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(note that links will direct you to uploads the soundcloud, where the songs will play as soon as you load the page; don't open these links if your volume is up to 100% and you're at work!)
i'll start off with who dares wins, that old mod from around 2006... it's got a lot of early 2000s aesthetic to it, but the music stands out to me; the loading theme, i'm almost certain, was mostly composed originally and based off of maybe five movie scores, but that victory song always gets me; does anyone know the name?
also, in eve of destruction, the larger vietnam war mod, there is a song that can be played via alternate fire from the gaz 69; would anyone happen to be able to identify this one?
Last edited by IvyMercyLyons (2016-03-03 08:25:03)
Last edited by bud (2016-03-03 13:33:16)
i swear, you're a god... how did you do that..? i was kind of far off for the gary glitter song haha