#1 2016-04-04 17:53:57

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Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Berlin. At start, some 5 mins ago at 17:45. 4-4-2016.

Arkos kicks me for zooking a full jeep, in short he calls it baseraping, which I was not.
Fact, i Got 2 kills instantly from the full jeep, someone stood next to it and flew
and died to. I think it was Arkos, and instantly he kicked me.

This is admin abuse.

The russian can fire out, but germans cannot fire in ?.
Even there his logic fails.


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#2 2016-04-04 18:08:04

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

So....the jeep was firing out?


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#3 2016-04-04 18:26:01

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.


It's good that you complained, (as you said), so this will be discussed now.

I warned all before the match started and i'm sick of those people who try to surround the rules.

He was running around axis 1st flag corner to the street and fired a zook on a empty jeep. 3 people , including me died bec. of the explosion of the jeep. Nobody was in it. We were 0.5 meter behind the jeep when it exploded.


If it would be up to me, firing to allies would be only allowed after the first crossroads. As example shooting from both sides to escaping enemys.  But, it's not up to me.

Anyway... Zooking blind on a empty jeep, even when you see enemys just spawned and try to reach it is in my eyes baserape.


Last edited by Arkos (2016-04-04 18:42:58)


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#4 2016-04-04 18:27:34

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.



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#5 2016-04-04 18:38:35

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.


Besides... the offensive kick helped. Not one was even trying to snipe into the base as usual...



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#6 2016-04-04 18:50:30

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.


This is an fps game. If you don't want to get killed in your base, then fucking hide in your base. Every base has enough houses/ruins to hide in. Or better yet, uninstall the game, so no one can shoot you. Nobody is going to wait until you start shooting with your shitty aim when you are visible to enemy.


As the first crossroads should be the base border, why don't we make the first flag near allied base in El Ala also allied base. Because you know, planes take off near there etc. Besides, there's not enough places where you can just run around and nobody is allowed to shoot you. I say extend all bases at least 2x. Even better - make the whole fucking maps axis and allied bases only with no base rape rule, that would be shit loads of fun.



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#7 2016-04-04 19:09:33

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Arkos wrote:


It's good that you complained, (as you said), so this will be discussed now.

I warned all before the match started and i'm sick of those people who try to surround the rules.

He was running around axis 1st flag corner to the street and fired a zook on a empty jeep. 3 people , including me died bec. of the explosion of the jeep. Nobody was in it. We were 0.5 meter behind the jeep when it exploded.


If it would be up to me, firing to allies would be only allowed after the first crossroads. As example shooting from both sides to escaping enemys.  But, it's not up to me.

Anyway... Zooking blind on a empty jeep, even when you see enemys just spawned and try to reach it is in my eyes baserape.


There was two people in the jeep when i fired at it, sitting next to each other. They might have gotten out when they saw the zook approaching. on MY screen they where clearly in the jeep. and i was not around the first corner, but some distance down, i guees the 3rd passway that leads directly to the top flag. I even did not spawn first, i had to wait a little. Shooting Empty jeeps also does not meet the baserape critiria. You got mad because you got killed because you stupidly ran next to the jeep that is a prime target. you dont spawn directly next to it either, you have to ran some distance down there to get there.

Either way jeep is not Base area, period. You can argue all you like about warnings and such but the 100s of other games i played on that map, that was never an issue until now, thus it is your own rules. It might have become a better game for the russians, but that is not the point. The point is. Was it base rape or not. No clear logical thinker would say it was. This can even be exploited by Trolls to get other people killed by "just" standing next to the Jeep and cry baserape.

Baserape is within the area where people spawns, not some distance outside that is far past the sandbags with MGs. This was just a rage kick from an Admin.


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#8 2016-04-04 19:11:59

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Russ wrote:

So....the jeep was firing out?

no, but it was occupied, and soldiers next to the jeep was shooting.


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#9 2016-04-04 19:16:26

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Arkos wrote:


Besides... the offensive kick helped. Not one was even trying to snipe into the base as usual...


But i bet some where sniping out. Offensive Kicks is not a fair way to treat players, because "dont rape base" just dont cover..

"Dont zook Jeep until it is manned and moving and no one is standing next to it".

Your interpretation of base rape does not hold up to scrutiny and can be exploited by Trolls.

IF you cant see your case isn't exactly water-proof then who am I to argue against a fool.


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#10 2016-04-04 19:45:19

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.


I wrote offensive because all know, i warn mostly 2 times, before acting. But this was so clear. After i wrote "!wbase" 25 secons before and you shot just after you came around the corner to the empty jeep.... what you expected... ?

You should know, that mostly in Berlin Snipers wait for spawning people to strike them down. I bet you know exactly the rules, but like i said,: "There are allways some who are trying something", as we see in your comments. 


Last edited by Arkos (2016-04-04 19:45:49)


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#11 2016-04-04 20:48:50

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

The jeep spawns *behind* where players spawn, it's clearly in the base, and I'm fairly certain it was not firing at you. There is a very simple way not to get shot by the people in the Allies base on Berlin.


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#12 2016-04-04 21:58:19

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Where do you think the base ends?  The jeeps that spawn at the base are on the base.  Also note that the dirt pile at the corner that leads into the base is an Allied spawn point, and spawn points are a lot of the reason there are rules against attacking a main base.  Even if someone is shooting out of a main base, you still have to take care not to kill or wound innocent bystanders on the base.


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#13 2016-04-04 22:06:03

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.


That sounds nice... "Innocents"

why didn't I come up with this myself... wink



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#14 2016-04-04 22:34:37

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Russ wrote:

The jeep spawns *behind* where players spawn, it's clearly in the base, and I'm fairly certain it was not firing at you. There is a very simple way not to get shot by the people in the Allies base on Berlin.

No wrong: the jeep spawns in front of where players spawn, not behind them. The soldiers next to the jeep is firering at me.


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#15 2016-04-04 22:35:44

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Catpain_Blackadder wrote:

Where do you think the base ends?  The jeeps that spawn at the base are on the base.  Also note that the dirt pile at the corner that leads into the base is an Allied spawn point, and spawn points are a lot of the reason there are rules against attacking a main base.  Even if someone is shooting out of a main base, you still have to take care not to kill or wound innocent bystanders on the base.

So lets have someone stand still and one firering out next to him. He is "Safe".


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#16 2016-04-04 22:41:20

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Arkos wrote:


I wrote offensive because all know, i warn mostly 2 times, before acting. But this was so clear. After i wrote "!wbase" 25 secons before and you shot just after you came around the corner to the empty jeep.... what you expected... ?

You should know, that mostly in Berlin Snipers wait for spawning people to strike them down. I bet you know exactly the rules, but like i said,: "There are allways some who are trying something", as we see in your comments. 


Clearly this was not as clear as you think. On that map, everytime until now, the Jeep was always fair game if someone was going for it, sitting on it, or just preventing the russians from getting out. Only this time you happened to be one of those who died, thus you rage-kicked and wont owe up to it. so pack your excuses about what you do and not am used to do away and be honest.

I allways respect base borders if they are clear, in this case it was not clear because in 99.9% matches where you are not the admin, no one gets kicked for that.

You are the lone admin on that point and thus, this is your "own" kindergarden rules, invented for the situation. pr say Admin Abuse.


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#17 2016-04-04 22:42:59

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

RIP wrote:
Russ wrote:

The jeep spawns *behind* where players spawn, it's clearly in the base, and I'm fairly certain it was not firing at you. There is a very simple way not to get shot by the people in the Allies base on Berlin.

No wrong: the jeep spawns in front of where players spawn, not behind them. The soldiers next to the jeep is firering at me.

You're a moron, it's already been explained that players spawn on the corner south of the jeep. The only reason someone would be in a position to be fired on by spawning allied players is to prevent them from even leaving their base, such as by blowing up their jeep before anyone even has a chance to drive anywhere. Players like you are why the rule is in place.


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#18 2016-04-04 23:21:28

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Russ wrote:
RIP wrote:
Russ wrote:

The jeep spawns *behind* where players spawn, it's clearly in the base, and I'm fairly certain it was not firing at you. There is a very simple way not to get shot by the people in the Allies base on Berlin.

No wrong: the jeep spawns in front of where players spawn, not behind them. The soldiers next to the jeep is firering at me.

You're a moron, it's already been explained that players spawn on the corner south of the jeep. The only reason someone would be in a position to be fired on by spawning allied players is to prevent them from even leaving their base, such as by blowing up their jeep before anyone even has a chance to drive anywhere. Players like you are why the rule is in place.


Well opening an argument with insults really makes people listen to you, i guees that tactic really have got you places in life. now that the insults are over: No players spawns in front the jeeps. Period, or do you want me to open the map packs for you and list all the vectors, really, do I really have do that. you are the moron here as i wrote. i was far enough down that i could see the jeep and two people in it starting to take off, i fired, i hit, they died and arkos took to the air because he ran right next to it. They fire, i fired, only Arkos got mad because i got 3 good kills to start with and he was one of them.

oh yeah, i used to be a modder on a certain mod for BF1942. i just respawned a 1000 times in standard Berlin to make sure. The Tanks make it out for the jeeps. ei Same positions, and there is no spawn points South of the Tanks/jeeps. Period. And especially not at the corner. of the building or whatever you claim.


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#19 2016-04-04 23:28:41

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

RIP wrote:

Well opening an argument with insults really makes people listen to you, i guees that tactic really have got you places in life. now that the insults are over: No players spawns in front the jeeps. Period, or do you want me to open the map packs for you and list all the vectors, really, do I really have do that. you are the moron here as i wrote. i was far enough down that i could see the jeep and two people in it starting to take off, i fired, i hit, they died and arkos took to the air because he ran right next to it. They fire, i fired, only Arkos got mad because i got 3 good kills to start with and he was one of them.

oh yeah, i used to be a modder on a certain mod for BF1942. i just respawned a 1000 times in standard Berlin to make sure. The Tanks make it out for the jeeps. ei Same positions, and there is no spawn points South of the Tanks/jeeps. Period. And especially not at the corner. of the building or whatever you claim.

Then the FRA Berlin map must be modded differently than the USA Berlin map. I'm personally unsure if I'm impressed that you spent the time to respawn 1000 times before posting this reply, or struck with how little of a life you must have that you managed this feat. In any case, the point still stands, you aren't even letting the vehicle get moving, much less exit the base. If you disagree with the SiMPLE server rules, you are not in any way obliged to play under them. I can name quite a few servers where base rape is a popular and approved past time.


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#20 2016-04-04 23:39:06

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Russ wrote:
RIP wrote:

Well opening an argument with insults really makes people listen to you, i guees that tactic really have got you places in life. now that the insults are over: No players spawns in front the jeeps. Period, or do you want me to open the map packs for you and list all the vectors, really, do I really have do that. you are the moron here as i wrote. i was far enough down that i could see the jeep and two people in it starting to take off, i fired, i hit, they died and arkos took to the air because he ran right next to it. They fire, i fired, only Arkos got mad because i got 3 good kills to start with and he was one of them.

oh yeah, i used to be a modder on a certain mod for BF1942. i just respawned a 1000 times in standard Berlin to make sure. The Tanks make it out for the jeeps. ei Same positions, and there is no spawn points South of the Tanks/jeeps. Period. And especially not at the corner. of the building or whatever you claim.

Then the FRA Berlin map must be modded differently than the USA Berlin map. I'm personally unsure if I'm impressed that you spent the time to respawn 1000 times before posting this reply, or struck with how little of a life you must have that you managed this feat. In any case, the point still stands, you aren't even letting the vehicle get moving, much less exit the base. If you disagree with the SiMPLE server rules, you are not in any way obliged to play under them. I can name quite a few servers where base rape is a popular and approved past time.

1000 was a figure of speach. I did let the vehicle move as they speed up as soon as they got in. I even had to run to the corner or 3rd passway from north flag and not even being one of the first spawners, aimed and fired with faust in which time the jeep was occupied and moving and arkos or someone else firering at me and another next to me. A zook travels quite fast on those short distances and they where moving forward. I already stated the jeep was occupied. What do you think, that they where just sitting there waiting to get shot.

And nice recognition of flags there buddy regarding USA. No the server side has the same spawnpoints.


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#21 2016-04-05 00:14:35

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

RIP wrote:
Russ wrote:
RIP wrote:

Well opening an argument with insults really makes people listen to you, i guees that tactic really have got you places in life. now that the insults are over: No players spawns in front the jeeps. Period, or do you want me to open the map packs for you and list all the vectors, really, do I really have do that. you are the moron here as i wrote. i was far enough down that i could see the jeep and two people in it starting to take off, i fired, i hit, they died and arkos took to the air because he ran right next to it. They fire, i fired, only Arkos got mad because i got 3 good kills to start with and he was one of them.

oh yeah, i used to be a modder on a certain mod for BF1942. i just respawned a 1000 times in standard Berlin to make sure. The Tanks make it out for the jeeps. ei Same positions, and there is no spawn points South of the Tanks/jeeps. Period. And especially not at the corner. of the building or whatever you claim.

Then the FRA Berlin map must be modded differently than the USA Berlin map. I'm personally unsure if I'm impressed that you spent the time to respawn 1000 times before posting this reply, or struck with how little of a life you must have that you managed this feat. In any case, the point still stands, you aren't even letting the vehicle get moving, much less exit the base. If you disagree with the SiMPLE server rules, you are not in any way obliged to play under them. I can name quite a few servers where base rape is a popular and approved past time.

1000 was a figure of speach. I did let the vehicle move as they speed up as soon as they got in. I even had to run to the corner or 3rd passway from north flag and not even being one of the first spawners, aimed and fired with faust in which time the jeep was occupied and moving and arkos or someone else firering at me and another next to me. A zook travels quite fast on those short distances and they where moving forward. I already stated the jeep was occupied. What do you think, that they where just sitting there waiting to get shot.

And nice recognition of flags there buddy regarding USA. No the server side has the same spawnpoints.

In which case the jeep spawns behind a number of spawns at the front of Allied main as has already been mentioned.


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#22 2016-04-05 03:21:16

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.


Believe me, Rip alias inGame"Mirage" i didn't kick you because it hit me. I would have done it too if not.

Sadly you left the game to complain here, what is your right. But the following fight was great fun and a very good fight. If people are so great players like one said here, then he can fight the enemys on every place at the map, not only by spawnraping.



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#23 2016-04-05 11:53:12

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Hmmm, must admit I thought the static empty jeeps were fair game on this map. I've zooked a few in my time and never been pulled up for it.
The trait of this particular map is to prevent the Russkies breaking out, it's a siege map unlike the other maps where that would be construed as base raping.


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#24 2016-04-05 16:42:16

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Arkos wrote:


Besides... the offensive kick helped. Not one was even trying to snipe into the base as usual...


see, this is how you admins play. get owned? instead of acquire skills, acquire the power. it's that SiMPLE


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#25 2016-04-05 16:53:02

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

simon wrote:


This is an fps game. If you don't want to get killed in your base, then fucking hide in your base. Every base has enough houses/ruins to hide in. Or better yet, uninstall the game, so no one can shoot you. Nobody is going to wait until you start shooting with your shitty aim when you are visible to enemy.


As the first crossroads should be the base border, why don't we make the first flag near allied base in El Ala also allied base. Because you know, planes take off near there etc. Besides, there's not enough places where you can just run around and nobody is allowed to shoot you. I say extend all bases at least 2x. Even better - make the whole fucking maps axis and allied bases only with no base rape rule, that would be shit loads of fun.


in kursk they are closed. adding up the death bubbles and the admin-dedicated runway, more than half areas of the map is bullet-proof.  they should remove both capturables as well imo. anyone fired? ban the troll! great fun game, for admins.


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#26 2016-04-05 17:06:51

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

RIP wrote:
Arkos wrote:


Besides... the offensive kick helped. Not one was even trying to snipe into the base as usual...


But i bet some where sniping out. Offensive Kicks is not a fair way to treat players, because "dont rape base" just dont cover..

"Dont zook Jeep until it is manned and moving and no one is standing next to it".

Your interpretation of base rape does not hold up to scrutiny and can be exploited by Trolls.

IF you cant see your case isn't exactly water-proof then who am I to argue against a fool.

next time before you fire, ask in the chat: "any enemies near jeeps? anyone attempting strike by jeeps? may i fire plz?" then while waiting for a signed permission from admin, eat around 800 magazines of bullets first.


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#27 2016-04-05 17:15:07

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

Arkos wrote:


That sounds nice... "Innocents"

why didn't I come up with this myself... wink


what are "innocents" supposed to do in a fps game? wearing mini skirt, holding two pom-pons and cheer up their firing teammates nearby?


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#28 2016-04-05 17:18:07

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

tiger wrote:

next time before you fire, ask in the chat: "any enemies near jeeps? anyone attempting strike by jeeps? may i fire plz?" then while waiting for a signed permission from admin, eat around 800 magazines of bullets first.



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#29 2016-04-05 17:31:35

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

tiger wrote:
Arkos wrote:


That sounds nice... "Innocents"

why didn't I come up with this myself... wink


what are "innocents" supposed to do in a fps game? wearing mini skirt, holding two pom-pons and cheer up their firing teammates nearby?

tiger is talking about his weekend attire again.


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#30 2016-04-05 17:44:37

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Re: Admin Arkos abusing powers to set his "OWN" rules on berlin.

to support russ the moron, lets mod the fuckin' map like this. will also be damned loads of fun.



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