#1 2016-04-25 22:06:25

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I got wrongfully banned?

I performed a one bomb drop (from a BF-109) onto a parked mustang (not realizing the server rules and they are not displayed on the server from what I've seen?) which I then finished by shooting it down after it took off. I got kicked for "Baserape" which I thought was a little unfair as it was only one attack that I stopped instantly and apologized for; still kicked. I then rejoined, got put on the allied team (with the guy who just reported me: "Maj.Merlin" I believe) as a German pulled up in a jeep at our main base, I shot him as soon as he got out of the jeep to which Merlin ran in front of me mid-fire (I believe unintentionally) and instantly got me banned for team-killing. I feel this was overall, not worth a ban or kick, if I hadn't apologized or told them to F off I could understand but I was reasonable. My name was "Player 55" apparently so if I could be unbanned and this be accepted as a formal apology to all involved, I would be grateful, thank you.

P.S. I just started replaying this game online after over 10 years so I have no clue if that's a normal rule I am very sorry!
P.S.S Player 55, 25th April around 20:40, Simple BF1942 FRA <Details for unban>

Last edited by D-Licious (2016-04-25 22:14:30)


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#2 2016-04-25 22:39:06

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?


I heard once that admin are humans too...



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#3 2016-04-25 22:45:36

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Don't believe everything you hear smile


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#4 2016-04-25 22:53:37

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?


Woot? They lied to me?!?



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#5 2016-04-25 23:37:39

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Ok, It was me who banned him. Maj. Merlin was complaining about a baserape and then he reported you as a teamkiller. At first I kicked you, then I thought you were taking revenge on him by tking. So I applied a 1day  ban. But immidiately after we talked with this Merlin guy and i understood the details and got you unbanned.
Sorry for this situation, I will doublecheck what that whiner says in future. You should be unbanned by now, have fun playing.


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#6 2016-04-25 23:43:00

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Sonic wrote:

Ok, It was me who banned him. Maj. Merlin was complaining about a baserape and then he reported you as a teamkiller. At first I kicked you, then I thought you were taking revenge on him by tking. So I applied a 1day  ban. But immidiately after we talked with this Merlin guy and i understood the details and got you unbanned.
Sorry for this situation, I will doublecheck what that whiner says in future. You should be unbanned by now, have fun playing.

Thanks dude, I understand the baserape was pretty bad of me so that wont happen again but the TK XD As much as I like the server (and I will keep playing, thank you SO much for unbanning me) is that people seem to get kicked for team damage/kills a lot, maybe if not take the friendly fire out, reduce it or give both parties a chance to explain tongue Either way, I am SO glad I am unbanned as this is my favourite childhood game and I hope to see you on the battlefield soldier *salute*


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#7 2016-04-25 23:50:25

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

I so love another case, worked out to every persons best interest. Kudos also for you Sonic, digging deeper and asking Maj. Merlin for the story. This is the perfect example of a well oiled machine, working for the best interest of the server and community. Very cool ending.
I so like a good bedtime story..........


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#8 2016-04-26 00:23:59

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?


Aproved, ... admins are humans...

Nice ending ...



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#9 2016-04-26 00:44:25

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Arkos wrote:


... admins are humans...


I have my doubts about the one they call THE OPERATOR ...................there is something strangely non human about him/her/it



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#10 2016-04-26 00:49:46

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Pleiades53 wrote:

I so love another case, worked out to every persons best interest. Kudos also for you Sonic, digging deeper and asking Maj. Merlin for the story. This is the perfect example of a well oiled machine, working for the best interest of the server and community. Very cool ending.
I so like a good bedtime story..........

so does "operator"....found him..



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#11 2016-04-26 06:17:45

Oscar Goldman
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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

tiger told me this is NOT resolved. All SiMPLE admins must be hung on crosses, in polyester bundhosen!


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#12 2016-04-26 08:20:16

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Sonic wrote:

Ok, It was me who banned him. Maj. Merlin was complaining about a baserape and then he reported you as a teamkiller. At first I kicked you, then I thought you were taking revenge on him by tking. So I applied a 1day  ban. But immidiately after we talked with this Merlin guy and i understood the details and got you unbanned.
Sorry for this situation, I will doublecheck what that whiner says in future. You should be unbanned by now, have fun playing.

Sonic... Merlin is mostly right about these things, this may have been accident, but don't call him a whiner, because he is not.


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#13 2016-04-26 11:35:05

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

He is pain in the ass with his chat complains. You cant play without his bla bla every second. yesterday he didnt stop with his comments about how someone should play


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#14 2016-04-26 12:08:20

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Merlin is NOT a troll, he is just overreacting.
He complains about unfair fights, 2vs.1, cowards, ping, lags, mustang vs. b109 overpowered etc.


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#15 2016-04-26 13:56:17

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Grove4life5 wrote:

... don't call him a whiner, because he is not.

How long have you been playing with Merlin? Although good player with decent awareness about the game, he is a famous first class edgy complainer on the battlefield. And sometimes you just cross his way and he starts to demand bans and kicks for all around him.... smile

Last edited by ZvacA (2016-04-26 14:03:31)


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#16 2016-04-26 16:43:00

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Merlin's OK.  I feel bad for him because he is constantly having problems with high ping, and that must be frustrating.


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#17 2016-04-26 19:29:59

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Honestly Monky,,,,,,where the HECK do you FIND this stuff?????

ATF_SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Pleiades53 wrote:

I so love another case, worked out to every persons best interest. Kudos also for you Sonic, digging deeper and asking Maj. Merlin for the story. This is the perfect example of a well oiled machine, working for the best interest of the server and community. Very cool ending.
I so like a good bedtime story..........

so does "operator"....found him..



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#18 2016-04-26 19:32:39

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Have not seen you in a while Oscar and hope all is OK!
Now understand this, of ALL folks here, you should recognize the silk bunderhosen feels so much nicer on the thighs. The polyester catches all those hairs in between the weave.
Really Oscar, get with it already! Even tiger knows that.

Oscar Goldman wrote:

tiger told me this is NOT resolved. All SiMPLE admins must be hung on crosses, in polyester bundhosen!


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#19 2016-04-27 02:37:33

Oscar Goldman
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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

It IS supposed to be punishment!


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#20 2016-04-27 07:18:52

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Sonic wrote:

Merlin is NOT a troll, he is just overreacting.
He complains about unfair fights, 2vs.1, cowards, ping, lags, mustang vs. b109 overpowered etc.

lol but when he does have the chance he'll be on the 2 instead of the 1 -


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#21 2016-04-27 22:02:52

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

I expect the punishment IS to feel the smooth instead of the pullies. Masochistically speaking, better take the high road!

Oscar Goldman wrote:

It IS supposed to be punishment!


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#22 2016-04-28 01:13:57

Oscar Goldman
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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Pleiades is silly. There, I said it



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#23 2016-04-29 00:22:07

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Aw shit.
NOW you have done it.


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#24 2016-04-29 05:32:38

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Pleiades53 wrote:

Aw shit.
NOW you have done it.



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#25 2016-04-29 23:35:28

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Re: I got wrongfully banned?

Why am I ALWAYS the guilty one????


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