#1 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-01-25 00:25:21


MadMax , Henk, Hencca and Tragic... so this Tragic dominated us with some insane sniping kills!! Fun to watch, enjoy smile)

#3 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-01-12 02:03:54


A little stream from 10 mins ago...

Madmax & haski vs tragic & Ninja  - FUNPLAY

Have fun!

#4 Re: BF1942 Events » Infantry tournament 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1 no prone mod by butcher » 2024-01-09 11:45:35

I will add something, that if you want this tournament to happen, i suggest for player base that any player should stream (and save stream) their matches.

#5 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-01-09 10:46:18

Karl Donutz wrote:
Deeko wrote:

I've had better, but it's most likely the hit registration patch.

Please elaborate on the "hit registration patch."

There is a server patch thing which improves hit registration like in “newer” games. The moongamer server adopted this , we still waiting for Simple to do so.
Flashe, i think he is using Fov 1.33333 rather than fov 1, i am not sure

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » ban by RaketenHorst » 2024-01-09 10:34:04


I respect old player like Robert. I think i was in the same match when he got banned. If the map was liberation of Caen i totally agree with Robert for telling the last location of player in this case, becouse it was a player staying under the bridge camping, and therefore the “camper” is ruining others gameplay & time! So if this was the case i would like to give my opinion and have Robert unbanned!!

Kind regards,
Ninja BmC

#7 Re: Technical Help » HITBOX FIX? » 2024-01-09 02:45:58

Testing the new PATCH on TL server, infantry map Stalingrad
If you want to have a look, watch my video on the stream on twitch : NinjaxRR

Kind regards,

Ninja BmC

#8 Re: Technical Help » HITBOX FIX? » 2023-12-31 00:36:12

So is this available for public or this is only implemented for servers? i dont get it?

#9 Re: BF1942 Events » Infantry tournament 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1 no prone mod by butcher » 2023-12-30 02:14:13

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

2012 rofl. Rumor has it that 95% of the peak playerbase of this game was already gone in 2005/06. Left for better games and to get rid of bad game mechanics and bugs lol.

Following your and Flasches logic would mean that bf-league and I guess anyone competing in a private server should stop that immediately.... because you 2 installed this game many years ago and played a bit of private games.... hmm I'm confused.

You are very wrong that people left 05/2006 ... i mean yes, but... there was many people playing still... like one of the best inf clan ( Eyes of wonder) they were even active until 2009 + ...if you know them you know what i speak about?

#10 Re: BF1942 Events » Infantry tournament 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1 no prone mod by butcher » 2023-12-29 15:42:15

There is no point to show off to someone when today is almost 2024 year. I have nothing against anyone, but... where was you guys in 2004-2012 when this game was ''Active'' and a lot of infers do not play this game, so as i said , to win this tournament means nothing to anyone expect for their ego. This game was the best till 2012 when i had honor to play with the best players in the world, i am so happy i had that chance back in the days.  <3
NO HATE, but let's be honest... no point of having inf tournaments

#11 Technical Help » HITBOX FIX? » 2023-12-24 00:59:57

Replies: 27


I am back after long time ago! I play for fun for now, learning to comeback as i was before smile
I have some questions about this game.

I think i have afwull hit regs on this game, is there any help about that?

Ping ingame : 35-55 latency
Win 11, great computer , connected wired from PC to Internet ( not fiber, ordinary VDSL internet )

Is there anything that is possible to fix a little bit hitreg?
I have a lot of dots when i try to hit people, monstly when i see this , i start burst fire so i can have cleaner shots. When people moves (left / right ) it's really bad, and hard to hit them. I have very good aim, still in shape, that is not an issue smile

I saw guy 000 some videos on Youtube, he has regs like he's playing in lan, even people move in side from him , his hits are constant. How is this even possible, its impossible for me to have regs like that. I understand his ping is 12-13ms but...

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

BmC Ninja

#12 Server Ban Appeals » Banned for nothing? » 2023-09-28 11:06:44

Replies: 0

Hello, i would like to know the reason why was i banned?
What and when did i do wrong to disrupt a game from other gamers?

#13 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban request. » 2016-05-04 09:44:17

Zatoichi wrote:

Bullshit, read those server logs, its clear cut that's exactly what he was doing, deliberated, under the name Albanian power, I never lie about what takes place in these events, ever, not once, anyone who doubts this and can't be bothered to check the damned record, while I'm being shot in the arse for 0 reasons (while playing game and not chat engaged, doesn't matter to him, he wanted to initiate it) 0 reasons other than this Eurotrash's lack of self control, any who think I need to lie about that without checking who's actually full of shit,lying

for all any of you know its a long ago first banned troll who's doing this crap again, then going up to you gullible bunch of pigeons and saying "Hey what gives? I don't understand, what am I doin wrong" a goddamned chimp, could articulate the idea of the wrongdoing in neglecting fair play, grasp the inconsideration of deliberate sabotage only for the sake of selfish entertainment, so if an ape can get their through its simian skull, then there's no reason to even consider for one second, that he is not blatantly lying though his teeth, he was fully aware of what he was doing, again, read the logs, I am playing, and then repeatedly I cannot leave carrier unharassed with gunfire, but for this goof ninja, now if in the off chance there is a mistaken ID, doubt it, then its a matter of a faker with my name, but, if all the other reports I file, players I name, always turn out to be repeat offenders, there to tk, have tk'd, come back, tk again, no matter who it is, anyone who shows that behaviour is mentioned by number and or name, period, including this one, all my other tk complaint filings are legit, they all happened, why would this be any different? you worry at being manipulated as admins even for one second, one kick, but ask yourselves, if honest report tkr's, who do you really think is trying to manipulate you here? me? or the guy who arbitrarily started plane shooting me as a teammate over and over based on nothing?

Only bla bla bla's ! smile) Enjoy

#14 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban request. » 2016-05-02 19:47:10

Thank you guys. Had no attention to ruin or dis. the game, i always come in peace, and try to play that way!
Hf all.

#15 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban request. » 2016-05-02 17:54:40

I don't know either. I was at plane , killing the enemy's, the last i remember i droped a bomb with my plane and killed the enemy in tank, after that it pooped '' banned from server ''... i dont know why , but i think it's kinda jealousy or smthing like that. SSK accused me for something i didn't do.

until now you were asking why were you banned for no reason, don't wonder you don't get answer for such nonsensical question

with you on the server, it's always something, baseraping, language, teamkilling, you name it
i don't have time or patience to babysit you when you join this server

when you dropped that bomb on that lonely friendly tank going for the flag on el alamein, probably thinking "why not, it's fun", i realized it's been enough

Baseraping?? OK then,language??? I was focused on playing, didn't chat, teamkilling??? wtf, i had 55-8, why the f should i tk?

#16 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban request. » 2016-05-02 16:54:58

Ok thx Vojislav for informations smile

#17 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban request. » 2016-05-02 16:41:56

And you trust him , on je obican troll Vojislave??
You could kick me instead or something, but ban ,that must be personal. Merlin is a troll , lieing peace of SH**.
Go to console and look who tk-ed first.

#18 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban request. » 2016-05-02 16:29:07

Thanks for fast answer , but that is not true, he's the one who keeps constantly shoot. He is Disrupting my gameplay... wtf

#19 Server Ban Appeals » Unban request. » 2016-05-02 16:23:25

Replies: 14

Hello. I got banned, just come to computer ( was afk ) and i see ''banned from server''
Why ? Becouse of Major Merlin reported me for his shit?

#20 Re: Report Abuse » Ban forever ID Jura. » 2016-03-24 21:33:47

Im not the problem (which was kick for language), please regulate those shit players who ruin gameplay at your server.

#21 Re: Report Abuse » Ban forever ID Jura. » 2016-03-24 19:32:10

And now im banned for language.. gg server and non existed admins.

#23 Report Abuse » Ban forever ID Jura. » 2016-03-24 19:16:54

Replies: 4

This motherfucker baserapes me everytime, uses maphacks and ruins the ingame. The same american with 120 ping again like last time. Why the fuck you cant ban his IP or something?

#24 Re: Report Abuse » Ban player named Sand » 2016-03-19 23:37:08

Somma thanks for support in server, but, please ban that player forever... Evading ban and ruining the game

#25 Report Abuse » Ban player named Sand » 2016-03-19 23:17:58

Replies: 25

Hello. There is right now player called ''sand'' nr. 5 atm. tking me all the time and destroying our own ship. Please ban him asap.

#27 Re: Report Abuse » Baned » 2016-01-16 18:24:34

nämeless wrote:

Ninja, the frags you can't get in fair dogfight you are getting at the enemy's main base just chasing the enemy planes when they take off. You were kicked for this by me. Maybe 3 or 4 times, so no surprises...

dont be so sure about that. ur mad smile

#28 Re: Report Abuse » Baned » 2016-01-11 21:02:54

Anna Nym wrote:
Ninja wrote:

... but my wish is not to kill over mainbase, sometime it just happen situation. )

My hint and your wish come true :

    Just stay away from enemie mainbase and you dont kill someone over mainbase !


Sry man or woman, whoever ur behind little screen, im not into rape mainbase, i know to defense myself in air smile that's why i got kicked this time wink

P.S. That you need to say firstly to your admin ''M1ke'' , admit u attacked me seconds before over my main smile)

#29 Re: Report Abuse » Baned » 2016-01-11 20:59:10

uraw wrote:

I was there aswell and didnt see the situation but u were a PAIN in the ass complaining all the time. This is exactly why I dont listen to ppl like you, because you have a hard time following the rules yourself. Same goes for your friend YM.

Hope you get 1 day to think about how your action on the server should be in the future.

Im sorry but i help admins like you to kick players who are not allowing the others not only me to play the game in peace. So be thankful. Nowadays admins dont know to respect oldsql players.

#30 Re: Report Abuse » Baned » 2016-01-11 20:26:41

I always do, sometime it happens, but my wish is not to kill over mainbase, sometime it just happen situation. Remember , you also attacked me 1min before ban, up in my main,then disappeared in clouds, no ban for u? wink

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