#31 2016-03-28 23:00:52

Reputation: +2783
Registered: 2014-06-06
Posts: 7,048
Windows 7 Chrome 49.0

Re: Windows 10


Virtual reality pre render frame :  i set it to 1 > Is helpfull if mouse semse to be laggy in the game.


HoOK wrote:

games abit laggy.  need fresh install  or windows 10 sucks?


After a fresh Install of any OS, since 1 year there are some "Svchost-Leak-Problems" with Windows Update.

Svchost.exe occupie in such case between 50%-100% CPU Power and up to 1.5GB or more Memory. All Games will lag until Windows UpdateClient is upgraded several Times and finally up to date.

> One small fix is to deactivate "Search Updates for all Users" and "Install optional Updates as important ones". But this is only a small fix.

> Let your PC running over night, until all Updates are made, restart and search again updates. When all Windows Update Clients are up to date this problem should disappear.



1. You know that Windows 10 send every 30 Minutes all what you wrote on keyboard to 7 diferent servers worldwide. All what you write in your keyboard will be logged.

Several Spysservices are installed.

There is only a manually way to deinstall them. Deactivating those services only doesn't make them stop doing their work.


Last edited by Arkos (2016-03-28 23:04:44)


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