#1 2016-07-29 21:13:01

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Battlefield Vietnam server crashing help


I'm hoping someone here can help me out...if it's not the right place or whatever, then I apologise.

I run a server in Battlefield Vietnam, but recently a former disgruntled player has been crashing our server as we wont let him get his way.

When it happens, we get the following RM error:
Couldn't send message to console! Resource temporarily unavailable (11)

On the one server I was able to get more info, the CPU seems to max out to 100%.

From what I understand, our Linux binaries are patched with the patches that were provided for some of the other exploits, and we're running v1.21, the latest patch. I'm personally running low on ideas, and considering I believe some of the people here were key in patching both BF1942 and BFV servers, which I'd like to thank you for, I was hoping I could get the help I needed with this issue too.

If there's anything else you need from me, I'll do my best to get it for you. I'd just like for myself, and our other players, to be able to play the game.



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#2 2016-07-29 21:25:52

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Re: Battlefield Vietnam server crashing help

Does it allow only one player to join and then maxes out?

Do you have IP tables running on your server?


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#3 2016-07-29 21:30:18

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Re: Battlefield Vietnam server crashing help


Thanks for your response!

Player numbers make no difference, we can have 2 players or 20. When we ban the player in question, or don't let him get his way, the crashing starts and he's admitted to being responsible.

I can't tell you if we have iptables running on this server, it's rented from a hosting company unfortunately, but I know they do have a firewall as they've blocked IP's for us before.


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#4 2016-07-29 21:55:42

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Re: Battlefield Vietnam server crashing help

After he takes down the server does it still show as running if you try and join it but full so you in fact cant?
If you keep trying does it sometimes let one player join?

What kind of access do you have to the server via remote tools of any kind  do you have SSL connection?


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#5 2016-07-29 22:02:09

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Re: Battlefield Vietnam server crashing help

The RM will remain connected, but the game server itself will be crashed, so it needs to be stopped and started before anyone can rejoin. I say crashed, but when checking it on another server I have root access to, the process is still alive but running at 100% CPU. It's impossible to join before a restart and will show with a ping of 9999

Our main server is rented, and I have FTP access. Not helpful, I know, but the host has always been helpful before so I'm hoping that, if needed, they'd be willing to get further information to assist in getting this fixed.


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#6 2016-07-29 22:32:27

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Re: Battlefield Vietnam server crashing help

Check your PM's


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