#1 2016-07-23 19:23:44

Reputation: -1
Registered: 2016-07-23
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sebasc2605's Ban Appeal

Hey I am banned from the server but I dont know why?
The last time it wasn't actually me, but my dad who played the game and he is new to it.
Can it be that ''I'' am banned for negative score or?
And is there a way I can get an unban?
I was banned on 23-7-2016 I dont know the time.
I was banned from the SiMPLE US server.

I look forward to a reaction of staff.
Im also sorry about my English Im not a native speaker.

-  sebasc2605

Last edited by sebasc2605 (2016-07-23 19:25:56)


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#2 2016-07-23 22:42:31

United States
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Re: sebasc2605's Ban Appeal

Hi, yes you were banned for excessive team-killing for 1 day.  Will expire same time you were banned.  Please be more cautions of your teammates.


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#3 2016-07-24 12:00:19

Reputation: -1
Registered: 2016-07-23
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Re: sebasc2605's Ban Appeal

I will tell my dad who to kill and who not to kill then, haha


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#4 2016-07-24 12:12:46

Reputation: +1037
Location: Moldova
Registered: 2014-03-28
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Re: sebasc2605's Ban Appeal

Usually it's the evil minor brother who is getting people banned. Congrats, you're a special snowflake with your situation tongue


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