#1 Re: Off-Topic » The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany » 2014-10-04 02:30:25

Hemnes wrote:
tuia wrote:

You are not interested in knowing your nation's history? This is not what they teach at school. Oh well... hmm

I know our history and I even know that these jews killed Jesus

Surprise, Jesus was a jew.

#2 Re: Off-Topic » Happy Oktoberfest my @rse » 2014-10-03 21:29:44

Fuck Oktoberfest.


The homepage's title : "Munich puking".

Headline on page : "Disgust creates(or generates) distance"


#4 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-07-30 04:30:53

So what. Just like the Jom Kippur War.

@ Hook and the rest of the non-"brainwashed" semi-educated simple minds :

Israel says they want to get rid of Hamas abilities to attack Israel. Hamas uses tunnels and rockets to attack. Hamas launches those rockets from populated areas and uses civilians as cover plus civilian buildings as depots for its weapons. What a surprise that Palestinian civilians get killed (even though the Israeli forces are warning the inhabitants, not always, but they do) and civil buildings get destroyed. Civilians get killed, Hamas celebrates them as martyrs but doesn't even think about stopping the "human shield" tactic. Terrible to see that Gaza is poor, but still uses ressources to produce or buy rockets and tunnels (which lead to random civilian casualties and a few dead soldiers but have no fucking effect but more harm for the Palestinians). Poor people of Gaza, held hostage by religious fascists.

But Hook, you celebrate a little raid which has way worse consequences for Palestinians than it has for Israel. Logic ain't your best friend.

Btw, if this would be a "genocide", it would the most unprofessional genocide in history. Does anybody think there would be "only" 1300 victims (after more than 5000 attacks) if the IDF would try to kill as many Palestinians as possible ?

And why do Israeli officials say "53 dead soldiers + 10 dead civilians" on their side, but the Hamas only says "1300 dead" ? Not a single Hamas fighter killed ?

#5 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-07-22 15:49:33

s[sk] wrote:
HoOK wrote:

you know the right answer but in the same you know want to hear it (TRUTH hurts ! )
jews wont stop their advancing, Israel will reach iraq and Syria ( this will happen later)
take this equation:fire(jews) + oil(palestine)= peace ?? impossible
this war will persist till one side got eliminated & erased.
now just wait that day to come.

well, if this a popular opinion among palestinians, you sounds pretty much doomed

<3 s[sk]

#6 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-06-16 03:12:45

«Die brennende Liebe [der deutschen Linken] zum palästinensischen Volk ist ein angenehmer Weg, antiisraelische, antijüdische und "antizionistische" Ressentiments als Solidarität mit Unterdrückten zu verkaufen, und soviel ist ja wahr, dass der gemeine Palästinenser unterdrückt wird; die Frage ist nur, von wem. (...)

Während Israel seine jüdischen Flüchtlinge aufnahm, blieben jene Palästinenser, die nicht das Glück hatten, auf israelischem Gebiet zu leben, in dem, was kritische Philosemiten wie J. Augstein bis heute "Lager" nennen, Dauerprovisorien, die sich dem Umstand verdanken, dass die arabischen Eliten nie das mindeste Interesse hatten, diese Wunde nicht publikumswirksam am Schwären zu halten. (...)

Wer ohne Doppelmoral vom "Schicksal" der Palästinenser schmarren will, muss (...) sich die Frage gefallen lassen, (...) warum ihm ein Staat mit bürgerlichen Freiheitsrechten ein Schurkenstaat ist, das praktizierte Mittelalter nebenan aber ein "Freiheitskampf"; und ob sein leidenschaftliches Engagement für Ausländer, um die er daheim einen Bogen macht, nicht ganz andere Gründe hat. Evt. sogar die üblichen.»

#8 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-06-14 08:25:08

Great Hook, dem damn "Jews" tried to poison the well but ya buddies stopped them !

HoOK wrote:

The truth road is harsh !

Lol big_smile I like your sense of humor.

s[sk] wrote:
HoOK wrote:

And what an idiot who attack a place full of soldiers? ? Think about it...

and what idiot would throw rocks at armed "enemy" soldiers?
sometimes logic doesn't apply

Please don't try to use logic in here. Definitely the wrong thread for that lol. This is a real life satire thread. You're ruining all the fun of having a scapegoat, almost no more mob-like genocide flair in here sad

#10 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for calling out a maphacker » 2014-06-07 12:23:19

Kinda funny Lecter, it's the other way around for me.

#11 Re: BF1942 Events » $200 paypal challenge to whoever can beat my girl dogfighting » 2014-06-06 17:26:42

Would love to see Merc and Zero still playing ... great fights with them (on the ground).

#12 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-05-28 12:55:05

You don't get my point.

tuia wrote:

What do you think about this? Did they actually kill the boys

I don't know if this is fake, I don't know if the 2 guys were innocent or not. If it is true, and it looks like it, it is a crime and there is no honor in killing the innocent.

tuia wrote:

or is anti-semite to even consider the israeli soldiers can be guilty of killing palestinian boys?

Nope. It isn't.

But the terminology and chlichees you were using are. The opinion you were displaying is. Dull, medieval-style antisemitism.

#13 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-05-26 23:53:59

I also heard those Nazi Jews are poisoning our wells and eating our babies. 

Wow Tuia. Sieg Heil. Read some more conspiracy theories.

#14 Re: Off-Topic » Again jews in Jenin city today! (1 pic +18) » 2014-03-29 05:28:43

I think and hope he is just trolling hard ... or I overestimated his mental capacities. And I mean it in the way I wrote it.

#15 Re: Off-Topic » Again jews in Jenin city today! (1 pic +18) » 2014-03-29 05:04:27

Tuia are you fucking kidding me ? You serious ?

#19 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Asking To Be Admin [Last] » 2012-12-20 21:18:51

Lecter wrote:

wow, that kid is smart then, now i understand why western civilizations are standing behind...

we are ?

#20 Re: Report Abuse » noobie with maphack VOLUME 2 » 2012-12-19 12:34:51

Ok to give a serious answer...

Without judging if you are lying or not ...

even IF your cousin or whoever would play under your IP and Hash... your IP and your Hash is your responsibility aka YOUR problem.

#21 Re: Report Abuse » noobie with maphack VOLUME 2 » 2012-12-19 12:15:47

Entrail Joe wrote:

no ..... according to him , he uses an injector or something, IDK what one of those is but i'm 100% sure i'm playing without it.


#24 Re: Other Languages » If I may » 2012-12-04 03:12:33

Yeah, this "Other languages" area is really flooded with threads, tough to keep the order.

Nach Frankreich fahr ich nur auf Ketten.

Mais oui, sorry, wrong thread. Merde.

#25 Re: Off-Topic » Gaza strip » 2012-12-03 19:17:57

HoOK wrote:

Which peace?! Yesterday jews army were in my city jenin in westbank and i heard some explosions and shots

Is there more information you can share ? Is there any Palestinian media you could suggest ?

#26 Re: Off-Topic » Gaza strip » 2012-12-03 03:25:26

Palestine deserves to be a country just like Israel deserves it. Cooperation is the key. Palestine's development will be dependent on cooperation with the Israeli companies, the other neighbor countries are just too weak financially. Palestine won't be able to develop wealth without Israel, both countries will benefit and more people from both sides working together = less antipathies = more chance for long term peace.

But if Hamas and Fatah won't be able to form a government together, and if Hamas stays in power in Gaza, it kinda will be a divided country not only with two separated regions but with two separated governments. And if Hamas decides to start again with its bullshit, it kinda will be a declaration of war from one part of the Palestinian nation. On the other hand, not removing the illegal settlements from the Westbank will play it's part in keeping the cycle of violence alive.

I really hope that Hamas will lose power in Gaza, or that they decide to keep the peace (and also try to stop other small fundamentalist fractions from attacking Israel with rockets or suicide bombers).

The Palestinians and Israelis deserve peace, hardliners on both side messed it up for way too long.

#28 Re: Off-Topic » Post some music! » 2012-11-24 06:12:01

Denny wrote:

nice anger big_smile
looks like old school lil wayne ass hole big_smile

oh lord, what a blasphemy -.-

It's the ODB !

#29 Re: Feedback » Please really do something on omaha » 2012-11-23 21:20:53

When Axis is operating how they are supposed to operate (one tank each ramp with an engineer in apc supporting them with ammo and repair), it is almost impossible for Allies. They really need a good guy in the ship + their tanks must attack constantly instead of playing artillery in the safe spot.

This combination is rarely given, and even though I really like tanking, slaughtering infantry on the beach really bores me.

#30 Re: Feedback » Please really do something on omaha » 2012-11-23 19:23:10

Assi wrote:

And once again new proposals to change stuff on Omaha.
This is like the 148th post about it? It's a never ending story.
Just remove the map from the map list already...

I like you Assi ! big_smile

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