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So if a player makes nice videos, that also equals nice personality? I don't think that's exactly how it is, tuia...
Anyway I think you should hurry up 000 and maybe spend a little less time in your editing room, and maybe also prepare to make some changes to your gamestyle - the server seems to be allmost empty - rush hour peaks in at 10-15 players.
Kevin, you can read and take it how you like. Everything was ofc. not pointed towards you, but like a general state of mind from me. Honestly I thought your simple question was meant in a trolling-poking direction. But to answer your question: I do it intentionally (in here only), it's a waste, I know, but done intentionally.
I'm glad you had your vice & head admin question answered.
Im not comparing them Mourits, but since you seem to cherish that idea that head admins should only receive love and affection for their work I mention nameless as an example. He probably was more in the wrong, but the way in which head admins should be addressed was set long ago, sadly.
I'm not saying that I approve on bad behaviour, certainly not, but humans do mistakes. I'm saying that it feels like the online keyboard world we all live in with social media and online gaming tend to create a sort of "pointing finger culture" - instead of dealing with the actual problem or looking in the mirror it's just easier to take on the glasses with tunnel vision, kick the problem on to someone else and wait for an idiot to give you a thumbs up. On top of that you can add the spice to this particular game/community which is so small, old and tight that things often get personalised or biased by one another. These (head) admins might not do everything to perfection, but they spend several hours every week dealing with idiots and other shit - FOR FREE and 99% they get back are complaints or another pm/post from some trolling idiot or dealing with drama among admins telling each other to "suck b****".
And while we talk about this useless stuff, Deeko brings up a brilliant point. I remember Butcher commented on it before in here. Was pretty funny...
Admins have lost their rights over far less abuse than what raketenhorst here lately have done.
This is a classic example of "rules for thee but not for me"
Okay, can you name a few of these admins who have lost their rights just because of a few "bad" kicks/bans? On top of that I believe it's much simpler to replace a simple kick/ban/warn admin than a head admin. And further more on top of that, who should replace these head admins? I can't think of anyone willing or with the proper skills. By that I'm not saying it's okay to abuse or do wrong, but...
I think it's a classic example of: It is easier to complain than to fix.
Its been done before Mourits. I remember nameless used to get shit for mishandling his power. I think even Paul was pushing for him to get removed so the precedent is there.
But that aside I'd genuinely like to know the answer to my question above.
Comparing Raketen or Paul to nameless is borderline hilarious. Nameless was highflying his plane 6 hours a day, toying and teasing with whoever crossing his agenda. Where Paul and Raketen barely playes the game compared to. I'm not saying that nameless probably didn't do good stuff with his many dedicated hours, just that he seemed very personalized and probably too score horny for a head admin.
No admin is an angel, everyone kick/ban an idiot "by mistake" from time to time, so I see no reason to ramble on about stuff like this for eternity. Unless you think you can name 1 on this forum who you think is completely pure and is up for the "head admin task" as to dedicate the time and never do mistakes in the heat of the moment. Then I will shake hands and stop
Ps: I cannot answer your question, but my best bet is that what it comes to well spelled and long poilitical correct forum-answers Paul is in charge, and when it comes to in game server-feeling and discord, Raketen is in charge 8-) so 50/50.
It must be so nice to be head admins. All the love and affection you get for all the time you put into it.
And Dakota: How long do you wanna add fuel to "hillys fire"? If having admin rights means the world to him and his old and precious game, why don't he come here and explain himself and his sherif actions. Sorry, this is not a question because actually I don't care and I don't want to join the battle - but I hope you understand my point.
deekmort He Who Must Not Be Named/You Know Who
I have no issue using his name. Though I think this thread was about "hit registration patch" I will tell you, I have one of the first and prime edition of Deekos autograph - I mean if you would like to buy?
Hey Simon can you tell your brother that I said hello. That was all.
those who want to continue making drama out of it be my guest.
I'm in: Seeing Killer88 on Moongamers - haha - that was a good one Denny.
I'm still trying to figure out why it's such a big deal when (some) admins are stripped of their precious admin rights. It doesn't have any severe impact on their gameplay, so why act like a spoiled child and make such a drama - we've now seen it several times and I just wonder. Eat the shit and move on. Focus on what matters - actual ingame experience: Add a new shitty CTF map (could be Wake or Gazala) and remove 2 flakguns to the sideflags on Kharkov now since you removed the bomber planes which makes having the 3 middle flakguns even stronger. go go.
It's so great with these living legends and myths being told in real life and time, but remember if the legends are still alive the source might just answer. Thats what I love about the story between you guys (read: this community) and Simon and Deeko xD.
Ehm... I still don't know where you are going with this. Once again I feel like your bright head of yours have a hard time to stay on track. I could make fun of bfleague or the 2 of you, but I haven't. I'm simply just trying to follow your logic and pick it up against the same logic you use yourself. But I knew this would happen - the amount of tunnel vision you have is insane.
@Flasche: My history and experience with you tells me that this will be a waste of my time, but whatever I have holiday... I know there were more activity 15 years ago lol, but that is not what I'm saying. I'm trying to tell Ninja (and now you), that the game lost the majority of it's peak playerbase already in 05/06, but even so people kept om playing a bit competetive. Just like Madmax suggest to do now, but you and Ninja tells him to stop, because this isn't 2012?
Flasche, I'm not sure what you mean by this "By the way, you also played in the bfleague sometimes, so it wasn't that insignifi ?" but I will give it a try: Yes I also played my seasons in bf-league, and I never once said it should stop or close activity. You 2 are the ones stating private games should stop "because there are no point to show off today". I'm actually the one here cheering for private games to continue. I am just poking you 2 by following your own bright logic regarding player activity.
@Ninja: I am still not sure what you are trying to say or convince people? Sure there were people playing in 05/06, but what I'm saying is that 95+% of the PEAK playerbase already left by then and so had any competetive clan activity. There are also people playing right now, but even so 99,9% of the peak playerbase is still long gone.
So are you trying to tell me that because the game is smaller right now than in 2012, players aren't allowed to play and compete privately, or do you wan't to discuss whether infers were better back "in the late days of 2012"? Whether I don't think it belongs in Madmax's topic that you proclaim <o.o> wouldn't get very much spanked by some of the current infs.
2012 rofl. Rumor has it that 95% of the peak playerbase of this game was already gone in 2005/06. Left for better games and to get rid of bad game mechanics and bugs lol.
Following your and Flasches logic would mean that bf-league and I guess anyone competing in a private server should stop that immediately.... because you 2 installed this game many years ago and played a bit of private games.... hmm I'm confused.
I will be the next in line, Hilly. Soon I will start abusing my rights on 000. I will join the club - hold a seat for me Hilly <3
Edit: I'm already with you, Hilly *<:)
It seems like quite some dudes think it was okay what they did (looking at that conquer clan). They all seem trigger happy to get to know him and his tricks and treats.
I am also eagerly waiting for Nosferatu to come up with some info or proof about how these conquer players individuelly improved their game after they got to know deekos "tricks and treats". If you mean how they conquered bf-league, then I wouldn't exactly call that evidence since… Heh yeah you know what I mean. Anyhow, I want my money back from deeko, since if anything I feel like my regs and skills decreased since I got to know him. Nosferatu, ask SELF, 000 or Flasche if they can help you do some detective work. And if you guys are right, then these bad boys are truely pathetic!
Good luck and merry christmas 8-)
Sometimes I have wondered what you do end up doing, some of the nights where Deeko and other gold warriors scares you away from your beloved Simple-cave for several hours. Now I know. You become a video editor. Presumably while rubbing your vengeful hands.
As Dary so nicely says: "If you want a good community be a model". It would have been cool to see what the server could have been if some of Simples 24/7 regulars like you, Merlin, Test01, Nameless etc. would have acted and played like a rolemodel. Instead you, 000, play your own ego- and target-game, where you can spend several rounds each night only to troll and target certain players from the shadows - using usefull vehicles for your own vendetta. There is no excuse for a player with that amount of playtime as you have, to end up with 5-10 kills with a full round of air-/planetime - the evidence is so obvious and clear you only follow your own vendetta-agenda. Night after night where you either give up chasing gold or if the map doesn't suit your spawnrape-style. And then you expect players to gather around you and cheer. I'm actually kindda surprised that you even dare to use the word "community" in one of your posts.
After reading through the Google Translate gangbang and watching Simons sticky-grenade (long time since I've seen that wing one) I keep wondering why no one is commenting on the censored scoreboard. Maybe he is super shy or just embarrassed about how 20mins of plane-waste looks like. I know how it looks like since I just played a round of Bocage where his obsession about certain players made him drop approximately just 1 bomb for 30 minutes. Either way it's funny AF.
Quite funny to follow your journey Abas - whether it's your infinite chase for "the secret regs" of Deeko, Simon, Jazzy, Butcher and, and, and? or the hunt for "the very secret flight characteristics key combination" from some of the ancient dogfight pilots. I hope you solve the puzzle.
And nice to see you on the happy pills of late, Mamba. It is good that you help those who cannot use google or youtube themselves.
When I read some of these posts I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. Its like every post and comment from (some of) you guys is the same, like a broken cd-player scratching around in circles. It's more repetetive than the server - and that says something lol.
If you are so crazy about Simon and Deeko then maybe you should do something in private and not always invite all the rest of us every time....
To the actual topic: I don't know how it even can be up for depate that it's a major issue that the server owner, the guy with all the power, is absent and more or less "do not care much". No one said any negative or don't approve his previous actions etc. etc. But how you can't agree that it's a big problem that Raketeten and Paul have to get down on their knees everytime they need or ask for anything; "eh sorry to disturb, but we are actually facing some server crashing lately" "people would like a little bit of change...." OR how it's a kindda feels like a problem that the server is modded to oblivion with 0 transparency what so ever..... Yeah again, I don't know if I should laugh or cry... Prolly gonna be a mixture.
Haha yeah I love their noob rules regarding planes; lets keep any motivation to improve and become good and better in a vehicle, and instead embrace the lovely "afk prone snipe towards mainbase".
This is the final age, the age of of bronze players, Simon, and you better fill in the proper role!
LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:If I had to share my personal reason to why I eventually lose motivation to join the server, it's because: It's just the same over and over. I feel like playing inside a "hamster wheel". There is nothing new and the biggest spice the server can come up with is changing round time and removing heavy tanks from El Alamein. You could say I would like just a bit of "new content" to "stay modern" :-)
Dunno how much the headadmins can do or if there is some consensus between admins it can be changed, but the server needs something "new" or different. Maybe we can try El Alamein CQ? Add some maps from the mappacks (Nuenen, Kasserine)? Or make some type of event on the main server?
I am a part of the admin section and to keep it short: The admins and 2 head admins can't do anything. They can only change tiny minor stuff. So not to stire something up, but what Serebro and Ferd is saying is just hot air. If you look at my profile I have created topics as old as from the last 2 times I re-joined this game = topics from 2018 and 2021. I know we don't all enjoy the same modifications etc., but at least it's different and can be changed again -> new (content). Nothing happens in game I wanna say for a decade... You allmost have to have an obsession or relationship to the b17 to keep joining night after night :-)
@Kevin: I'm glad to hear that. Maybe I misunderstood your post(s) when I heard it as if the lower population was due to admins kicking all and everyone for nothing / chat related, when you write "i told you assholes not to be banning people for bullshit otherwise the server is gonna empty. and dont blame it on the game dying " and "mismanagement". Therefor I was curious... I'm not playing super much lately, but I still don't recall it to be a major thing or issue and thats what I tried to focus on. Server crashes with map restart and weird ingame experience etc. would be something to catch my "worried attention".
If I had to share my personal reason to why I eventually lose motivation to join the server, it's because: It's just the same over and over. I feel like playing inside a "hamster wheel". There is nothing new and the biggest spice the server can come up with is changing round time and removing heavy tanks from El Alamein. You could say I would like just a bit of "new content" to "stay modern" :-)
LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:The comment was a copy paste from one of Mambas great statements, not yours sorry. I know your not a troll, your a good zook pilot with high ping.
But now you are here often saying that Simple decrease in numbers is only due to admins being "being strict". Could you please enlighten me with some names who have been "unfairly treated and (temporarily) banned"? I guess you have a lot since it's the sole reason.
I can't come up with specific names because I've only taken note of this as I play the game. If you would want some names then maybe the appeals sections could be a start. Keep in mind that's only people with a forum account, who knows how many didn't bother to create one and just left the game.
I'm just asking because I really don't think such statements as yours have any credibility in them. 90% of those who gets kicked and short time banned at Simple are because they violate the rules through basecamping, trolling and teamkilling. Then some get caught hacking. Only very few gets a permaban like 000, Blitzkrieg, Asbestos... Just take a look at Merlin - Simples line before permabanning is insanely long. That's why I'm asking for names of those who did get an unfair treatment.
The comment was a copy paste from one of Mambas great statements, not yours sorry. I know your not a troll, your a good zook pilot with high ping.
But now you are here often saying that Simple decrease in numbers is only due to admins being "being strict". Could you please enlighten me with some names who have been "unfairly treated and (temporarily) banned"? I guess you have a lot since it's the sole reason.
Hahaha that screenshot is just spot on, Ferd!
I fucking love to read posts like Kevins or Mambas telling "At least MG doesn’t have 50 power hungry admins waiting to ban someone for the smallest offence like an accidental TK." - and then you show them this xD. Priceless for those who always only want to hear and see what they want.
I'm still waiting for player names of those you think have been unfairly treated and (temporarily) banned.
Kevin: If you think the "Argentinian crew" is doing their own maphack through vc, then come up with some evidence. There is no admin who would allow or approve such behaviour.
Everything around BF42 is close to extinction. Not just Simple main. The nr. 1 server/thing with the "highest" population will always attract the most, that's kindda how it is everywhere in life - in this case it seems to be Moongamers being nr. 1 right now. In the past Simple has had a high population late at night (EU time) which attracted a lot of players outside EU, now when these players check their serverbrowser Moongamers have the highest population and therefor I'm sure they just join that one.
The Corona wave which I guess gave BF42 an uprising (at least for my case) is gone, the weather is changing to the better, you can barely find any clanwars anymore, lots of idiots and trolls, weird hitboxes, etc. etc. And the biggest reason: The game is getting older and so are the players. So personally I think it's very wrong to blame dis and dat and a particular thing. Eventually this would happen, it's just I guess surprising that it seems like Moon will win the last battle - or maybe not since they have active active and responsive head admin(s).
Yes your right you have dedicated A LOT of time to this game, a lot more than me luckily, two faced american lunatic.
Now get out of my thread and go to bf-league with all your wonderfull ideas, which you are so sure will be accepted and raise the activity level. Honestly I really hope your right, but this is NOT the place for all your fairytale ideas. Thanks.
Mamba, mamba, amba. Now you lost it again silly you. When a guy like you like you use the word "delusional" you just have to get a scary smile on :-)
Bf-league is full of well known caught cheaters, server crashers and lots of buggers, so what better place to be.
The drop in activity level got nothing to do about the maps being played, but a character like you won't ever understand that. And I can assure you if the league forced rtr/sw to be played it would just be PHX looking at Flettnerman and his chopper in that season.
Now get the fuck out of my thread jelly american who achieved nothing else than a relationship with Battlecraft. Please.