#121 2012-12-03 19:17:57

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Re: Gaza strip

HoOK wrote:

Which peace?! Yesterday jews army were in my city jenin in westbank and i heard some explosions and shots

Is there more information you can share ? Is there any Palestinian media you could suggest ?


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#122 2023-10-20 18:10:45

Kebab killer
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Re: Gaza strip

wake up ppl! we got war here!


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#123 2023-10-20 20:48:55

Russian MadMax
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Re: Gaza strip

HoOK wrote:

wake up ppl! we got war here!

I’m with you!!! Pray for yous


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#124 2023-10-20 21:17:37

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Re: Gaza strip

Please be careful in your posts guys, or it will end up like WW3 topic.  Thanks !

Last edited by Dakota (2023-10-20 22:10:18)


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#125 2023-10-21 21:03:01

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#126 2023-10-30 20:43:16

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Re: Gaza strip

Great personality, Gabor Mate.



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#127 2023-11-01 13:12:46

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Re: Gaza strip

toxic discussion, not something for a gameforum, bud then again who am i to judge here.........


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#128 2023-11-04 05:37:59

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Re: Gaza strip

Oldveteran wrote:

toxic discussion, not something for a gameforum, bud then again who am i to judge here.........

This topic is 10 years old.

And why not? There is an off topic sections and I think it's an important topic to talk about.

The thing is most people don't care because it is too far away. They pretend to care about Ukrainians, because it's much closer and there are no muslims I assume.
They majority only cares about unjust if they are affected.

More than 3000 kids died already in Palestina during 3 weeks.
And there is no end in sight.

Btw. Israel helped create Hamas.


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#129 2023-11-04 12:35:31

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#130 2023-11-04 13:39:07

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Re: Gaza strip

Thanks for sharing.
I check other videos of him too. Without being emotional, he is full of shit and professional at manipulating.
He says e.g. that western media is pro Palistanian. I can tell you German media is 100% pro Israel.
They are not talking at all about casualties on side of the Palestanians.
In western media they all talked about how babies were killed by Hamas. It was fake news and I bet you all heard it too.
They got the info from Isreal army and published it without checking.
That's how it goes.

Do your own research, and listen to experts like N. Finkelstein.

Even UN and AI reproched Israel of genocide. I don't hear that in German media.

Just to make clear:
I am not on any side. I am only pro truth and against unjust.
I am against violence of any kind. Violence leads to more violence.



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#131 2023-11-04 14:23:09

Russian MadMax
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Re: Gaza strip

dary wrote:

Thanks for sharing.
I check other videos of him too. Without being emotional, he is full of shit and professional at manipulating.
He says e.g. that western media is pro Palistanian. I can tell you German media is 100% pro Israel.
They are not talking at all about casualties on side of the Palestanians.
In western media they all talked about how babies were killed by Hamas. It was fake news and I bet you all heard it too.
They got the info from Isreal army and published it without checking.
That's how it goes.

Do your own research, and listen to experts like N. Finkelstein.

Even UN and AI reproched Israel of genocide. I don't hear that in German media.

Just to make clear:
I am not on any side. I am only pro truth and against unjust.
I am against violence of any kind. Violence leads to more violence.


I just wanted to ask you which side you are on, but I already saw the answer in your message) and in your opinion, who is truth and justice for?


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#132 2023-11-04 15:34:30

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Re: Gaza strip

Dary, I posted one video so that you can check the other side also. Though you are saying you are neutral, that is a lie and I see what side you are on.
Country is at war, people are dying and it's normal. Grow up. You can't be in a war without civilians getting hurt, that's how it goes.
A lot of modern people think they are so humane and smart with their faggot tolerant mentality and I think are the reason why Europe is filled with all sorts of criminal scum, that beheads people on the streets and screems Allahu Akbar in your own fucking country. 

I am not going to continue this pointless debate with you, since I'd rather play or do smh useful.
Have a nice day, eat your vegetables and be a good boy.


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#133 2023-11-04 17:45:49

disciple of Jeff
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Re: Gaza strip

dary wrote:

Thanks for sharing.
I can tell you German media is 100% pro Israel.
They are not talking at all about casualties on side of the Palestanians.



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#134 2023-11-04 19:06:38

Russian MadMax
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Re: Gaza strip

Serebro wrote:

Dary, I posted one video so that you can check the other side also. Though you are saying you are neutral, that is a lie and I see what side you are on.
Country is at war, people are dying and it's normal. Grow up. You can't be in a war without civilians getting hurt, that's how it goes.
A lot of modern people think they are so humane and smart with their faggot tolerant mentality and I think are the reason why Europe is filled with all sorts of criminal scum, that beheads people on the streets and screems Allahu Akbar in your own fucking country. 

I am not going to continue this pointless debate with you, since I'd rather play or do smh useful.
Have a nice day, eat your vegetables and be a good boy.

How interesting) reviews about the war in Ukraine, and the genocide of Muslims in Palestine, are very different, very different))) Ukraine : what bastards the Russian military are - they strike hospitals and etc , children and grandmoms are dying. Palestine :country is at war and this is normal , can’t be war without civilians deaths


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#135 2023-11-04 21:57:24

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Re: Gaza strip

I support the commentator who wrote above. Interesting reaction.

1. According to the UN, ( https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/08/u … ugust-2023 ) the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine over almost two years of war is about 9,500 people. And this includes those killed by the Ukrainian army during shelling of Donetsk. The reaction of the world community:  is terrible, Russians are fascists, we will impose sanctions against every Russian, we will destroy the Russian economy.

2. In one (!) month of the war, the losses of Palestinian civilians from Israeli shelling amounted to the same 9,500 people, of which 3,900 were children. Reaction of the world community :

Serebro wrote:

Country is at war, people are dying and it's normal. Grow up. You can't be in a war without civilians getting hurt, that's how it goes. I am not going to continue this pointless debate with you, since I'd rather play or do smh useful.

A perfect example of hypocrisy and double standards. By the way, If Serebro still wants to do something useful, I would advise him to find a conscience somewhere.


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#136 2023-11-04 23:15:03

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Re: Gaza strip

Serebro wrote:

Dary, I posted one video so that you can check the other side also. Though you are saying you are neutral, that is a lie and I see what side you are on.
Country is at war, people are dying and it's normal. Grow up. You can't be in a war without civilians getting hurt, that's how it goes.
A lot of modern people think they are so humane and smart with their faggot tolerant mentality and I think are the reason why Europe is filled with all sorts of criminal scum, that beheads people on the streets and screems Allahu Akbar in your own fucking country. 

I am not going to continue this pointless debate with you, since I'd rather play or do smh useful.
Have a nice day, eat your vegetables and be a good boy.

Tells me to grow up, behaves like a triggered social justice warror. lol

Boi, you know shit about me.

Btw. I found someone who ripps your propaganda video apart.



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#137 2023-11-04 23:29:23

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Re: Gaza strip

+Dima+ wrote:

I support the commentator who wrote above. Interesting reaction.

1. According to the UN, ( https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/08/u … ugust-2023 ) the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine over almost two years of war is about 9,500 people. And this includes those killed by the Ukrainian army during shelling of Donetsk. The reaction of the world community:  is terrible, Russians are fascists, we will impose sanctions against every Russian, we will destroy the Russian economy.

2. In one (!) month of the war, the losses of Palestinian civilians from Israeli shelling amounted to the same 9,500 people, of which 3,900 were children. Reaction of the world community :

Serebro wrote:

Country is at war, people are dying and it's normal. Grow up. You can't be in a war without civilians getting hurt, that's how it goes. I am not going to continue this pointless debate with you, since I'd rather play or do smh useful.

A perfect example of hypocrisy and double standards. By the way, If Serebro still wants to do something useful, I would advise him to find a conscience somewhere.

It's western double standard. But you know, the Israelis are so humane they warn with kind of smoke rockets before shooting rockets into buildings.


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#138 2023-11-05 13:08:18

Russian MadMax
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Re: Gaza strip

dary wrote:
+Dima+ wrote:

I support the commentator who wrote above. Interesting reaction.

1. According to the UN, ( https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/08/u … ugust-2023 ) the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine over almost two years of war is about 9,500 people. And this includes those killed by the Ukrainian army during shelling of Donetsk. The reaction of the world community:  is terrible, Russians are fascists, we will impose sanctions against every Russian, we will destroy the Russian economy.

2. In one (!) month of the war, the losses of Palestinian civilians from Israeli shelling amounted to the same 9,500 people, of which 3,900 were children. Reaction of the world community :

Serebro wrote:

Country is at war, people are dying and it's normal. Grow up. You can't be in a war without civilians getting hurt, that's how it goes. I am not going to continue this pointless debate with you, since I'd rather play or do smh useful.

A perfect example of hypocrisy and double standards. By the way, If Serebro still wants to do something useful, I would advise him to find a conscience somewhere.

It's western double standard. But you know, the Israelis are so humane they warn with kind of smoke rockets before shooting rockets into buildings.

phosphorous* smoke rockets, which btw are prohibited, that's such a world, as you put it, "to seek justice in a world where only a word remains of it"


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#139 2023-11-10 10:47:14

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Re: Gaza strip

If one picks a side and vehemently supports everything that side does and only opposes the other, they're always going to be in position divide and rule. Until people start seeing this world for what it is beyond countries and borders, there are going to be pointless wars. Pointless for the average person, profitable for the rulers. You're just getting played
This is why Europe and USA have been flooded with immigrants and the racist card was played every time on people who called it out.

Last edited by simon (2023-11-10 10:56:10)


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#140 2023-11-10 16:17:12

Russian MadMax
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Re: Gaza strip

simon wrote:

If one picks a side and vehemently supports everything that side does and only opposes the other, they're always going to be in position divide and rule. Until people start seeing this world for what it is beyond countries and borders, there are going to be pointless wars. Pointless for the average person, profitable for the rulers. You're just getting played
This is why Europe and USA have been flooded with immigrants and the racist card was played every time on people who called it out.

I have a feeling that you and your brother get smoked high on bad weed and then come write posts here


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#141 2023-11-11 02:36:22

Black Mamba
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Re: Gaza strip

Russian MadMax wrote:
simon wrote:

If one picks a side and vehemently supports everything that side does and only opposes the other, they're always going to be in position divide and rule. Until people start seeing this world for what it is beyond countries and borders, there are going to be pointless wars. Pointless for the average person, profitable for the rulers. You're just getting played
This is why Europe and USA have been flooded with immigrants and the racist card was played every time on people who called it out.

I have a feeling that you and your brother get smoked high on bad weed and then come write posts here

There’s a bit of truth in what he said in his last post though


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#142 2023-11-11 20:11:01

Kebab killer
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Re: Gaza strip

its over 11k casualties  in gaza
2 days ago 14 were killed in my city
5 days ago 4 were killed( 1 of them  is my relative
9 days ago 5 were killed (1 of them is a relative )
and the list goes......
and i live in westbank, but there are consistent attacks by ground forces


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#143 2023-11-11 20:12:47

Kebab killer
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Re: Gaza strip

incoming attack on my city rightnow.. shooting already started..
jews attack the city camp, which is 2km far away,,, fucccccccck siren is going up  they getting close now


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#144 2023-11-11 20:13:23

Kebab killer
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Re: Gaza strip

wish us luck booooooys
i hope we dont lose many ppl tonightt


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#145 2023-11-11 20:19:03

Kebab killer
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#146 2023-11-15 01:54:43

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Re: Gaza strip

Russian MadMax wrote:
simon wrote:

If one picks a side and vehemently supports everything that side does and only opposes the other, they're always going to be in position divide and rule. Until people start seeing this world for what it is beyond countries and borders, there are going to be pointless wars. Pointless for the average person, profitable for the rulers. You're just getting played
This is why Europe and USA have been flooded with immigrants and the racist card was played every time on people who called it out.

I have a feeling that you and your brother get smoked high on bad weed and then come write posts here

He is talking facts.

Have people ever been that separated as nowadays?

First we had the plandemic, vacced vs. unvacced, then Russia vs. Ukraine and now Israel or Zionists vs. Palestine.
The people who rule know how the mind works and how to control us. It's been like that for thousands of years.

Separated people will not unite to see who the real enemy is. The biggest enemy is the own mind tho, cause it is conditioned and programmed. It's even in the genetics, so it's takes courage and a lot of energy to break the ice.

For some people Jim Carrey is crazy, but he is simple awake. The concept of you and me is just a thought. There is only pure awareness.


About the "flodding". People are comming to Europe because we, the West, have been exploiting many African countries and therefore they are poor.

Libya was kind of like a wall against the refugees before they killed Gadafi. He even warned in an interview that Europe will be flodded if they kill him and he was right. For some reason I can't find the interview.

The media lied a lot about Gadafi, no surprise, see below what he did to his people. Nobody is talking about that.



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#147 2023-11-15 02:11:27

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Re: Gaza strip

Dary is easily the most brainwashed member on simple


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#148 2023-11-15 02:12:40

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Re: Gaza strip

HoOK wrote:

wish us luck booooooys
i hope we dont lose many ppl tonightt

Hows living under islamism still workin out for ya there Cuntain Hook?


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#149 2023-11-15 11:36:31

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Re: Gaza strip

Zatoichi wrote:

Dary is easily the most brainwashed member on simple

I see it as a compliment hearing it from someone who always shares the narrative of mainstream media.


Last edited by dary (2023-11-15 11:40:06)


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#150 2023-11-15 11:39:25

Russian MadMax
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Re: Gaza strip

Be water


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