#31 2016-01-07 02:32:25

JIDF troll
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

tuia wrote:

Aqualung, do you truly believe these North-African arabs fake refugees in Cologne sexually assaulted because of their religion (Islam)? There were also sub-Saharan African gangs in Cologne.
It is not about religion, but about race. You can see in controlled mass-media they will always hide those facts.

To answer directly - No, I don't think they assaulted BECAUSE of their religion. 

However, I also don't agree with your conclusion either.  I don't believe as you do that there is something inherently wrong about in their race or DNA/genetics, that they are somehow an inferior race by design - THAT is an outright racist viewpoint which I absolutely do not subscribe to.   

Perhaps someday people will look up the actual definition of race and racist to know how to apply it more judiciously.  Anything less is an insult to the victims of actual racism.

Now, the more detailed answer:

The barbaric savagery we are seeing comes from their "culture" (not race) - A culture steeped in savage violence/murder, misogyny, homophobia (lashes, stonings, throwing from rooftops, hanging), racial/religious-intorleance, particularly Jew/Christian-hatred (you have something in common with the savages, congratulations!) - ALL of this vile behavior is sanctioned 100% by Islamic holy scriptures.

Now, of course - if you have not spent any significant time studying the Qur'an and Hadith then you don't quite understand what you are looking at here.  We only need to open our eyes just a little to see these facts - a difficult thing to do if you are wearing politikal korrect blinders, forcefully or otherwise.  Perhaps if we watched "The Killing of Farkhunda" repeatedly, it would sink in just what kind of depravity passes for "normal" in these 3rd world Islamic hellholes.  More importantly, we would understand where the justification and sources of this depravity stem from.

Here is another story that just came out today:

250,000 Muslims Riot After Hindu Leader Calls Mohammed Gay

People call Jesus, The Pope, Moses, Abraham, etc gay (and worse) ALL the time - have you EVER see death contracts being issued by Christians/Jews for this?  Do you ever see 250,000 Christians/Jews marching in bloodthirsty mobs calling for the "blashphemers to be beheaded"? 

Give me a fucking break with the "all religions are the same and all are equally evil" bullcrap - it's just not true and everyone knows it - many just lack the balls to admit it.  When is the last time you saw a photo of anyone BUT a Muslim holding a severed human head?!

Last edited by Aqualung (2016-01-07 02:43:06)


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#32 2016-01-07 03:43:07

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders


Hay man I came to this argument late but you are dead on righteous. 

         ”It's very complicated when all that shit is organized from the inside of a country and when your own country fights against being proud & nationalism. Europe faces bad invasion times  and its consequenced indeed.
All that socialist happy bullshit consequences ofc that make some idiots happy to be invaded. But companies are happy too to get cheap workers who won't complain (liberal justification of mass invasion) and permit yo maintain low salaries du to unemployment. So there are two faces of the same medal, socialist dumbies & liberal fuckers.

I watched Aqualungs video, I understand Deutsche real well and feel sorry for the Germans who have to deal with this invasion.


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#33 2016-01-07 03:53:52

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Hey Count Cobat,

I’m with you on your opinion of German political leadership:

         ”Agree with u Aqualung regarding our great wannabe chancelor Super-Angie-Merkel-Moron, her views are beyond of any realism, well what can one expect from such a naive woman in a mens-world, and not to forget shes a "good christ", if u kick her right bum-cheek she will always also offer the left 1 to get another kick )’

Personally I am in favor  of:


13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

I’m talking crusaders

Last edited by janet reno (TX) (2016-01-07 03:54:24)


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#34 2016-01-07 04:21:20

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

About your question:
Dont worry  they  wont, there are many of this on roads
can you ask them  what ARE THEY DOING HERE?
Getting fked in ww2  doesnt grant them a new land.


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#35 2016-01-07 08:03:18

JIDF troll
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

HoOK wrote:

About your question:
Dont worry  they  wont, there are many of this on roads
http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2013-0 … tareaa.jpg

Thanks for helping to make the point, Arabs in Judea/Samaria and Gaza (and pretty much everywhere else in the ME) are far too violent and hateful to "coexist".  Meanwhile, a small bit of research reveals:






And there is plenty more examples where this came from.   The truth is that Israelis are a bunch of fucking morons for allowing this but that is a separate issue. 

Can you show ONE such example from Gaza?  Just ONE will do.  What's that you say?  There are NO JEWS in Gaza?  How about in Ramallah?  in Jenin?  Oh wait, that's right - there are NO JEWS in any of those places either.  Now... remind us all again which is the "apartheid" state?

HoOK wrote:

can you ask them  what ARE THEY DOING HERE?

It would seem the more appropriate question is WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?  Those Jews have been living in their homeland for nearly 4000 years!  Remember Abraham?  Isaac?  Jacob?  Joseph?  Moses?  Samuel?  King Saul?  King David?  King Solomon?  Joshua?  Jesus?  Mary?  Joseph?  That's right, ALL JEWS, all ruling and living in the Holy Land of Israel. 

"Palestinians" are nothing but nomad Jordanians and Egyptian Arabs who co-opted a name several decades ago. 

The truth may certainly be uncomfortable, but it doesn't make it any less so. 

HoOK wrote:

Getting fked in ww2

The systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators should not be described as "Getting fked in ww2". 

You seem like a good kid - Let's chalk this up to ignorance rather than malice. 

I suggest a visit though to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, etc - might give you some perspective on what the single biggest genocide in world history looks/feels like.

Last edited by Aqualung (2016-01-07 08:06:58)


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#36 2016-01-07 08:52:19

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Aqualung wrote:

And for the idiot Europeans (and Americans) who love to call Americans racist, the facts are just not on your side:

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wor … countries/

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/ … 34x274.jpg

You will notice that self-righteous European countries harbor FAR more racist views than any Americas do.  So lay off the bullshit please.

DISCLAIMER: The Washington Post is a radical Left-wing publication which LOVES to smear Americans in any way possible, as racist, xenophobic, mean, greedy, whatever.

Putting your notorious "USA the greatest" post aside, it is rather convenient for you to completely ignore the last year and all the riots which happened in the US, right? Forguson anyone?
I am not saying that things like that are not happening in Germany, because they do but at least I am not saying otherwise either.


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#37 2016-01-07 09:20:59

JIDF troll
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Zody wrote:
Aqualung wrote:

And for the idiot Europeans (and Americans) who love to call Americans racist, the facts are just not on your side:

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wor … countries/

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/ … 34x274.jpg

You will notice that self-righteous European countries harbor FAR more racist views than any Americas do.  So lay off the bullshit please.

DISCLAIMER: The Washington Post is a radical Left-wing publication which LOVES to smear Americans in any way possible, as racist, xenophobic, mean, greedy, whatever.

Putting your notorious "USA the greatest" post aside, it is rather convenient for you to completely ignore the last year and all the riots which happened in the US, right? Forguson anyone?
I am not saying that things like that are not happening in Germany, because they do but at least I am not saying otherwise either.

Clearly you missed the point of the post.  I didn't say "USA is the greatest" (though I obviously believe it so).  The point was to show how very much NOT racist Americans are, particularly as compared to many self-righteous European countries, and even more particularly as compared to ME and SWA countries.

Ferguson, Baltimore, etc are good examples of reverse racism though truthfully, these are often more about looting and police-bashing than they are about anything else.  What you see on TV are mostly opportunists taking advantage.  Regardless, nobody ignores these events, they just have no bearing on the fact that Americans are some of the LEAST racist people in the world today.


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#38 2016-01-07 11:25:18

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Aqualung wrote:

Regardless, nobody ignores these events, they just have no bearing on the fact that Americans are some of the LEAST racist people in the world today.

You better wake up, then. I don't see muslims in this video.



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#39 2016-01-07 11:53:51

JIDF troll
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

tuia wrote:
Aqualung wrote:

Regardless, nobody ignores these events, they just have no bearing on the fact that Americans are some of the LEAST racist people in the world today.

You better wake up, then. I don't see muslims in this video.


You misunderstand - we are most definitely awake to this problem, most of us at least.   it is disgusting but unfortunately there is not a whole lot we can do about it (as a nation) in the current political climate.  Increasing demonization of our police officers and gun owners, particularly from the president and attorneys general doesn't help.

Watching this video only makes me thank God that we have our 2nd Amendment rights.  A large majority of us are very well armed and very well prepared to defend ourselves.  Europeans, not so much. 

One thing I can say is this.  What you see in this video is no doubt horrible.  The only thing worse than Black-on-non-black crime is Black-on-black crime.  But our politicians don't give a shit about that, let 'em kill each other, it's good for business.  All the terrible things you see on this video are RANDOM acts of violence.  With Muslim violence, it is generally anything but random and targeted at Jews/Christians/Military.  Again, thank God for our 2nd Amendment rights.


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#40 2016-01-07 11:56:37

JIDF troll
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Pay close attention. 

Now... WE allowed this to happen because of a disease called Politikal Korrectness.  It is highly contagious and unfortunately, we caught this virus from our "friends" in Europe.

Having seen the miserable failure of attempts to assimilate Muslims into Europe, American government decided to attempt the same suicidal "multicultural experiment" here. 

Needless to say, it's not working.  We're going to fix it now.   


Last edited by Aqualung (2016-01-07 12:03:05)


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#41 2016-01-07 13:05:15

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

It is all about race. These subhuman gutter-elements of society should never set foot on Europe or North America or Australia.
Hey Aqualung, why you keep upvoting your own posts? http://team-simple.org/forum/reputation … ed&id=1196
Is it your imaginary girlfriend room-mate?


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#42 2016-01-07 13:14:30

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Of course, you did not say "US is the greatest country" but why else would you pull out that statistic when not to show how great the US, in your opinion, is? Anyhow, I just realized that your statistic is not showing racists. The percentages are about people who do not want neighbors of another race living near them. Who tells us everyone was dead honest? What it tells us is that some nationalities were more likely to be honest than others.(stated in the article by the way but you left that out smile ) As said in the article, some statistics are not recent and were also not up-to-date in 2013. Your comment, it shows the number of racist in every country, is hence incorrect. What it shows is the likelihood of different nationalities to answer that particular question honest or not.

Let me give you some statistics about hate crimes. In 2013, the FBi reported 5,922 hate crimes, half of them were racial. The OSCE reported 4,647 hate crimes in Germany in 2013,half of them were racial, as well. If we look into France's statistic in 2013, only 1,738 hate crimes are reported by OSCE. This number heavily contradicts your statistic from the Washington Post were France had 30-39.9 %. UK's numbers from your statistic to the measures of OSCE contradict even more and in a more drastic way. 47,986 Hate Crimes were reported in spite of the 0-4.9 % from the Washington Post statistic, which is exactly the same percentage the US had.

To add to that, numbers in 2015 may be way higher in Europe due to the refugee crisis, but we have to wait for official numbers first.

So to wrap this whole number thing up:
What is more racist someone who says they do not want neighbors of a different race in their neighborhood or someone who actually commits a racist crime? The right answer is definitely the latter!

FBI numbers:
https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2014/d … t-released
OSCE data(just chose the country you want to look into):

Last edited by Zody (2016-01-07 13:21:31)


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#43 2016-01-08 14:44:57

Battlefield Heroes
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Genocide is defined by the goals you seek -- not the methods you use.


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#44 2016-01-08 15:05:16

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Battlefield Heroes wrote:

Genocide is defined by the goals you seek -- not the methods you use.

Who is seeking genocide here ? Genocide is completely out of discussion.


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#45 2016-01-08 18:56:50

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Aqualung wrote:

Pay close attention. 

Now... WE allowed this to happen because of a disease called Politikal Korrectness.  It is highly contagious and unfortunately, we caught this virus from our "friends" in Europe.

Having seen the miserable failure of attempts to assimilate Muslims into Europe, American government decided to attempt the same suicidal "multicultural experiment" here. 

Needless to say, it's not working.  We're going to fix it now.   


they come in purpose to provoking most easy ones from "them"- teenagers, good job, im sure this particular video- is NOT about religion ofc?, i sure this is exactly what was missing, good exposing, hilarious, whores againt thugs!haha god blessed them all! make your bets who won there:)


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#46 2016-01-09 06:35:39

Empress of Doom
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

It's not unheard of in Dearborn. Women get spit on and stuff thrown at them by muslims, young and old.


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#47 2016-01-09 12:13:46

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

joint, Aqualung is too occupied with his imaginary room-mate to reply you back. He is so busted.



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#48 2016-01-09 12:59:31

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

I have never seen a picture that is so offensive and full of prejudices than this one. Good job, tuia! You made yourself look stupider than ever before. Your family must be proud of you.


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#49 2016-01-09 16:36:43

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Zody wrote:

I have never seen a picture that is so offensive and full of prejudices than this one. Good job, tuia! You made yourself look stupider than ever before. Your family must be proud of you.

You are a very sensitive guy, Zody. I will be more careful, in the future, not to hurt your girly feelings.
Aqualung is a proven liar and he has been spewing typical jewish lies non-stop: "Jesus was a jew", "Jews are God's chosen people", "Jews aren't in control", "That's an antisemitic conspiracy theory", "The USA has freedom of the press", "Israel is our greatest ally", "Israel does everything to minimize civilian casualties", "Palestinians people never existed", "Palestine is an apartheid state", "Hollywood is run by the Arabs", "Muslims are terrorists", "Race is a social construct", "Evil Germans were killing poor innocent Jews", "Six million jews died in the Holohoax", etc.
I got an advice to you, Zody. Why don't you take out your girlfriend or sister with you to see the blacks and arabs refugees in the big city by night? I am sure they are harmless and you would not like to be called a racist for avoiding them. They could even call you a nazi, oh the horror.
Experience is the teacher of the fools and some people will only wake up from all their conditioning, when they get smacked in the teeth, literally.


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#50 2016-01-09 17:03:57

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

While Zody and Aqualung keep discussing who is the least racist (sigh!), it finally surfaced that similar rapefugees attacks had taken place in Hamburg and Stuttgart.


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#51 2016-01-10 03:26:05

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Old news tuia... it is true with Stuttgart and Hamburg. I hope that even the last Refugee-Welcome-Idiot got it that we have to change something in Germany, but some of the them are still too blind to see. Soon is Karneval in Cologne. I really feel like to go there with my baseball bat.

And it weren't 6 million Jews... it is said that it were 6 million Jews, gay people, Gypsies, disabled people and so on.

Btw., we don't surrender (topic title). What happened in cologne opened the eyes of many people.

Last edited by dary (2016-01-10 03:30:33)


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#52 2016-01-10 03:35:35

JIDF troll
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

tula - I don't reply to you because you have great difficulty listening. 

If you ever do muster the courage to leave your unfortunate mother's dark and dingy basement, you might actually meet and interact with another real, live human being.  Scary, I know... but you can do it.  Suck up a few valiums and Xanax's and get outside.  While you're out there (please take a shower first), you may also learn a thing or two about how human beings interact, live together, marry, have children, etc.  Hell, you might even learn about how routers/NAT work. 

Instead, your incessant jerking-off in that dark shithole, to pie-in-the-sky Jew-libels and conspiracy theories has rendered what's left of your brain to a pathetic, zombie mush, peddling your nonsensical bullshit.   

Unlike Zody, I am happy that you posted the picture you did, especially with your accompanying comments - it speaks volumes to your mental faculties (or lack thereof).

Oh, one more thing tula.  You can change my title as many times as you like - it will never change your basement status but it does serve to highlight your abuse of undeserved position.  Now run along little cockroach, mommy's calling you for a diaper change!

Last edited by Aqualung (2016-01-10 03:59:41)


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#53 2016-01-10 03:45:55

JIDF troll
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

dary wrote:

And it weren't 6 million Jews... it is said that it were 6 million Jews, gay people, Gypsies, disabled people and so on.

Nope, see below:

http://www.nationalww2museum.org/learn/ … caust.html

What you're thinking about is the other 5 million:

*As many as five million non-Jews—people seen as enemies of the Third Reich—were also killed in the Holocaust, including Communists, Roma, Serbs, Polish intelligentsia, political opponents, resistance fighters, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the physically and mentally disabled.

But if you listen to tula, the world's most atrocious mass genocide is just the world's most elaborate hoax.  Good thing only a few low-information sheep listen to tula.

dary wrote:

Btw., we don't surrender (topic title). What happened in cologne opened the eyes of many people.

You sure about that?  I know this is an older clip but the attitude isn't exactly a no-bullshit one - more of a doormat attitude.


It does seem Cologne has woken a few sleepy Germans up, hopefully they have the means to reverse course cause this shit is pretty fucked up.


Last edited by Aqualung (2016-01-10 03:58:59)


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#54 2016-01-10 05:34:07

Kebab killer
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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Off topic  ; Tula   is a Russian  city
Try to find  name else...
You should   know  about  it  if you  read ww2 history. ..


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#55 2016-01-10 12:05:56

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

dary wrote:

And it weren't 6 million Jews... it is said that it were 6 million Jews, gay people, Gypsies, disabled people and so on.

Yes, it was 6 million jews. 6 million jews also in 1900, in 1902, in 1905, in 1906, in 1908, in 1910, in 1911, in 1914, in 1915, ...: The 6 million myth.

You can also check this book: The First Holocaust. Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During And After World War One


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#56 2016-01-10 12:15:55

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Aqualung wrote:

But if you listen to tula, the world's most atrocious mass genocide is just the world's most elaborate hoax.




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#57 2016-01-10 12:23:37

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Aqualung caught up in his room-mate upvoting lies, is now downvoting every post. You are incorrigible, Aqualung.


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#58 2016-01-10 12:33:59

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

Tuia, seriously, even if it weren't 6 Million, they killed a lot of them. People witnessed it with their own eyes. Do you really think they could make up such a big lie? We would have found out already if it was a lie. But i will check the links to see the other side.


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#59 2016-01-10 12:37:28

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders


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#60 2016-01-10 12:38:43

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Re: Germany surrenders to the Muslim invaders

This quote is out of context.


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