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Thanks Flick and Monkey, that's made my day
Let's not fo'get da damn Jive filter, dig dis:
I've been busy recently and gots'n't had some lot uh time t'donate mah' useless two yens' wo'd. But ah' picked down mah' iPad, jimmey'd dis dread and saw several essay lengd posts and dought awesome, anoda' soap opuh' be in its fust season, dis should be baaaad. Right On! But it wuzn't. Where's de romance, de intrigue, de blatant nonsense dat makes dese dreads great? Dere's real little here t'entertain me. What it is, Mama! Oh wow, some problem 'esisted and den it wuz so'ted out wid only some token amount uh fuss. Sigh. ah' even eyeball de dread backwards cause ah' dought it might provide mo'e uh a climax, but alas, likes shaggin' afta' too many beers, some climax wuz nowhere in sight. Anyone know whut Tiga' and . Right On! Icebags gots' been down t'lately? ah' miss dose guys and deir interestin' nonsense. What it is, Mama!
Can someone do Cockney rhyming slang?
i dont believe past behaviour on other servers should be bought into simple server dakota im also not sure why other people need to comment on this when dink, pit and lone have sorted it out
Thank you. I really have no beef with you Dakota, and I think you should re-read that thread you mentioned. Everyone had valid points except the folks that chimed in unnecessarily. It appears I hadn't committed an offense worthy of the response and it was a misunderstanding that was sorted out. (Flick was just on serenading us with 80's pop lyrics the other day and my dogs all perked up and ran into the room.) So when you talk about dividing people (whoever "us" is), stop twisting facts to defend your friend - where it's not necessary or even helpful. Please?!
Many people play in varying degrees of seriousness here. You are not required to be a complete asset to your team at all times.
OK, that was also my understanding coming into this. Thanks. I think this issue is basically resolved. I sure as hell hope so.
Last edited by lonewolf-mcquade (2015-10-02 01:27:40)
Hey Lonewolf,
I consider you and Dink as friends and I’m glad you men worked that one out. When I sort out my low rent internet connection, … see you on the field of battle.