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Момент классный был, а то в основном ровная игра: вижу врага - убиваю/умираю. А вот за Wake - обидно, если бы начали финальную атаку на 30 сек. раньше - выиграли бы на 0 по тикетам.
Там надо было добить последнего и пара секунд на сброс тикетов до преимущества.
Вы что там в игру играете?
Мог бы и ты к Тамплиерам обратно присоединиться.
Момент классный был, а то в основном ровная игра: вижу врага - убиваю/умираю. А вот за Wake - обидно, если бы начали финальную атаку на 30 сек. раньше - выиграли бы на 0 по тикетам.
Хуясе кто пришел)))
Как на счету моей учётной записи получилось десяток ТК на карте ЭльАламейн? Производился стандартный набор процедур: минирование подступов к флагу, круговое минирование танка из которого в последствии вёлся отстрел FUNa и его «жалких» последователей делающих попытки похитить флаг великого вермахта. Как обычно, половина «дружественных убийств» произошла на минах около флага, 35% на минах около танка, оставшиеся из-за коварного врага, обломки машины которого сталкивали мою технику на мои же мины. Единственная смерть «друга» от моего выстрела случилась после того как по бункеру в котором скрылся враг, был произведён залп из танка и уже после выстрела «друг» зареспился на траектории полёта снаряда. После чего в чат было отправлено “sry”.
Не будь этих нелепых смертей, противник смог бы минимум на 50% увеличить свою результативность.
Десяток тимкилов или десять минусов очков?
За 1 тимкилл минус 3 очка дают... 2-3 раза свой на минах подорвется, или сам подорвешься - вот тебе и минус 9 очков...
А вообще, на такой карте как Алаймен КТФ уйти в большой минус дело обычное... Там такой хаос творится. Все летает, взрывается, в чате сплошные матюки..
Там было именно около 10 тимкиллов. А Фана и его жалких последователей лучше встречать не минами, а экспаками: заложил, притаился и ждёшь...
Там было именно около 10 тимкиллов. А Фана и его жалких последователей лучше встречать не минами, а экспаками: заложил, притаился и ждёшь...
На этой карте экспаки тухнут слишком быстро.
Десяток тимкилов или десять минусов очков?
За 1 тимкилл минус 3 очка дают... 2-3 раза свой на минах подорвется, или сам подорвешься - вот тебе и минус 9 очков...
А вообще, на такой карте как Алаймен КТФ уйти в большой минус дело обычное... Там такой хаос творится. Все летает, взрывается, в чате сплошные матюки..
Да, именно десяток попавших под френд файер. Тип карты КТФ он похож на общую кухню общаги, когда половина игроков толкётся на базе и часть из них не понимает что происходит. На стандартных картах большинство разбредается и «безумство», равномерней распределённое по игровому полю становится не таким ярко выраженным.
Там было именно около 10 тимкиллов. А Фана и его жалких последователей лучше встречать не минами, а экспаками: заложил, притаился и ждёшь...
Ну, слово «жалкость» мной было употреблено в шутливом смысле ).
А с тринитротолуоловыми шашками проблем ещё больше. Непредсказуемо детонируют и замешкавшийся товарищ пострадает с большей вероятностью.
Это кропотливая работа, надо обновлять экспаки постоянно. Ещё на крыше ещё пулемет есть. Можно практиковаться в стрельбе по самолётам и джипы тоже расстреливать на подходе.
Подобный план можно применять при командной работе, когда нет проблем распределить роли. Когда один и не то, что бы хочешь «тащить» бой, а просто пытаешься приносить наибольший ущерб противнику, то приходится искать варианты. Как тот «Мерлин» который не может себя видеть на мапе «операция огород» (маркет гарден) никем кроме как водителем b-17, и это вносит изюминку в «убил-умер».
Когда Мерлин садится в B17, у меня сразу удваивается азарт.
Вчера до меня наконец-то дошла очередь на вакцинацию и я вакцинировался Спутником-5. Это произошло где-то в обед и потом, этим же вечером, как и было написано в приложении, начались некоторые гриппоподобные синдромы, а именно озноб и сонливость. Мне было холодно даже под одеялом и ничего не хотелось делать, кроме как спать. На следующие сутки симптомы пропали. Кто-то еще вакцинировался или может ждет очереди?
Serious question, how is the vaccination process going in Russia?
Serious question, how is the vaccination process going in Russia?
you can do it free and easy
Timmos wrote:Serious question, how is the vaccination process going in Russia?
you can do it free and easy
You have unlimited resources for sputnik?
Like in Holland we have struggles that we don't have enough vaccins.
I think it depends on a Federal Subject (region) of the country, one of 85 you live in. There are developed regions and not well-developed. Here I had to sign up for vaccination via Internet and wait for about 3 weeks. The vaccination process takes less than one minute but I spent about an hour in the polyclinic staying in the line and filling the forms. There were only two procedures made before the vaccination: body temperature check with a non-contact thermometer and the Oxygen-level check with a device on the finger.
The only available vaccine for now is Gam-COVID-Vac (Sputnik-V), it has 2 stages. The first injection was last Friday and another one will be in March. Sputnik-V has a few flu-like drug side-effects for 1-3 days. I had only 2 flu symptoms for 1 day: chill and sleepiness. It's all has disappeared next day.
The vaccination and treatment is free for the citizens. There will be 2 more available vaccines produced in Russia in a few forthcoming months, which have less side-effects and more applicable for old and retired persons. These vaccines are produced by Vektor and one more company, I don't remember its name. My mother is 61 and she refused to make injection of Sputnik-V due to these side-effects, waiting for vaccine by Vektor, and ironically became Covid-positive in a week. The healing of Covid took about a week and she's negative now, but it has contretemps: bronchitis and sinusitis, which are also curable and it will take one or two more weeks. The vaccination for those, who already was Covid-positive not long ago is not recommended and she needs to wait some time. She's fine. My father is 71 and he refused to vaccinate himself due to the same reasons and he's in hospital now. The hospital has a section for seriously-ill persons which is called a "Red Zone". He's taking medications, droppers, procedures of artificial lung ventilation, Oxygenous procedures and something else. The chance to outlive Covid is 50/50 for him right now, the condition is "serious bad and stable", but it was "critical" before with body temperature of 40 degrees and 90% of lungs damage.
This is how the things are going on here. Not good.
I'm sorry to hear that Name, i wish you and your family all the best.
I'm sorry to hear that Name, i wish you and your family all the best.
Thank you. The medics say they have all necessary things. I don't lose hearth, I tried it many many years ago and it doesn't work.
This is how this "Red Zone" looks like from its threshold. I wasn't allowed to go in, no idea what's inside there. All the things I said I know from the phone calls.
Serious question, how is the vaccination process going in Russia?
Ive heard they firstly vaccinate non-dutch people, and after that- all the rest
I think it depends on a Federal Subject (region) of the country, one of 85 you live in. There are developed regions and not well-developed. Here I had to sign up for vaccination via Internet and wait for about 3 weeks. The vaccination process takes less than one minute but I spent about an hour in the polyclinic staying in the line and filling the forms. There were only two procedures made before the vaccination: body temperature check with a non-contact thermometer and the Oxygen-level check with a device on the finger.
The only available vaccine for now is Gam-COVID-Vac (Sputnik-V), it has 2 stages. The first injection was last Friday and another one will be in March. Sputnik-V has a few flu-like drug side-effects for 1-3 days. I had only 2 flu symptoms for 1 day: chill and sleepiness. It's all has disappeared next day.
The vaccination and treatment is free for the citizens. There will be 2 more available vaccines produced in Russia in a few forthcoming months, which have less side-effects and more applicable for old and retired persons. These vaccines are produced by Vektor and one more company, I don't remember its name. My mother is 61 and she refused to make injection of Sputnik-V due to these side-effects, waiting for vaccine by Vektor, and ironically became Covid-positive in a week. The healing of Covid took about a week and she's negative now, but it has contretemps: bronchitis and sinusitis, which are also curable and it will take one or two more weeks. The vaccination for those, who already was Covid-positive not long ago is not recommended and she needs to wait some time. She's fine. My father is 71 and he refused to vaccinate himself due to the same reasons and he's in hospital now. The hospital has a section for seriously-ill persons which is called a "Red Zone". He's taking medications, droppers, procedures of artificial lung ventilation, Oxygenous procedures and something else. The chance to outlive Covid is 50/50 for him right now, the condition is "serious bad and stable", but it was "critical" before with body temperature of 40 degrees and 90% of lungs damage.
This is how the things are going on here. Not good.
Good that the vaccine program is up and running. We are waiting for a new batch / delivery.
And i hope your dad will get better soon. Goodluck to you and your family.
Какой ужас. Держись Нэйм! Родным скорого выздоровления.
How are your parents now Nameless?
Actually, not good. My mother is doing well but father is in coma with tracheostomy, permanent artificial lung ventilation, blood plasma procedures and 95% lungs damage. The medics said he had to die today but he didn't yet. It will happen tomorrow or in the nearest future. I asked them if I can do something with money or maybe find some medication somewhere else but the hospital has everything necessary. Looks like I have to prepare for the funeral. I wish good luck for your relatives in case they get coronavirus, especially if they are old and retired.
I had a small talk with the head of reanimation of the hospital. He's going to autopsy in the evenings to the morgue, he said that the lungs of the patients, who died due to coronaviral infection, looks more like a liver, the alveoli are destroyed, it looks like a piece of flesh and blood with no chance for the body to consume Oxygen, he's convinced that coronavirus has its artificial origin and the only purpose for this virus is to kill its bearer if he's old.
Actually, not good. My mother is doing well but father is in coma with tracheostomy, permanent artificial lung ventilation, blood plasma procedures and 95% lungs damage. The medics said he had to die today but he didn't yet. It will happen tomorrow or in the nearest future. I asked them if I can do something with money or maybe find some medication somewhere else but the hospital has everything necessary. Looks like I have to prepare for the funeral. I wish good luck for your relatives in case they get coronavirus, especially if they are old and retired.
I had a small talk with the head of reanimation of the hospital. He's going to autopsy in the evenings to the morgue, he said that the lungs of the patients, who died due to coronaviral infection, looks more like a liver, the alveoli are destroyed, it looks like a piece of flesh and blood with no chance for the body to consume Oxygen, he's convinced that coronavirus has its artificial origin and the only purpose for this virus is to kill its bearer if he's old.
jesus christ, i feel sorry for you. Goodluck to you and your family. It will be a hard time but try to keep your head up.
Actually, not good. My mother is doing well but father is in coma with tracheostomy, permanent artificial lung ventilation, blood plasma procedures and 95% lungs damage. The medics said he had to die today but he didn't yet. It will happen tomorrow or in the nearest future. I asked them if I can do something with money or maybe find some medication somewhere else but the hospital has everything necessary. Looks like I have to prepare for the funeral. I wish good luck for your relatives in case they get coronavirus, especially if they are old and retired.
I had a small talk with the head of reanimation of the hospital. He's going to autopsy in the evenings to the morgue, he said that the lungs of the patients, who died due to coronaviral infection, looks more like a liver, the alveoli are destroyed, it looks like a piece of flesh and blood with no chance for the body to consume Oxygen, he's convinced that coronavirus has its artificial origin and the only purpose for this virus is to kill its bearer if he's old.
So sorry to read about your father's health and what your entire family is going through. So horrible
Prayers to all of you!
Держись мужик
Джойнт, хотел узнать, как проходит вакцинация на Украине. Я слышал от приезжих в курилке, что на Украине запретили Спутник-5 и закупили индийскую копию вакцины AstraZeneca. Вопрос без дураков, просто действительно интересно, как там идут дела. Новости читать желания нет, потому как информация может быть подана не объективно.