#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned by Karma » 2015-07-10 08:52:57

So much drama about a server where only bots and noobs play to begin with.

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned, and when i asked the reason: banned again. » 2015-07-10 08:47:23

PitViper wrote:

<>-.-<>  :-) :-)))) -.-  (((-:-)))  >.< <> <!> <<||>>  !! ii 00  <all of these type examples are not acceptable>

Please show where the server rules say those names are "not acceptable". Wait, nevermind. You are not actually familiar with the rules, here they are: http://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3 http://team-simple.org/rules/

(BB)DinkW wrote:

Are you actually reading the reply posts?

What a pompous statement. Has he actually received a valid reason of why he was banned?

serebro2064 wrote:

Why not visit the forum in the normal way of resolving this situation?

Or why not be banned in the first place for a rule that an admin has obviously made up on the spot?

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