#31 2016-04-29 23:15:18

Reputation: +1842
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Registered: 2012-07-07
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Re: Some things to consider for BF1942 USA

lonewolf-mcquade wrote:

bumpity bump....

lonewolf-mcquade wrote:

I always thought a subs only midway would be interesting. maybe not. I know this one isn't likely but I always bring it up.



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#32 2016-04-29 23:20:43

Reputation: +1842
Location: shangri la
Registered: 2012-07-07
Posts: 3,954
Windows 7 Firefox 45.0

Re: Some things to consider for BF1942 USA

(BB)DinkW wrote:
ATF_SurrenderMonkey wrote:

aa guns on ends of ships on coral sea so the loop bombers can't kill the game right away...or maybe 50cal..

This is an interesting one and I am wondering if it can be achieved server side as the carriers already have AA guns fitted, I cant at the moment see why it shouldn't be possible.
Think I might have a play with this smile

You can check out my solution with the 50cal here if you like dont bother with carrier aa-guns it will just crash the server, you can add "standard" aa-guns with the holdobject command instead, it looks a bit ugly when the boat sinks but it it works.


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