#1 2024-05-22 06:41:31

Reputation: +7
Location: Chattogram or Chittagong
Registered: 2020-03-30
Posts: 121
Windows 10 Chrome 109.0

Servers become frozen and again become unfrozen automatically

Hello all. I am Ashfaqur. Hopefully, you all are well.

A few months ago, I talked about a similar issue about servers becoming frozen in the server list.
Yesterday, I played in a server for about 1 hour, then suddenly, I got disconnected. Then I saw that all the servers in my list became 9999 ping.
Everything was fine before that.

It wasn't an issue with the internet, because I could use Youtube and Discord without a problem. Then I understood that it was an in-game issue.

This happens to me every few months: All the servers become frozen without reason, and after 10-12 hours, the servers become unfrozen automatically.

Can anyone tell me, on why does this happen?

Thank you.


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