He is a troll, He will f**k you while you play."
I got extremely angry and I started to troll there everyday. I know, not everyone disturbs my gameplay. But the main problem is that many of the players there Judge me because of my race and my name.
When I started to insult them a little, It became my habit of trolling. I cannot get off from this habit.
Before I used to use bad words for defending myself. But now I do it for trolling purpose. Because it's my habit now. I promise, I will not keep this habit. I will change.
I didn't knew what to name myself in-game. For that I used my real name and that is Ashfaqur.
And I hope you guys forgave me already. I am really sorry for the past. I will change now.
I wanted to share the screenshots in which they insulted me. But unfortunately, my PC was attacked by Virus on 9th January, 2021  and I lost every game and screenshots I had.
And you might ask: How do they know your race?
Many of the people told me that, they saw me in the forum. One of the player told me that, "Omg an Asian guy is playing here. But we don't allow Asians here."

Never heard people hating against Asians.

You are responsible for your actions, nobody else. You blame others to be the poor little me victim and this is the reason you are a troll? I think you are full of shit. No hate, just being honest with you.

I don't judge you nor I care where you are from or what you name is... even though it sound funny. lol...

Trolling is no habit. Smoking is a habit or thinking, but not trolling.

For you, this situation is hard to imagine. And for you, "Trolling is a Habit" is also hard to imagine.
Just because you did not get trolled by random players because of your name and race, does not mean that nobody had faced the problem with the bullies. Just because you never got trolled by others, does not mean that no one gets trolled. And yes, you are right. I am responsible for my actions. But The seed was planted by the bullies.And I am the plant who is showing the result( If you know what I mean)

And I know, you never judged me because of my name and race. Thank you for that.

#20 Re: Report Abuse » What is the problem actually? » 2021-04-07 13:58:10

Lecter wrote:

Just perm ban this idiot once and for all.

Dude I don't understand one thing. I trolled in aX. So you should report me on aX. I know, aX forum does not accept new members. But they have discord. Report me on aX discord.
Why you are reporting my trolling behavior from aX in SiMPLE?

#21 Re: Report Abuse » What is the problem actually? » 2021-04-07 07:33:24

Sunshine wrote:
ashfaqursiddique47 wrote:

long sad pity story and excuses

So you troll because they insulted you? Seriously? You also trolled on Simple servers and got the ban hammer. You admit it's a habit, which is a bullshit excuse, so why would anyone want to deal with you when you have a LONG history of trolling... much of it when you weren't provoked

I'm sorry you were insulted due to your name/race. You didn’t deserve that. But you CHOSE to be a troll. They didn’t choose for you.

Ban from New SIMPLE|BF1942 = Got banned for radio spam, Chat spam excessively.

Ban from New SIMPLE| RTR+SW = Got banned for attacking main base and chat spam repeatedly.

And yes, I started to troll those who insulted me. When I used to insult, other players also started to hate me because I use swearing words. So when the other players started to insult me, I started to insult them.

And the trolling I did in SiMPLE, I did it because I did not knew the rules. Which was my mistake.
And the trolling I did in aX, I did it to defend myself from trolls. But eventually, I became a troll. Because it became my habit.

For you, this situation is hard to imagine. But for me it is easy to imagine because, this situation is happening to me.

And I already told, I will stop trolling in aX from today. I promise.

#22 Re: Report Abuse » What is the problem actually? » 2021-04-07 05:40:52

I am really really sorry. I am seeing that most of the players are having trouble because of me in aX  . I do troll, insult others in aX.
But what to do? I want to tell that, I have a reason behind on why do I troll in aX. Please don't think that it's a made up story.
I can be a troll, but I am not a Liar.
Question: Why do I troll?
I did not started to troll and insult from the very beginning. I started to play in aX from 27th February, 2020.
When I started to talk to the players in aX, they used to behave good with me. I was also a polite boy. But then one day some players like: Internet Bully, Mom, +, racoon, Electric Gator, Hercules, Comrade Ivan Kovolot started insult me because of my in-game name. They said that my name sounds like Assf***er. I did not replied anything to them. But after few weeks, they started to insult me more because I did not get much score and kills. They sweared at me. They also said many bad things about my race.

Whenever I used to get in a vehicle, they used to destroy my vehicles. They even team killed me. They even said to me that, Asians are not allowed to play here. They even used racial slurs. So to defend myself I started to bully them a little.

Whenever I wanted to make a new friend in aX, they used to say that player that:
"Please don't be friend with Ashfaqur. He belongs to the shitty Asian race. He is a troll, He will f**k you while you play."
I got extremely angry and I started to troll there everyday. I know, not everyone disturbs my gameplay. But the main problem is that many of the players there Judge me because of my race and my name.

When I started to insult them a little, It became my habit of trolling. I cannot get off from this habit.
Before I used to use bad words for defending myself. But now I do it for trolling purpose. Because it's my habit now. I promise, I will not keep this habit. I will change.

I didn't knew what to name myself in-game. For that I used my real name and that is Ashfaqur.
And I hope you guys forgave me already. I am really sorry for the past. I will change now.
I wanted to share the screenshots in which they insulted me. But unfortunately, my PC was attacked by Virus on 9th January, 2021  and I lost every game and screenshots I had.

And you might ask: How do they know your race?
Many of the people told me that, they saw me in the forum. One of the player told me that, "Omg an Asian guy is playing here. But we don't allow Asians here."

#23 Re: Report Abuse » What is the problem actually? » 2021-04-06 18:40:16

Volturi wrote:

a troll is a troll everywhere, stop it or enjoy the ban. Simple as it is.

Enjoy the ban where?

#24 Re: Report Abuse » What is the problem actually? » 2021-04-06 18:39:18

dary wrote:

He was trolling on AX... shooting friendly tanks for fun when you don't watch.
I can upload a clip if you want.

Show the clip. I want to see.

#25 The Gutter » Always remember.........(2) » 2021-04-06 13:50:14

Replies: 3

"It is better to play with 2 polite players, rather than playing with 70 trolls"
                                                                                                - Ashfaqur 47
                                                                                                            6th April, 2021.

#27 Report Abuse » What is the problem actually? » 2021-04-01 13:51:17

Replies: 32

Ax server and Simple server are totally different. Whenever someone talks about aX server, everyone says that, this is not aX server.
Ok. This is not aX server. But I don't understand why people from aX, drags trolling situation in Simple server. Many of the players, attacks main base, attacks uncaps, steals vehicles etc etc.
Just now, I was Team killing in aX. Someone told me that, "Ashfaqur, if you come to SiMPLE, I will ban you."
Why? I mean why? Why he will ban me? I was not trolling in Simple. I was trolling in aX. Why will he ban me from Simple because I trolled in aX? And I behave differently on different servers. On DC servers, I am a quiet boy. At the same time in Ax, I am a troll.
In March 2020, I had a fight with SiMPLE admin in aX server. So, he kicked me from Tanks A Lot server 2 times. This is unfair

If this server is not related with aX, then why players drag aX server situations to SiMPLE server?
Can I get a reply?

#28 The Gutter » I am now............. » 2021-03-29 22:31:46

Replies: 4

I am now a member of 1 year in this forum.

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