#1 2015-11-07 05:26:15

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Bad Attitude

Hey im GoodGuy in game, and a player named Snipey Joe aka Rowdy, always has to insult a player, when he gets killed. It with a "really" or "wtf" and in cases he says you cheat. But besides that he is also racist against anyone that speak in a different language than English. He playes in Simple USA, and just because he ping is 7 he thiks hes immortal. I kill him several times and he says " im nubed" or "how tf you do that" He constantly mouths off.

I'm not talking about for several days, this has gone on for months, and its everytime he plays. I'm just the one that wont take his crap. So when he dies I say, go ahead and cry, and complain. He complains to everyone that kills him. In my opinion hes the worst player here in the server because of that bad sportsmanship and being racist. If someone talking Spanish, he says "this is usa" or mexico needs to change. He always says something racist, and he even say wetbacks. So its been almost a year of his trash talk, and I think something need to be done.

Now I know most players know him, but that doesn't give him the right to insult. Hes the typical person that when he dies he starts insulting or always have something to say. Just never ends with him.


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#2 2015-11-07 07:09:24

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Re: Bad Attitude

are u kidding .. Rowdy is the very least of our problems in USA server lol
i dont see him say more than anyone else during game TBH


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#3 2015-11-07 08:07:45

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Re: Bad Attitude

That's why I said, "most" of you might know him, but that doesn't give him the right to insult when he's in the server. Now, of course he doesn't to you, that's why you don't have a problem. He just mouths off everytime he dies, and insults follow. Also I said this is an issue with me, and maybe some others not and entirely big server problem. I'm just asking this be taken care of, with a kick or something to get his attention when he starts one of his little rants.

TBH it is a problem when he dies, and I will stand my ground here, because im very well aware of what insults he's always saying. I'm not letting it go again, its gone for so long since before you were in the server.


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#4 2015-11-07 08:13:41

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Re: Bad Attitude

ok fair enough

If you see me in server and he is doing it .. please bring it to my attention

have u always played under the name "goodguy" what are your other names u play under?


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#5 2015-11-07 08:24:54

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Re: Bad Attitude

Thank you, that's all I wanted to know. To have a admin there when he's mouthing off. So I will let you know when it becomes an issue again.

I appreciate youre help Piper, thanks

Last edited by GoodGuy (2015-11-07 08:37:25)


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#6 2015-11-07 11:27:55

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Re: Bad Attitude

I have been looking through the logs of the server over the last month and I cant see any evidence of this at all, are you sure you got the right guy GoodGuy?
Could you give us some time frame that this has been occurring so that it would be easier to find in the logs please?

The server is based in the USA and the chosen language for the server in game chat is English so please when in game use English in team and game chat.  Again I have trawled through the logs and can find no evidence of racist comments regarding this, please could you give precise examples again to make it easier to find.


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#7 2015-11-07 12:30:28

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Re: Bad Attitude

This has been on and off, and last time it happened was today early hours of Central USA time. I repeat its been over a year of this, and today I was tired and not having any of his harassing and insults. Hence me reporting this. I talked to Piper already and I know the server rules. Basically comes down to, Snipey Joe (Rowdy) cant stand when he loses, so it starts drama. I for one am not taking his abusive, so next thing you know theres an argument, that he creates because hes to immature to lose. I try to ignore him but sometimes hes takes it too far and comments on every death. That just makes the server sour and no one wants a player like that. Just keep an eye on him is what I ask.

I don't like being involved in drama, so its the last post im making here hopefully, I just want a clean game with no rants or insults from that person. So that being said, game on in bf1942 and just watch out for that player.

Thanks for the help


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#8 2015-11-07 14:15:20

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Re: Bad Attitude

(BB)DinkW wrote:

I have been looking through the logs of the server over the last month and I cant see any evidence of this at all, are you sure you got the right guy GoodGuy?
Could you give us some time frame that this has been occurring so that it would be easier to find in the logs please?

The server is based in the USA and the chosen language for the server in game chat is English so please when in game use English in team and game chat.  Again I have trawled through the logs and can find no evidence of racist comments regarding this, please could you give precise examples again to make it easier to find.

Should everyone speak french on the FR serv?


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#9 2015-11-07 16:15:11

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Re: Bad Attitude

bidji91 wrote:
(BB)DinkW wrote:

I have been looking through the logs of the server over the last month and I cant see any evidence of this at all, are you sure you got the right guy GoodGuy?
Could you give us some time frame that this has been occurring so that it would be easier to find in the logs please?

The server is based in the USA and the chosen language for the server in game chat is English so please when in game use English in team and game chat.  Again I have trawled through the logs and can find no evidence of racist comments regarding this, please could you give precise examples again to make it easier to find.

Should everyone speak french on the FR serv?

Personally I don't really care what you do on the FRA server so entirely up to you old boy big_smile


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#10 2015-11-07 16:18:55

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Re: Bad Attitude

Ok I have looked through the logs from the time you say Rowdy was being a racist and insulting to you.
Clearly you two don't get along  but I can see you giving as good as you get and trying to stir up trouble by calling Rowdy a racist so really the two of you are as bad as each other.

A little more annoyed to find you trying to still poach players for your defunct RFC server though, which quite frankly is not for the good of the Simple server and if I see it again you will get a ban ok?

That is all.


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#11 2015-11-07 18:29:51

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Re: Bad Attitude

Oh My


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#12 2015-11-07 18:41:17

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Re: Bad Attitude

What are you going on about here? I said the issue was resolved, there was no need for you to say nothing more or less. Just you throwing threats doesn't help. I told you I know the server rules, so no need for you to repeat anything. Moving on now, just asked for a simple request that's all, and Piper has it under control. So that's my last 2 cents in this forum

Good day to you all


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#13 2015-11-07 19:11:18

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Re: Bad Attitude

GoodGuy wrote:

What are you going on about here? I said the issue was resolved, there was no need for you to say nothing more or less. Just you throwing threats doesn't help. I told you I know the server rules, so no need for you to repeat anything. Moving on now, just asked for a simple request that's all, and Piper has it under control. So that's my last 2 cents in this forum

Good day to you all

Trust me buddie that is not a threat.
You posted on an open forum your complaint and anyone is entitled to look at it and you were happy to reply with information as to when it happen so I thought you wanted it looked into, clearly I was wrong and now I can see why.

Good Day to you Sir


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#14 2015-11-07 19:21:56

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Re: Bad Attitude

Yea well there's nothing to hide, and said for the 3rd time now, just drop the topic. Moving on, as life goes on. Situation is taken care of, nothing more be said.

Topic burned and ended.

Good day


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#15 2015-11-07 19:28:14

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Re: Bad Attitude

Should close thread to no further replies then.


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#16 2015-11-08 01:04:43

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Re: Bad Attitude

I get upset when people say "really" or "wtf" when I kill them too..I am so devastated that I don't know if I can log on and play this WAR game.  The attitude of people when I kill them talking about my ping is also very frustrating. I have been playing for a long while but I don't know how to ignore people in game.  Is google my friend?

Could someone teach me so I won't get so upset when someone says "wtf" or "whatever" when I kill them...it just makes me feel like a worthless person because I take online gaming so seriously my self worth and confidence takes a hit every time I am disrespected in a game server this way.  It's been months.

Please kick and ban all persons that make me feel this way..

I also read through the logs...you are a wannabe drama queen.


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#17 2015-11-08 01:58:34

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Re: Bad Attitude

Read through the logs all you want.  You being a admin in a game doesn't make you right. Somehow you get this feeling like youre god or some kind of badass that can talk over anyone. I don't let no one talk over me, especially when I know the facts. This has been going on for over a year. So you can play the badass and mr know it all, for all I care. Don't matter if its you, or Dink, or God Himself, when I know the facts, and whats been going on, there no way in hell im backing down. In this case, ima leave you 2 to keep monitoring the game like you have nothing better else to do than to pass judgement on everything. So put that label on youre forehead. I buried the hatchet here on the last message but you guys keep coming for more.

Let it be known you're the real drama queen around here. And just between me and You Pit, I never liked you as a person. Mainly because youre an asshole. Now you can play the asshole all you want, but when you talk to me, you better come straight, I respect you, so I expect the same freakin respect back. And Its a game so calm your tits down. Continue this thread for youre own amusment. I'm outta here. Better to ignore.

Farewell, Bye


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#18 2015-11-08 02:19:41

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Re: Bad Attitude

I expected you to come back with this type of response.  It's ok.
You should know that we're are actually the exact opposite of your "opinion " and all this is really poking fun at you being so sensitive for a video game .....that you made this post to begin with.  With some of the things you talk about ingame...this seems more like a personal vendetta against rowdy.

Its not against the rules to say wtf or whatever when killed. That it bothers you...take a number... It you use the word cheat the server deals with you itself...so in essense...we are saying...suck it up...you can deal with the occasional outburst...if not...use the ignore in game command if you are too sensitive to type chat and you will not see their chat again.



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