#1 2016-02-20 13:25:11

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Video download BF1942 ?

Is someone could make a video clear and precise on how download and install BF1942 ?

I see many recents comments from people who want download it but didn't find it.

Personally, i can't create a video since that my fraps don't record my desktop.


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#2 2016-02-20 13:33:08

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Re: Video download BF1942 ?

By FearofthedarkHU


And check this link


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#3 2016-02-20 14:37:26

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Re: Video download BF1942 ?

I thought really at a short video, no offense to Fear


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#4 2016-02-20 15:49:08

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Re: Video download BF1942 ?

lol 54 minutes!!
Man, if I would see an instruction on 54 minutes I would delete the fking thing and forget about it like a bad dream big_smile


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#5 2016-02-20 16:19:37

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Re: Video download BF1942 ?

This is a good Sunday afternoon movie.


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#6 2016-02-20 17:31:24

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Re: Video download BF1942 ?

0:00 - 3:13 - what to need to know about uninstalling bf1942
3:13 - 6:38 - Installing Daemon tools + about its use/options
6:39 - 8:36 - Adding to Daemon tools image catalog and google drive
8:36 - 16:00 - Installing bf1942 + expansions + pb v1.0
16:00 - 18:03 - Updating pb
18:03 - 19:09 - Applying the 1.61b patch + crack
19:09 - 25:26 - Installing Xfire + skins + options (+ some windows stuff) - XFIRE IS DOWN FOR NOW!
25:26 - 31:45 - Installing TeamSpeak 3 + settings (+ its use, and with xfire) - XFIRE IS DOWN FOR NOW!
31:45 - 32:25 - icon for bf1942 + compatibility
32:25 - 39:21 - About maps(e.g where to install new maps), Applying AX fixes + widescreen
39:21 - 40:40 - minor stuff - Configuring bf1942 in game menu (enable pb, apply settings etc.) + some things about widescreen issues.
40:40 - 42:27 - War Server List and In-Game Server List (League page / ax master)
42:27 - 44:11 - About managers (server and remote) + about funmaps and fun-racing mod
44:11 - 49:05 - About CD KEY stuff - Changing etc. + Don't put any folders to the ... - Battlefield 1942 - Mods - bf1942 - Archives - bf1942 - levels folder!
("how/where to install new maps IN A CORRECT WAY" starts from 47:20)
49:05 - 51:13 - Some other stuff + about uninstalling again + about pb. (installing pb manually)
51:13 - 51:50 - About Xfire display raw server info - XFIRE IS DOWN FOR NOW!
51:50 - 53:00 - some things about maps (map extensions) + some other things about official patches and the crack
53:00 - 54:04 - Some other minor stuff + end
0:00 - 54:04 - fear is noob @ videos.(keeps repeating himself etc..) smile

(i also showed ts3, xfire, change keyhash etc thats why its long)

(some ppl dont even know what daemon tools is so)

anyway nice sarcasm big_smile, here is a short video with the same installer i put on the bf-league site. this is 10 minutes long.



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#7 2016-02-20 17:57:30

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Re: Video download BF1942 ?

Sonic wrote:

lol 54 minutes!!
Man, if I would see an instruction on 54 minutes I would delete the fking thing and forget about it like a bad dream big_smile

We want director's cut version for 1 hour 43 minutes.


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#8 2016-02-20 18:23:05

Reputation: +105
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Re: Video download BF1942 ?

I might have watched too many videos from youtuber's like him.

Sorry for that.


cloud computing introduction: 1 hour 19 minutes.

BTW the SiMPLE BF1942 installation is different, so I guess someone (tuia?) probably has instructions or perhaps a vid?

Last edited by -=TL=-FearofthedarkHU (2016-02-20 18:24:48)


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#9 2016-02-23 05:31:47

Albert. K
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Re: Video download BF1942 ?

Spanish Only tongue
I donwload my game from here...


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#10 2016-02-23 11:06:19

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Re: Video download BF1942 ?

Download Battlefield 1942 HD.torrent with a torrent client, like qBittorrent or Deluge. After download is finished, run bf1942-setup.exe and follow instructions. PunkBuster and CD-key is set automatically. Finally, download and run BF1942 GameSpy patch v1.61 to get a working in-game server browser. It is simple, pun intended.


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