#1 2016-06-14 20:09:58

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abuse of the rights of the administrator

Hello, today I was a Kursk map without reason kicked, my question to me rudely lied, saying that I shot down the plane at the base, although I hit it very high above the base. He did not know that I too am an admin, I kicked him in return, for which he was later banned.
Please understand, this is the second time in 2 days from this admin. 

invictus Sonic


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#2 2016-06-14 20:22:40

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

i sure it was missunderstanding, not abusing


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#3 2016-06-14 20:30:46

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

It was 15 minute ban and it's expired already. You can read chatlog below. 

14.06.2016 20:56:18 : # [Global] inVictus|Sonic: !kbase .37
14.06.2016 20:56:18 : Server: Player ultrapiller kicked.
14.06.2016 20:57:15 : # [Global] ultrapiller: соник ты зачем меня кикнул? | Sonic why you kicked me? 
14.06.2016 20:57:26 : # [Global] inVictus|Sonic: атака на взлете | You attacked me during takeoff
14.06.2016 20:57:39 : # [Global] inVictus|Sonic: я набирал над базой | I've tried to get attitude above the base
14.06.2016 20:57:39 : # [Global] ultrapiller: я в этот момент был в космосе с яком | I was too high with Yak at the moment (he mean dogfight with Yak on high attitude)
14.06.2016 20:57:48 : # [Global] ultrapiller: ты был в кососе на иле? | You was high on IL-2?
14.06.2016 20:57:48 : # [Global] inVictus|Sonic: твои проблемы | Your problem
14.06.2016 20:57:53 : # [Global] inVictus|Sonic: я набирал | I've tried to get attitude but you took down me before I reached it. 
14.06.2016 20:57:56 : # [Global] ultrapiller: окей | OK
14.06.2016 20:58:03 : # [Axis] ultrapiller: !kdis .18
14.06.2016 20:58:09 : Server: Player inVictus|Sonic kicked.
14.06.2016 20:59:03 : # [Global] inVictus|Sonic: Тебе админка жмет? | Your admin rights are tough for you?
14.06.2016 20:59:18 : # [Global] ultrapiller: мне нет | Not really. 
14.06.2016 20:59:18 : # [Global] ultrapiller: а тебе видимо | But for you yes.
14.06.2016 20:59:26 : # [Global] inVictus|Sonic: !b15mins .46
14.06.2016 20:59:27 : Server: Player ultrapiller banned.
14.06.2016 20:59:27 : Server: Banlist has been updated.
14.06.2016 20:59:31 : # [Global] inVictus|Sonic: отдохни | Take a break

Last edited by Flettnerman (2016-06-14 20:32:30)


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#4 2016-06-14 20:38:52

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

The chat speaks for itself. I was shotdown above base during circling to get alt. Kicked the base shooter. Explained the reason of kick.


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#5 2016-06-14 20:39:56

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

я набирал | I've tried to get attitude but you took down me before I reached it.
russian language is very mighty and wealthy smile


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#6 2016-06-14 21:01:50

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

you can write whatever you want In the chat,  I can right now to kick you and in chat write that you attacked me on base.
I repeat once again, you were high above the base, but did not take off.  I am a pilot and never attack on takeoff
I believe, and kick and ban was abuse

Last edited by persia (2016-06-14 21:06:06)


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#7 2016-06-14 21:05:42

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

You may not shoot down planes wich are already taken off and trying to gain altitude? Then I'm lucky that I always let planes takeoff and do so, damn this remebers me of that time on Battle Axe where this guy +stuka+ or something kept shooting planes down when they just off the ground for like 3 secs...


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#8 2016-06-14 21:54:13

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

persia wrote:

you can write whatever you want In the chat,  I can right now to kick you and in chat write that you attacked me on base.
I repeat once again, you were high above the base, but did not take off.  I am a pilot and never attack on takeoff
I believe, and kick and ban was abuse

Off topic- i gave you +1 when scrolling. Don't want to make it a minus. So your welcome smile


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#9 2016-06-14 21:55:16

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

persia wrote:

you can write whatever you want In the chat,  I can right now to kick you and in chat write that you attacked me on base.
I repeat once again, you were high above the base, but did not take off.  I am a pilot and never attack on takeoff
I believe, and kick and ban was abuse


Not shooting at taking off planes is meant like this. You wouldn't be happy if nämeless would camp your high sky area over your base.

And the Rules counts a larger area, then the NonCapturable Sign in the map. Even the AF is not into that sign on map.

The only reason to fly into an enemys Base is to shoot down an enemy pilot, when he tries to flee from the dogfight into hangar for repairs or just into his BaseArea.

Also attacking active AA and active artillerie or tanks is allowed or when this "taking off" plane is attacking you, while you make a ... let's say high sky fly by.


Last edited by Arkos (2016-06-14 21:58:31)


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#10 2016-06-14 22:12:04

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

Yes, agree with Arkos.
Pilots should stay away from enemy main to prevent shooting alting pilots.

P.S. Groove4Life - It depends where you're going. If you turn directly to the battlefiled that means you are ready to attack and are dangerous.
If a pilot is leaving main base and is circling behind it to get some altitude - it's another case.

P.P.S. I all for updating the server rules because they aren't perfect. Would be nice if tuia agreed, I could try helping.


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#11 2016-06-14 22:18:27

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator


Memo to myself > patent "high sky fly by"

By the way... don't forget "TaxiBailer" to trademark too!


Last edited by Arkos (2016-06-14 22:19:05)


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#12 2016-06-15 00:16:21

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

This is shit. In this case, we need to ban 50% of the players, it's happening on a regular basis, on every map. is a standard game moment.
And if I remember , by the rules of the league, you can shoot down the plane as soon as the wheels left the ground. In this case, invictys the fog was at D2 I was below it. I was there after the completion df with the Yak-9.

Where warning before a kick?
for what i was banned?

Last edited by persia (2016-06-15 00:17:53)


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#13 2016-06-15 00:21:00

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator


I heard once, that admins are humans only...



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#14 2016-06-15 00:25:03

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

It happens very rare. Most people know this basic rule.


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#15 2016-06-15 06:24:34

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator


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#16 2016-06-15 08:09:11

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

I dont see  YM anymore
He died?


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#17 2016-06-15 08:21:12

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

so, for what i was banned?
tell me already
or you can ban all those who can not kill?


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#18 2016-06-15 10:02:33

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

After I explained the reason why I kicked you, instead of arguing about it in chat or forum you kicked me for literraly nothing.
For the same "nothing" reason you got a mini ban. So that you can focus on the problem a bit more.


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#19 2016-06-15 10:18:47

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

HoOK wrote:

I dont see  YM anymore
He died?

He's busy running some cocaine business in the Eastern Berlin.


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#20 2016-06-15 13:16:15

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

Sonic wrote:

After I explained the reason why I kicked you, instead of arguing about it in chat or forum you kicked me for literraly nothing.
For the same "nothing" reason you got a mini ban. So that you can focus on the problem a bit more.

arguing in chat? I tried, but you said, "your problem" = fuckoff

how hard to argue with a man with intelligence like a bird ...

I understand that the Invictus does not like the Tampliers, but their negative  keep to yourself

Last edited by persia (2016-06-15 13:17:27)


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#21 2016-06-15 13:26:00

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

back to topic: on certain alttitude you just cant know if enemy plane taking off or just gain alttitude, and you guys know that, lets hug, drink vodka and move on?


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#22 2016-06-15 14:25:54

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

i love to see the next war between Tampliers and iInvictus ,its kinda Civil warrrrrr

Last edited by ABAS (2016-06-15 14:27:09)


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#23 2016-06-15 14:45:50

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

If a pilot has reached a certain altitude he should be allowed to shoot down. Lets say on Kharkov it should be enough if you can't see the ground anymore. No need to go higher.


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#24 2016-06-15 17:38:24

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

dary wrote:

If a pilot has reached a certain altitude he should be allowed to shoot down. Lets say on Kharkov it should be enough if you can't see the ground anymore. No need to go higher.

Behaving like you mentioned leaves a lot of "holes" that can be manipulated in ones favour. One sees the ground, another doesn't, plus different cameras etc. etc. And the worst about it is - it's an invitation to planecamp.

I know you dary as a very skilled and experienced player, but with this idea I don't agree.


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#25 2016-06-15 19:06:03

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

nämeless wrote:
HoOK wrote:

I dont see  YM anymore
He died?

He's busy running some cocaine business in the Eastern Berlin.

Too bad hmm 
It was fun to read his posts here sad


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#26 2016-06-15 19:34:52

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

HoOK wrote:
nämeless wrote:
HoOK wrote:

I dont see  YM anymore
He died?

He's busy running some cocaine business in the Eastern Berlin.

Too bad hmm 
It was fun to read his posts here sad

Now we have Merlin instead.


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#27 2016-06-16 01:24:57

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

Just use a bit of common sense: if you want to take off and gain altitude do it over ur airfield..if u fly towards the bases and the heat of the battle then you'll get shot. Everyone makes mistakes, admins are human, but I agree Sonic should use a bit more !wbase instead of !kick. Now kiss and make peace


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#28 2016-06-16 12:25:18

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

Sonic wrote:

Behaving like you mentioned leaves a lot of "holes" that can be manipulated in ones favour. One sees the ground, another doesn't, plus different cameras etc. etc. And the worst about it is - it's an invitation to planecamp.

I know you dary as a very skilled and experienced player, but with this idea I don't agree.

Hey, it is fine for me if you don't agree. But i don't think it is an invitation to kill starting planes. The most people here are gentleman but i agree that some people could take advantage of this rule. It is still a difference if someone do it once or if someone is waiting all the time for starting planes. This should be punished of course.


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#29 2016-06-16 19:03:40

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Re: abuse of the rights of the administrator

lol cry babies.


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