#181 2015-09-17 02:22:42

JIDF troll
United States
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Posts: 199
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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration


Any German speakers want to do the honors of translating for us?


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#182 2015-09-17 09:43:04

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Aqualung wrote:

It seems that the Islamic State uses these refugees as a tool of DDoS-attack: some part to go on the dole, some part to riot the police and so forth until something really critical. smile


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#183 2015-09-17 10:29:04

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Registered: 2012-02-20
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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

These highly educated and well-mannered refugees are fleeing from a war zone in Serbia and these evil, cold-hearted Hungarians refuse to give them free passage and are using brutal force to repel a peaceful and calm protest.
It is an invasion of leeches.


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#184 2015-09-17 10:31:10

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Aqualung wrote:


Any German speakers want to do the honors of translating for us?

Your children will worship Allah or die.


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#185 2015-09-17 10:41:01

Reputation: +25
Registered: 2014-09-18
Posts: 63
iOS Safari 8.0

Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Aqualung wrote:
Czar_Alek wrote:

Aqualung, I am not even going to argue with you. It is about as useful as arguing with someone about the sum of 2+2.

Just look at this quick data about the number of divisions of the German army by front. If this doesn't convince you that the war was decided on the East Front, I honestly don't know what to tell you. Just a summary, the Germans had twice as many divisions on the Eastern front as on all oher fronts for most of the war.

http://www.axishistory.com/axis-nations … rld-war-ii

All those battles you mentioned were completely irrelevant. Even without the American involvement in Italy and France, the war wouldn't have taken much longer. The war was already decided long before D-Day, and all that was left was for the game to play out. Do you actually think that the U.S. could hold a chance against Germany if Germany didn't have 170 divisions tied up on the Eastern Front? The U.S. would have been completely spanked.

I suspect that you are unable to accept any other narrative besides the one you hold because it feeds your national pride.

Alek - I appreciate the vast majority of your positions/arguments on this thread and have used some of them to challenge my own hypotheses so thank you.  As an aside, your arguments would be more effective without unnecessarily labeling those that don't agree with you drunk, stupid, etc. 

I believe I can be convinced that the Soviets would have emerged victorious on the Eastern front with or without US involvement at the West.  The questions that follow are:

How much longer would it have taken?
At what cost?  Human capital and the genocidal concentration camps?

I have to disagree on two things (though I am still open-minded to being convinced otherwise):

1. That the US bombing campaigns were merely "supportive" and to "soften-up" targets.  It is my understanding that "strategic bombing" as it was called was crucial to victory over Hitler's war machine.

2. The significance of Normandy/D-Day and subsequent operations.  Using your own sources, it appears Hitler began shifting significant divisions over to the Western front to deal with the incursions there in 1944-1945.

Some other points of significance:

http://www.history.com/news/history-lis … tern-front

Additionally, do you dismiss the significance of the Pacific Ocean Theater vis-a-vis the Tripartite pact? 


Okay I can't do nice quotes since I am on a trip and only got my iPad so I hope you don't mind.

Since I am under the impression from your most recent message that you do not view America as the ultimate savior of Europe, I think that we don't really have anything to disagree on because that is my only hypothesis. Everything else that I have argued is merely what I have attempted to use as supporting evidence. I think you will agree that anyone who holds the opinion that America is the big savior of Europe cannot be in their right mind.

About the whole strategic bombing thing, it certainly had an effect, but not enough to decide the war. German armor production peaked in December 1944. Perhaps the biggest contribution was the bombing of the Romanian oil fields. This in conjunction with the Soviet capture really starved Germany's energy needs.

Yes German forces shifted West after D-Day, but by 1944 the war was already decided and this only decreased the duration of the war, instead of changing its ultimate outcome.

About the Pacific side, I think that is outside the scope of what we are talking about.


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#186 2015-09-17 10:52:24

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

tuia wrote:

These highly educated and well-mannered refugees are fleeing from a war zone in Serbia and these evil, cold-hearted Hungarians refuse to give them free passage and are using brutal force to repel a peaceful and calm protest.
It is an invasion of leeches.

Thay can fight the police abroad but they can't fight for their country.



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#187 2015-09-17 10:54:03

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

moon' wrote:

Who have wrote that we are nothing but animals, beasts? == Any evolutionist aka. people with the right mindset!
Who have practised usury? == Bankers
Who were the slave traders? == Muslims enslaved africans, africans enslaved muslims, europeans enslaved africans, europeans enslaved native-americans, native americans enslaved eachother, japan and mongolia enslaved almost whole asia
Who created Communism? == Karl Marx wasn't a jew only his maternal grandfather was a rabbi
Who got to Russian power and brutally murdered the Romanov family? == Yakov Yurovsky's family had ties to Judaism but nothing was sure about that
Who killed millions of Russians and Ukrainians, through starvation, torture and mass murders? == Communists..
Who ordered to rape and kill all German women after World War II was over? == All allies ..
Who is pushing all pornography and consequent immorality? == Lol who the fuck cares about pornography being pushed? This isn't the time anymore like back in the day when everyone was religious and thought it was a sin to bang multiple people
Who is promoting gay marriage? == Tuia are you homophobic?
Who is advocating for race-mixing? == This isn't the 50's anymore, is your mentality still to call black people negroes and white people the 'purest' and 'strongest' race which should not have kids with anyone but between themselfs?
I might have a mixed kids one day with my girl and this would probably be called sinning by you so to me this just made me lose all my respect tuia.

This makes you anti-semetic, homophobic and racist. Which makes you a nazi


I would not expect less from a teenager who has formed his opinions watching MTV and Cartoon Network and has been miseducated in school. It is nothing personal, we all were brainwashed and had to went through all that conditioning. We still do through all our lives. But, your attitude is quite understandable for your tender age, because you thrive for social approval and you would be emotionally wrecked if someone would label you with those buzzwords (homophobic, racist, nazi, anti-semitic, etc.). No wonder all teenagers follow the latest fashionable trendy move. I do hope, one day, you can rise above it and see for yourself.
I am sorry, but your answers are wrong, check the solutions at the end of the post.


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#188 2015-09-17 11:11:34

Reputation: +25
Registered: 2014-09-18
Posts: 63
iOS Safari 8.0

Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Tuia it seems to me like you are discounting the arguments made by someone based on the age of the person. I think this is a bit ironic because I suspect you know what it feels when someone discounts your arguments because they label them as "racist, nazi, etc".


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#189 2015-09-17 11:30:49

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

tuia wrote:
moon' wrote:

Who have wrote that we are nothing but animals, beasts? == Any evolutionist aka. people with the right mindset!
Who have practised usury? == Bankers
Who were the slave traders? == Muslims enslaved africans, africans enslaved muslims, europeans enslaved africans, europeans enslaved native-americans, native americans enslaved eachother, japan and mongolia enslaved almost whole asia
Who created Communism? == Karl Marx wasn't a jew only his maternal grandfather was a rabbi
Who got to Russian power and brutally murdered the Romanov family? == Yakov Yurovsky's family had ties to Judaism but nothing was sure about that
Who killed millions of Russians and Ukrainians, through starvation, torture and mass murders? == Communists..
Who ordered to rape and kill all German women after World War II was over? == All allies ..
Who is pushing all pornography and consequent immorality? == Lol who the fuck cares about pornography being pushed? This isn't the time anymore like back in the day when everyone was religious and thought it was a sin to bang multiple people
Who is promoting gay marriage? == Tuia are you homophobic?
Who is advocating for race-mixing? == This isn't the 50's anymore, is your mentality still to call black people negroes and white people the 'purest' and 'strongest' race which should not have kids with anyone but between themselfs?
I might have a mixed kids one day with my girl and this would probably be called sinning by you so to me this just made me lose all my respect tuia.

This makes you anti-semetic, homophobic and racist. Which makes you a nazi


I would not expect less from a teenager who has formed his opinions watching MTV and Cartoon Network and has been miseducated in school. It is nothing personal, we all were brainwashed and had to went through all that conditioning. We still do through all our lives. But, your attitude is quite understandable for your tender age, because you thrive for social approval and you would be emotionally wrecked if someone would label you with those buzzwords (homophobic, racist, nazi, anti-semitic, etc.). No wonder all teenagers follow the latest fashionable trendy move. I do hope, one day, you can rise above it and see for yourself.
I am sorry, but your answers are wrong, check the solutions at the end of the post.

Moonlight is not that stupid he pretends to be, he's just of another age and of another interests. I am not a teenager and I disagree with you because all the accusations are strained from nowhere. It's possible to write accusation about all nations at any time. Of course, if the nation at least have some history. Even about the Portuguese, especially being sufficiently read in Portuguese colonial history. It's just an example. I also can say bad words about Jews like I can find bad words about every nation I know. Yes, they are greedy for money or any other profit to get. But I can say, for example, that Greek people are lazy and it is. Americans are the ubiquitous all-knowing stupid bastards with complexes of the lord of the world, Russians are drunkards and bloody commies, Dutch people are gay etc. The regulation you know when each object of class inherit something from that class doesn't always apply in the real life.


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#190 2015-09-17 12:03:48

Reputation: +1138
Location: Lisbon
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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Czar_Alek wrote:

Tuia it seems to me like you are discounting the arguments made by someone based on the age of the person. I think this is a bit ironic because I suspect you know what it feels when someone discounts your arguments because they label them as "racist, nazi, etc".

You are right. There are some teenagers who have more maturity and are more open-minded than some adults.
I am not discounting his arguments, I could waste my time replying to some topics, but I know the answer beforehand it would be something like "Lol wtf is this!" or "I do not want to read these books or links, I do not want to be called a racist" or "you are a nazi". In a later time I will touch these topics.


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#191 2015-09-17 12:12:45

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

It's starting


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#192 2015-09-17 12:16:14

Reputation: +1138
Location: Lisbon
Registered: 2012-02-20
Posts: 6,398
Ubuntu Firefox 40.0

Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

nämeless wrote:
tuia wrote:
moon' wrote:

Who have wrote that we are nothing but animals, beasts? == Any evolutionist aka. people with the right mindset!
Who have practised usury? == Bankers
Who were the slave traders? == Muslims enslaved africans, africans enslaved muslims, europeans enslaved africans, europeans enslaved native-americans, native americans enslaved eachother, japan and mongolia enslaved almost whole asia
Who created Communism? == Karl Marx wasn't a jew only his maternal grandfather was a rabbi
Who got to Russian power and brutally murdered the Romanov family? == Yakov Yurovsky's family had ties to Judaism but nothing was sure about that
Who killed millions of Russians and Ukrainians, through starvation, torture and mass murders? == Communists..
Who ordered to rape and kill all German women after World War II was over? == All allies ..
Who is pushing all pornography and consequent immorality? == Lol who the fuck cares about pornography being pushed? This isn't the time anymore like back in the day when everyone was religious and thought it was a sin to bang multiple people
Who is promoting gay marriage? == Tuia are you homophobic?
Who is advocating for race-mixing? == This isn't the 50's anymore, is your mentality still to call black people negroes and white people the 'purest' and 'strongest' race which should not have kids with anyone but between themselfs?
I might have a mixed kids one day with my girl and this would probably be called sinning by you so to me this just made me lose all my respect tuia.

This makes you anti-semetic, homophobic and racist. Which makes you a nazi


I would not expect less from a teenager who has formed his opinions watching MTV and Cartoon Network and has been miseducated in school. It is nothing personal, we all were brainwashed and had to went through all that conditioning. We still do through all our lives. But, your attitude is quite understandable for your tender age, because you thrive for social approval and you would be emotionally wrecked if someone would label you with those buzzwords (homophobic, racist, nazi, anti-semitic, etc.). No wonder all teenagers follow the latest fashionable trendy move. I do hope, one day, you can rise above it and see for yourself.
I am sorry, but your answers are wrong, check the solutions at the end of the post.

Moonlight is not that stupid he pretends to be, he's just of another age and of another interests. I am not a teenager and I disagree with you because all the accusations are strained from nowhere. It's possible to write accusation about all nations at any time. Of course, if the nation at least have some history. Even about the Portuguese, especially being sufficiently read in Portuguese colonial history. It's just an example. I also can say bad words about Jews like I can find bad words about every nation I know. Yes, they are greedy for money or any other profit to get. But I can say, for example, that Greek people are lazy and it is. Americans are the ubiquitous all-knowing stupid bastards with complexes of the lord of the world, Russians are drunkards and bloody commies, Dutch people are gay etc. The regulation you know when each object of class inherit something from that class doesn't always apply in the real life.

I am not saying moon is stupid, I do believe he is an intelligent person, but he is brainwashed from all the filth and lies he gets from TV, movies, music and school.
nämeless, just think about these questions: "Why have they been kicked out from a hundred nations at different times, different places and from different people?" "Why are they over-represented in all spheres of influence?" "Why did they kill millions of Russians?"


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#193 2015-09-17 12:57:25

JIDF troll
United States
Reputation: +62
Registered: 2015-07-01
Posts: 199
OS X Firefox 40.0

Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

tuia wrote:
Aqualung wrote:


Any German speakers want to do the honors of translating for us?

Your children will worship Allah or die.

And yet you continue rambling about with your crazy brainwashed, born-again, racist, anti-semitic, homophobic and ignoramus conspiracy theories. 

Here, have a dose of reality-check of what's being planned for your future by the Islamists:


But pay them no mind - you go on worrying about "those stinking Jews".


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#194 2015-09-17 13:16:43

JIDF troll
United States
Reputation: +62
Registered: 2015-07-01
Posts: 199
OS X Firefox 40.0

Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

tuia wrote:

nämeless, just think about these questions: "Why have they been kicked out from a hundred nations at different times, different places and from different people?" "Why are they over-represented in all spheres of influence?" "Why did they kill millions of Russians?"

Tula, this video was made for ignorant, easily-brainwashed, hate-filled lunatics like you.  It even comes with Portuguese subtitles!


I think anti-semites like you should boycott Jewish products altogether.  Start with your computers if they have Intel components because those are Jewish-invented/created and you wouldn't possibly want that sort of contamination. 

Some other things you should probably boycott since you are so rabidly anti-semitic:

"Any Anti-Semite who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even try to find out whether he has Syphilis, because the Wasserman Test is the discovery of a Jew. If an Anti-Semite suspects that he has Gonorrhea, he must not seek diagnosis, because he will be using the method of a Jew named Neissner.

An Anti-Semite who has heart disease must not use Digitalis, a discovery by a Jew, Ludwig Traube. Should he suffer with a toothache, he must not use Cocaine, a discovery of the Jews, Widal and Weil. If an Anti-Semite has Diabetes, he must not use Insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. If an Anti-Semite has a headache, he must shun Pyramidon and Antypyrin, due to the Jews, Spiro and Ellege. Anti-Semites with convulsions must put up with them because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate. Anti-Semites must do likewise with their psychic ailments because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew. Should an Anti-Semite chilld get Diptheria, he must refrain from the "Schick" reaction which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick.

Anti-Semites should be ready to die in great numbers and must not permit treatment of ear and brain damage, work of Nobel Prize winner, Robert Baram. They should continue to die or remain crippled by Infantile Paralysis because the discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk.

Anti-Semites must refuse to use Streptomycin and continue to die of Tuberculosis because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the wonder drug against this killing disease. Anti-Semite doctors must discard all discoveries and improvements by dermatologist Judas Sehn Benedict, or the lung specialist, Frawnkel, and of many other world renowned Jewish scientists and medical experts.

In short, good and loyal Anti-Semites properly and fittingly remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mential Disorders, Polio, Convulsions and Tuberculosis and be proud to obey the Anti-Semitic boycott."

You should really just abandon all things networked since TCP/IP is an invention of Bob Kahn (another Jew) in conjunction with Vint Cerf. 

Enjoy your new life as an Islamic slave - you will make quite the useful idiot for the invasion.

Last edited by Aqualung (2015-09-17 13:23:38)


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#195 2015-09-17 13:28:49

Semi-corrupt admin
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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

tuia wrote:
nämeless wrote:
tuia wrote:

I would not expect less from a teenager who has formed his opinions watching MTV and Cartoon Network and has been miseducated in school. It is nothing personal, we all were brainwashed and had to went through all that conditioning. We still do through all our lives. But, your attitude is quite understandable for your tender age, because you thrive for social approval and you would be emotionally wrecked if someone would label you with those buzzwords (homophobic, racist, nazi, anti-semitic, etc.). No wonder all teenagers follow the latest fashionable trendy move. I do hope, one day, you can rise above it and see for yourself.
I am sorry, but your answers are wrong, check the solutions at the end of the post.

Moonlight is not that stupid he pretends to be, he's just of another age and of another interests. I am not a teenager and I disagree with you because all the accusations are strained from nowhere. It's possible to write accusation about all nations at any time. Of course, if the nation at least have some history. Even about the Portuguese, especially being sufficiently read in Portuguese colonial history. It's just an example. I also can say bad words about Jews like I can find bad words about every nation I know. Yes, they are greedy for money or any other profit to get. But I can say, for example, that Greek people are lazy and it is. Americans are the ubiquitous all-knowing stupid bastards with complexes of the lord of the world, Russians are drunkards and bloody commies, Dutch people are gay etc. The regulation you know when each object of class inherit something from that class doesn't always apply in the real life.

I am not saying moon is stupid, I do believe he is an intelligent person, but he is brainwashed from all the filth and lies he gets from TV, movies, music and school.
nämeless, just think about these questions: "Why have they been kicked out from a hundred nations at different times, different places and from different people?" "Why are they over-represented in all spheres of influence?" "Why did they kill millions of Russians?"

I'll try to.

Why have they been kicked out from a hundred nations at different times, different places and from different people?

As far as I remember, though the term sounds comparatively modern, the entity of anti-Semitism was originated a long time ago. I would say the main reason of such fact are Jews themselves because they got used to evolve their culture setting apart. They were believing their breed was chosen by god, they are especial. Judaism is one of the most ancient monotheistic religions and it was destined for them to suffer persecutions in heathen polytheistic world. It's not only them because the first Christians were also the victims because Christianity was prohibited. For example, it was normal those days to feed the Christians to lions at the arenas of ancient circuses of Rome. Jews had no homeland for a long time and they were unwanted guests in many countries because of the confrontations in cultures and religions.

Why are they over-represented in all spheres of influence?

They are talented in all matters of money and power and they are smart enough to know the methods.

Why did they kill millions of Russians?

If you mean those days of troubles right after the revolution, overthrown monarchy, collectivisation, industrialisation, war, repressions and all the way up to 1953, I would say that they were Russians who killed millions of Russians, under the control of some malisious persons who got power by means of very shady methods.


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#196 2015-09-17 16:03:17

Reputation: +1138
Location: Lisbon
Registered: 2012-02-20
Posts: 6,398
Ubuntu Firefox 40.0

Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Aqualung wrote:
tuia wrote:
Aqualung wrote:


Any German speakers want to do the honors of translating for us?

Your children will worship Allah or die.

And yet you continue rambling about with your crazy brainwashed, born-again, racist, anti-semitic, homophobic and ignoramus conspiracy theories. 

Here, have a dose of reality-check of what's being planned for your future by the Islamists:


But pay them no mind - you go on worrying about "those stinking Jews".

Yet again with your insults. You really prove your point.
I did some check about this MEMRI TV and look what I have found:


What a surprise! There are always jew deceivers behind these Arabs bad portraying.
I will ask you again, who controls mainstream media?


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#197 2015-09-17 16:18:19

Reputation: +1138
Location: Lisbon
Registered: 2012-02-20
Posts: 6,398
Ubuntu Firefox 40.0

Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Aqualung wrote:
tuia wrote:

nämeless, just think about these questions: "Why have they been kicked out from a hundred nations at different times, different places and from different people?" "Why are they over-represented in all spheres of influence?" "Why did they kill millions of Russians?"

Tula, this video was made for ignorant, easily-brainwashed, hate-filled lunatics like you.  It even comes with Portuguese subtitles!


I think anti-semites like you should boycott Jewish products altogether.  Start with your computers if they have Intel components because those are Jewish-invented/created and you wouldn't possibly want that sort of contamination. 

Some other things you should probably boycott since you are so rabidly anti-semitic:

"Any Anti-Semite who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even try to find out whether he has Syphilis, because the Wasserman Test is the discovery of a Jew. If an Anti-Semite suspects that he has Gonorrhea, he must not seek diagnosis, because he will be using the method of a Jew named Neissner.

An Anti-Semite who has heart disease must not use Digitalis, a discovery by a Jew, Ludwig Traube. Should he suffer with a toothache, he must not use Cocaine, a discovery of the Jews, Widal and Weil. If an Anti-Semite has Diabetes, he must not use Insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. If an Anti-Semite has a headache, he must shun Pyramidon and Antypyrin, due to the Jews, Spiro and Ellege. Anti-Semites with convulsions must put up with them because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate. Anti-Semites must do likewise with their psychic ailments because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew. Should an Anti-Semite chilld get Diptheria, he must refrain from the "Schick" reaction which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick.

Anti-Semites should be ready to die in great numbers and must not permit treatment of ear and brain damage, work of Nobel Prize winner, Robert Baram. They should continue to die or remain crippled by Infantile Paralysis because the discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk.

Anti-Semites must refuse to use Streptomycin and continue to die of Tuberculosis because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the wonder drug against this killing disease. Anti-Semite doctors must discard all discoveries and improvements by dermatologist Judas Sehn Benedict, or the lung specialist, Frawnkel, and of many other world renowned Jewish scientists and medical experts.

In short, good and loyal Anti-Semites properly and fittingly remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mential Disorders, Polio, Convulsions and Tuberculosis and be proud to obey the Anti-Semitic boycott."

You should really just abandon all things networked since TCP/IP is an invention of Bob Kahn (another Jew) in conjunction with Vint Cerf. 

Enjoy your new life as an Islamic slave - you will make quite the useful idiot for the invasion.

I get it, you don't have to reiterate in every post of yours. I am an ignorant, brainwashed, hate-filled spewing some crazy conspiracies.
The fact is, that you are so self-assured in your knowledge, I am afraid, you will never realize the falsehood of it.
I always take it with a grain of salt all these so great proclaimed jewish inventions and discoveries, after knowing the stories of Haber-Bosch process, Einstein fraud and plagiarism and Mendelson plagiarism. You can always trust a jew. smile


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#198 2015-09-17 16:24:21

Reputation: +696
Registered: 2012-05-16
Posts: 3,779
OS X Chrome 45.0

Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Aqualung wrote:


Any German speakers want to do the honors of translating for us?

"Your children will pray allah or die."

1 to 1 translated... they forgot a "to" i guess.

Last edited by dary (2015-09-17 16:29:30)


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#199 2015-09-17 16:27:33

Reputation: +696
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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration


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#200 2015-09-17 16:42:09

Reputation: +1138
Location: Lisbon
Registered: 2012-02-20
Posts: 6,398
Ubuntu Firefox 40.0

Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

nämeless wrote:

Why have they been kicked out from a hundred nations at different times, different places and from different people?

As far as I remember, though the term sounds comparatively modern, the entity of anti-Semitism was originated a long time ago. I would say the main reason of such fact are Jews themselves because they got used to evolve their culture setting apart. They were believing their breed was chosen by god, they are especial. Judaism is one of the most ancient monotheistic religions and it was destined for them to suffer persecutions in heathen polytheistic world. It's not only them because the first Christians were also the victims because Christianity was prohibited. For example, it was normal those days to feed the Christians to lions at the arenas of ancient circuses of Rome. Jews had no homeland for a long time and they were unwanted guests in many countries because of the confrontations in cultures and religions.

Why are they over-represented in all spheres of influence?

They are talented in all matters of money and power and they are smart enough to know the methods.

Why did they kill millions of Russians?

If you mean those days of troubles right after the revolution, overthrown monarchy, collectivisation, industrialisation, war, repressions and all the way up to 1953, I would say that they were Russians who killed millions of Russians, under the control of some malisious persons who got power by means of very shady methods.

They've been kicked out from most European nations throughout history, not because of religious intolerance, as they always falsely claim, but because of usury, murders and betrayal. Even though they received a protected status from the kings and other royalties, the native populations through hard and direct experience resented the jews, until they could not take it anymore.

They are smart and cunning, and through dishonest practices, bribe and corruption, and mutual support from every jewish tribe member, they made their way to the top.

You should read The Gulag Archipelago book.


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#201 2015-09-17 17:03:42

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

tuia wrote:

I would not expect less from a teenager who has formed his opinions watching MTV and Cartoon Network and has been miseducated in school. It is nothing personal, we all were brainwashed and had to went through all that conditioning. We still do through all our lives. But, your attitude is quite understandable for your tender age, because you thrive for social approval and you would be emotionally wrecked if someone would label you with those buzzwords (homophobic, racist, nazi, anti-semitic, etc.). No wonder all teenagers follow the latest fashionable trendy move. I do hope, one day, you can rise above it and see for yourself.
I am sorry, but your answers are wrong, check the solutions at the end of the post.

It doesn't have to do with what age you are tuia, it has to do with the area you grow up with, I for myself grew up in a part of my city which has lower income than average. Around me were people of all kinds of races where you didn't look at someone and think he was any different from yourself. I feel like you have got an idea in your head which you won't let go which makes people look at you and wonder if you are Hitler's son. You don't have a good view on the world because you are locked in 1 place (portugal) and don't get out to the other parts of the world to really start to know other cultures and respect them, like you should!

If I would've given in to racism, I wouldn't be in a relationship with a black woman and would have lived my whole life in fear thinking about the small amount of white people in the world compared to other races and probably would hate every eastern european (like most dutchies) even though being half russian myself


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#202 2015-09-17 17:12:18

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Ok, good for you, you no longer have fear.


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#203 2015-09-17 17:12:31

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

Rabbi says European migrant crisis is excellent news!



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#204 2015-09-17 18:11:54

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

tuia wrote:

They've been kicked out from most European nations throughout history

nämeless wrote:

I am pretty sure it's possible to find good people even among the Gypsies. Maybe about a couple for each hundred...

see this is interesting!

Last edited by bud (2015-09-17 18:16:01)


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#205 2015-09-17 18:39:45

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

In every nation you will find good people and assholes, one thing tuia has to learn. Even moon knows it. To say a whole religion is to blame for everything is just stupid. I think everyone is brainwashed, but you tuia are completely brainwashed by your anti-jew bullshit.


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#206 2015-09-17 18:46:51

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

tuia wrote:
nämeless wrote:

Why have they been kicked out from a hundred nations at different times, different places and from different people?

As far as I remember, though the term sounds comparatively modern, the entity of anti-Semitism was originated a long time ago. I would say the main reason of such fact are Jews themselves because they got used to evolve their culture setting apart. They were believing their breed was chosen by god, they are especial. Judaism is one of the most ancient monotheistic religions and it was destined for them to suffer persecutions in heathen polytheistic world. It's not only them because the first Christians were also the victims because Christianity was prohibited. For example, it was normal those days to feed the Christians to lions at the arenas of ancient circuses of Rome. Jews had no homeland for a long time and they were unwanted guests in many countries because of the confrontations in cultures and religions.

Why are they over-represented in all spheres of influence?

They are talented in all matters of money and power and they are smart enough to know the methods.

Why did they kill millions of Russians?

If you mean those days of troubles right after the revolution, overthrown monarchy, collectivisation, industrialisation, war, repressions and all the way up to 1953, I would say that they were Russians who killed millions of Russians, under the control of some malisious persons who got power by means of very shady methods.

They've been kicked out from most European nations throughout history, not because of religious intolerance, as they always falsely claim, but because of usury, murders and betrayal. Even though they received a protected status from the kings and other royalties, the native populations through hard and direct experience resented the jews, until they could not take it anymore.

They are smart and cunning, and through dishonest practices, bribe and corruption, and mutual support from every jewish tribe member, they made their way to the top.

You should read The Gulag Archipelago book.

I am familiar with this book from the school times and I think it's bullshit. I can explain why if you want it.


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#207 2015-09-17 19:27:16

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

nämeless wrote:

I am familiar with this book from the school times and I think it's bullshit. I can explain why if you want it.

I would be interested, if you don't mind.


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#208 2015-09-17 20:48:15

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

tuia wrote:
Aqualung wrote:
tuia wrote:

nämeless, just think about these questions: "Why have they been kicked out from a hundred nations at different times, different places and from different people?" "Why are they over-represented in all spheres of influence?" "Why did they kill millions of Russians?"

Tula, this video was made for ignorant, easily-brainwashed, hate-filled lunatics like you.  It even comes with Portuguese subtitles!


I think anti-semites like you should boycott Jewish products altogether.  Start with your computers if they have Intel components because those are Jewish-invented/created and you wouldn't possibly want that sort of contamination. 

Some other things you should probably boycott since you are so rabidly anti-semitic:

"Any Anti-Semite who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even try to find out whether he has Syphilis, because the Wasserman Test is the discovery of a Jew. If an Anti-Semite suspects that he has Gonorrhea, he must not seek diagnosis, because he will be using the method of a Jew named Neissner.

An Anti-Semite who has heart disease must not use Digitalis, a discovery by a Jew, Ludwig Traube. Should he suffer with a toothache, he must not use Cocaine, a discovery of the Jews, Widal and Weil. If an Anti-Semite has Diabetes, he must not use Insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. If an Anti-Semite has a headache, he must shun Pyramidon and Antypyrin, due to the Jews, Spiro and Ellege. Anti-Semites with convulsions must put up with them because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate. Anti-Semites must do likewise with their psychic ailments because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew. Should an Anti-Semite chilld get Diptheria, he must refrain from the "Schick" reaction which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick.

Anti-Semites should be ready to die in great numbers and must not permit treatment of ear and brain damage, work of Nobel Prize winner, Robert Baram. They should continue to die or remain crippled by Infantile Paralysis because the discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk.

Anti-Semites must refuse to use Streptomycin and continue to die of Tuberculosis because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the wonder drug against this killing disease. Anti-Semite doctors must discard all discoveries and improvements by dermatologist Judas Sehn Benedict, or the lung specialist, Frawnkel, and of many other world renowned Jewish scientists and medical experts.

In short, good and loyal Anti-Semites properly and fittingly remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mential Disorders, Polio, Convulsions and Tuberculosis and be proud to obey the Anti-Semitic boycott."

You should really just abandon all things networked since TCP/IP is an invention of Bob Kahn (another Jew) in conjunction with Vint Cerf. 

Enjoy your new life as an Islamic slave - you will make quite the useful idiot for the invasion.

I get it, you don't have to reiterate in every post of yours. I am an ignorant, brainwashed, hate-filled spewing some crazy conspiracies.
The fact is, that you are so self-assured in your knowledge, I am afraid, you will never realize the falsehood of it.
I always take it with a grain of salt all these so great proclaimed jewish inventions and discoveries, after knowing the stories of Haber-Bosch process, Einstein fraud and plagiarism and Mendelson plagiarism. You can always trust a jew. smile

Tula - You give new meaning to the term "conspiracy theory". 

The premise of each of your counter-arguments seems to be "I don't trust facts".  The only conspiracy theory you WON'T gobble up so easily is the truth.  I suggest better sleep, long walks in nature, a constructive hobby or two,  and most importantly less time on the internet - again, made possible by the protocols (literally) of a Jew.

Just want to make sure I clarify the sheer ridiculousness of just one of your many conspiracy theories:

Although Muslims have been persecuting and killing Jews (and Christians, and basically all "infidels") since the dawn of their existence - in reality, Jews magically CONTROL the Islamic invasion of hoards of ungrateful, fighting-age, Muslim-male invaders to Western nations (what the media has decided to call the "migrant crisis").  The very same invaders who, once they arrive at their "host" countries, then proceed to commit acts of violence/murder against the very same Jews that control them.  Repeat that once again just so you realize how absolutely preposterous your conspiracy theory sounds out loud. 

The worldwide Islamist hate preachers who, on a daily basis, call for death to all infidels (especially Christians and Jews), death to America, death to Israel, Death to France, Death to Spain, Death to Italy, Death to Germany, Death death death... to violent mobs of raving lunatics - they actually take their marching orders from  Jews.  You are really an "extra special" kind of special if you, aren't you?

Now read this and realize what utterly reprehensible and tragic consequences your sick ideology promotes:

http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/26005 … greenfield

87 and 86 years old respectively.  Both Holocaust survivors.  Mercilessly beaten to near death in their own homes.  Have you no shame?

The truth is, your same old flavor of conspiratorial hatred, bigotry, racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, etc. went out of fashion long ago.  It was finally recognized, treated and ultimately exterminated - save for a few cancerous cells which have been metastasizing over the years.   It only takes a small spark for anti-semitism to re-catch fire in some pockets of Europe (where your interactions with actual Jews are limited at best).  However, for most civilized folks - each time you open your mouth and spew your vile filth, you only serve to discredit yourself further into the wastebin of history.

Not to worry though, when the Islamists come for you we'll be sure to let them know how very sincere you were in your Jew-hatred.

Last edited by Aqualung (2015-09-17 21:14:39)


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#209 2015-09-17 23:58:04

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

seventy wrote:
nämeless wrote:

I am familiar with this book from the school times and I think it's bullshit. I can explain why if you want it.

I would be interested, if you don't mind.

I don't. First things first. The Soviet Union after the revolution was very backward and the government decided to reform the country through collectivisation and industrialisation using very weird methods. Gulag was involved into history since 193x and until Stalin's death in 1953 as a tool to assemble all the inconvenient people there. I must say that Gulag is not something like a concentration camp like people got used to think. It's the acronym for the Main Camp Management. Technically, it was the network of prisons and labour camps for all kinds of felons like thieves, rapists, war criminals, bribe takers and political prisoners of course. Stalin's administration and Stalin himself were very suspicious due to some fixed idea of possible conspiracy and counter-revolution, so that's why there were a lot of political prisoners, especially during the WWII. You have to know that treachery takes its place during any war. Solzhenitsyn was a lieutenant and a dissident. What he did was really stupid: he had a diary and he wrote letters with anti-Soviet ideas. Of course, the military censors did their job and some time later Solzhenitsyn was arrested and imprisoned for 8 years, despite the fact it was the end or almost the end of war. As a person who was very spiteful against the Soviet Union, he wrote his famous book but a bit later. He was emancipated in 1953, then he got cancer but he has been cured and rehabilitated afterwards. The book he wrote is not a kind of documentary, it's a fiction (as a genre) which describes everything he wanted to imagine. For example, he wrote about 50 millions of prisoners but considering the population of Soviet Union, it wasn't possible to imprison such amount of people because it needs pretty much attention to maintain them. Maybe 20 millions for 193x-1953, about 1 million per year, but not 50 millions, of course. He wrote about very high mortality rate but during 20 years history of Gulag the mortality rate wasn't that high and about only 1.500.000 people died there. He wrote more books afterwards, some books were banned due to censorship and anti-Soviet ideas, some not, but it doesn't matter.
As far as I remember, during the days of Cold War in 1970s he was exiled from Soviet Union. It's very difficult to imagine bigger surprise for the United States because they got him as a tool of propaganda. You have to understand that propaganda is such a thing which comes from both sides. To put it all in a nutshell, the book and Solzhenitsyn himself are very doubtful as a source of information.


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#210 2015-09-18 00:56:50

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Re: Europe crumbles under the devastating impact of Mass Immigration

moon' wrote:

I for myself grew up in a part of my city which has lower income than average. Around me were people of all kinds of races

I lived in such a place for a while, there is so much i could tell about that i could write a book.

Short description, lock everything or it gets stolen, find your car with four flat tires on the parking lot, get boxed in on the road and assaulted by a 3to1 force because friends sister had said or done something wrong?!

Get a lawyer because shitheads used false accusations to cops, young woman got knife murdered because she broke up engagement etc etc and so on..

Last edited by bud (2015-09-18 00:58:43)


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