#31 2015-09-09 22:13:59

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

I was in last night and I was suprised to see 2 admins argue for that ban in chat log !


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#32 2015-09-09 23:19:41

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

I'm not here to pile-on IceBag$ and I had no stake in this originally. But since I may have been called-out, I had a reply for Janet-Reno. Anyone getting the "lonewolf treatment" you describe from me, I assure you, has earned it. I chat & play with exponentially far more folks than the tiny group I won't. My door is always open for change with the smallest sign of good faith (including cold miller lite.) The alternative to this approach is vastly more inconsiderate of others in TS or server. cool


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#33 2015-09-09 23:42:57

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Tookie Once Again!

Hello Lonewolf,

I used the term “lonewolf treatment” based on Icefag’s verbal abuse, similar to how he possibly treated you when you were banned from the TS for not talking to Ice, and Flick.

Not calling you out, I supported your ban appeal if you remember?


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#34 2015-09-09 23:56:19

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

Oh yeah! I misread it - my bad!


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#35 2015-09-10 01:12:30

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Re: Tookie Once Again!


How do you expect anyone to "help" when you rage the way you do from the very beginning.  Tookie indeed may be everything you say he is...and more...I won't argue that.  But you sir...are going way overboard...the attitude you represent about the server is stepping over the line.


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#36 2015-09-10 01:36:00

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

lonewolf-mcquade wrote:

My door is always open for change with the smallest sign of good faith

Considering that I made a very conscious, practically public effort for a period of over three weeks to extend to you olive branches wherever possible and to avoid confrontation with you, even when you continued doing the things that, frankly, annoy the shit outta' me: not helping your team while you hide in some far-off corner of the map; not helping your team while, instead of supporting your team, you take extra time to drive to the enemy bases so that you MIGHT steal a plane ...that you lose shortly thereafter anyway in almost all cases; not helping your team because, instead of wrenching anyone on your team whose vehicle is damaged, instead of healing anyone on your team who is hurt, you spend time and energy keeping track of specific individuals purely so you can refuse to play with those individuals; and not helping your team because you're too busy explaining to any idiots who actually care to listen to your contradictory, whimsical explanation that only in your mind justifies whatever crazy notion you hold at the time that has you doing whatever crazy thing that doesn't help your team at that time.

I digress.

The point is, despite all of those types of things that you do all the time, up until about two weeks ago or so, I went out of my way to be cool to you.  I brushed off several incidents, but I finally became vocal just the other day on TS when you refused to get into my jeep and I ended up getting killed because I was trying to help you while you were too busy checking your list and deciding whether or not to play as part of the team.

The things you do annoy me, lonewolf, but the only times I have ever gotten really angry are when such behaviors injure the team's ability to fight most effectively.  But even at those times, all I have ever done and would ever do is, I let you know without filters exactly what I think.  I don't come after you in game (unless you're on the other team); I do not physically disrupt your game; and if I were Admin, I would NEVER kick or ban for anything you would say.  Funny thing is, knowing you like I do, I believe that, if you had Admin, you would use it much the same way: fairly.  You have your own - what I believe to be retarded - way of playing the game, and I have never held back on my opinion of it; still, except when it actually affects me or my team, I doesn't bother me what you do in game.

I believe some of the things you do to be retarded, and no doubt you believe something similar about some of the things I do; still, that is no reason to keep lists or mute individuals in TS.  Recently you unmuted me in TS, even going so far as to speak to me ...even though it was do one of your corny explanation things that only you understand.  "This is progress," I thought optimistically.  Despite my hard-edged tone with you lonewolf, I've never had a personal problem with you, which is to say that there has always been some kind of boundaries that both of us have respected in terms of how we relate ...despite your muting me in TS.

As for this thread, it might be best to stay above the fray on this one.  Do not let anyone suck you into her sick compulsion to feed off the drama of others or to stick her nose where it ought not be stuck.  My beef in this thread has nothing to do with you; if Reno or anyone else wishes to call you out by name, rest assured that any such allusion will be duly ignored by me.



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#37 2015-09-10 01:56:10

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

PitViper wrote:

How do you expect anyone to "help" when you rage the way you do from the very beginning.

Based purely on actual history, what I rightly can expect is for nobody to help me and to be lectured about my tone for the 317th time rather than address the core problem that caused every last bit of it: TOOKIE's unfair and completely abusive behavior toward me.

Over the past several months I have been kicked or banned by TOOKIE well over a couple dozen times, while I have been kicked or banned by ALL OTHERS COMBINED less than 3 ...and that is being generous, because it seems more like never ...except one time that I can recall when I was kicked because it was thought that I beached the carrier (I know, something I do SO all the time, right?).  Still, the ONLY Admin I have actually and regularly been abused by is TOOKIE and ONLY TOOKIE.

Yet here we are discussing IceBag$ tone, his words, his whatever-the-fuck-bullshit-you're-running-out-right-now-at-me shit.

I regret that my "rage" is off-putting.  I will glad to work on my FUCKING tone just as soon as something is actually done about TOOKIE and his petty ass bullshit.

What I had hoped for on several occassions and after much time and effort spent was to be left the fuck alone to play the game without being nit-picked and fucked over for nothing just because, well, TOOKIE said so and because, well, nobody does anything about it.

With due respect, pit, what I expect isn't so much "help" or any other sort of "favor."  What I want is that something actually BE DONE TO STOP TOOKIE and his unfair and abusive behavior toward me.  What I actually exactly, however, is pretty much what I have been receiving from the start of this one particular incident: trolls attacking me while nobody in any position to do something actually steps up and does the right thing.

TOOKIE Once Again has abused me without cause and certainly without proportion.  Either something is done to prevent that from happening again, or my gaming time gets focused elsewhere so that in the not-too-distant future we can all think back to these as the good ol' days when one could still play the game with interruption.  You may think that's just "rage," pit, but it already evolved into pure resolve at this point.  I am done being talked to after being unfairly fucked once again by TOOKIE.

Just remember that all I EVER wanted was to play the game.


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#38 2015-09-10 03:08:03

impeached (twice)
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Re: Tookie Once Again!

"Over the past several months I have been kicked or banned by TOOKIE well over a couple dozen times"

My ass!

I have kicked you for taxi'ing, attacking main & team stackin once each. I have given you a minimum of 10 (& actually more like 20) minutes before kicking you for being AFK a few times too. The one time I kicked you for team stackin on Berlin your team had 18 & we (axis) had 11. I then told you to even the teams or get banned & I banned you for 15 minutes.

Your such the "victim" arent you. You seem to think your breaking the rules are under reasonable circumstances. That you can do it because it's righteous in your opinion. And the times you've complained I've told you to go to forums. But you never do, till now. Because you know my call was right & you have no defense. I dont pick on you at all, I just want & expect you to follow the rules.


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#39 2015-09-10 03:19:19

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Tookie Once Again!


In what world do you live in, obviously your fantasy world? I just read your post and you whine about Tookie and still threaten to crash the server. Do you really think threatening to crash the server will get your ban lifted:       

             ”Either something is done to prevent that from happening again, or my gaming time gets focused elsewhere so that in the not-too-distant future we can all think back to these as the good ol' days when one could still play the game with interruption."

You are delusional. If you didn’t taxi you would not have been banned for one day. Did Tookie make you evade your ban? No stupid you did that on your own. You are pitiful.

Good luck playing solitaire.

Your Buddy.



Last edited by janet reno (TX) (2015-09-10 03:27:04)


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#40 2015-09-10 03:41:48

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Re: Tookie Once Again!


Your such the "victim" arent you. You seem to think your breaking the rules are under reasonable circumstances. That you can do it because it's righteous in your opinion. And the times you've complained I've told you to go to forums. But you never do, till now. Because you know my call was right & you have no defense.

You lie, you SO LIE!  You lie and act as if you're just the even-handed official of some unruly child when the FACT is that ONLY YOU have kicked and banned me 20 times more than ALL OTHERS COMBINED!  If the problem were me not following rules, then certainly one would expect a similar correlation with Admins other than JUST YOU.

There was absolutely NO reason, let alone a justifiable one, that you banned me yesterday for "taxiing to plane."  That was SUCH a punk ass bitch move, if it were to be done in person, I would have taken it to your face without discussion.

The circumstances that you cite as cause to BAN me for ONE DAY are so blatantly fabricated, all this does is remind me of the games that little schoolgirls play.  You are a punk, and you KNOW IT!


I dont pick on you at all, I just want & expect you to follow the rules.

LIKE HELL!  You know, I would respect you more than nothing if you at least had the balls to admit your true motivation, what it is you truly want from me: submission to your petty authority, kiss your ring.  Dude, you got me fucked up with one of these clowns like your girl Reno who has nothing to do with his sorry life but monitor a Forum so he can pounce on his rivals whenever he sees a chance.

You absolutely do "pick on me," but rest assured that I am no victim.


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#41 2015-09-10 04:19:09

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

IceBag$, you clearly have your hands full here so I'll try to only respond to your comment directed at me:

You're wrong. I've grown tired of your incredibly nasty comments in TS and game about me every time I play (for the last 10+ years.) You're wrong for thinking that anyone in game is subject to your opinion on anything and for flipping out when they disregard it. You're wrong in your nearly violent self-righteous sense of command over me, and everyone else in the game for that matter, which is horribly misconceived and frankly a bummer. I avoid you in general because it makes my game more enjoyable overall. It's just that simple. You're wrong to think it matters how good you (or your friends) think you are. It doesn't justify your attitude and treatment of me. You want to talk about tactics? You've used TS to cross-locate me, and you've glitched for kills. You TK people out of convenience, and more. I've seen it. Just because you can do this stuff and rack up some stats doesn't give you some kind of god award to match your apparent complex. You're wrong about why I'm here - I come on the game for fun. I didn't realize that I'd signed up for IceBag$' ultimate BF42 tournament. There again, I doubt ANYONE was aware they'd signed up for it, except for maybe you. Sometimes I just want to steal a damn plane (if it's legal.) Sometimes I place gold, sometimes I don't. I generally tend to help as best as I can. Sometimes I just have shitty games because I'm human, not a self-anointed deity like you. You're wrong about my teamplay. Plenty of people have teamed up with me, you're just not one of them. You're so wrong about all of this and yet you're right about one thing - there are a handful of people that, over the last 10+ years, I'm not interested in wasting time with in game and unfortunately you've become one of them. If I treated you the way you treat me and others, would you want to team up with me or chat? Seriously. Some people feel that I'm not worth their time and that's there prerogative. You don't see me acting like I own people or that they owe me anything because of it.

Good luck resolving your other larger issue here. I'll stay clear of that. If you end up back this way and you want to try to resolve OUR issues message me. It doesn't seem likely but I'm not closed to the idea.

Last edited by lonewolf-mcquade (2015-09-10 04:23:01)


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#42 2015-09-10 04:28:52

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

lonewolf-mcquade wrote:

Good luck resolving your other larger issue here. I'll stay clear of that. If you end up back this way and you want to try to resolve OUR issues message me. It doesn't seem likely but I'm not closed to the idea.

Clearly you and I have a major difference in perception, but I have no wish to dwell on them.  You and I will likely never agree - to you I will always be an asshole who apparently thinks he owns others, and to me you will always be the wingnut doing wingnut things while telling me to leave you alone.  But at least we can agree to disagree, and that is not nothing.


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#43 2015-09-10 05:21:13

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Re: Tookie Once Again!



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#44 2015-09-10 08:45:39

Winston Smith
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Re: Tookie Once Again!

I never even finished the first book and the sequel is already out?  I think I'll just wait for the HBO series.


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#45 2015-09-10 09:33:18

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

Well, the server is down. If this is IceBag$ following through on threats, might I suggest legal action of some sort?


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#46 2015-09-10 12:28:07

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

icebags wrote:

Your such the "victim" arent you. You seem to think your breaking the rules are under reasonable circumstances. That you can do it because it's righteous in your opinion. And the times you've complained I've told you to go to forums. But you never do, till now. Because you know my call was right & you have no defense.

You lie, you SO LIE!  You lie and act as if you're just the even-handed official of some unruly child when the FACT is that ONLY YOU have kicked and banned me 20 times more than ALL OTHERS COMBINED!  If the problem were me not following rules, then certainly one would expect a similar correlation with Admins other than JUST YOU.

What if he just was playing more often? Or was the first one to read messages "kick icebags for tk/base reaping/et cetera"?

icebags wrote:

... but monitor a Forum so he can pounce on his rivals whenever he sees a chance.

And what is wrong with having some fun from time to time?

Russ wrote:

Well, the server is down. If this is IceBag$ following through on threats, might I suggest legal action of some sort?

Maybe maintenance?

Last edited by GamerCat (2015-09-10 12:29:41)


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#47 2015-09-10 14:25:45

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

NeoDio wrote:

Originally Posted by NeoDio Hello, the abbreviation DDoS somehow caught my attention.

I hate DoS/DDoS attacks, I find them pure cowardice and I've solved many of them against my Network in the past few years so I'm gonna try to give you a hand.

The most simple way is to use Wireshark (google it, install it and enable it) and then save the logs with the IP (if it's one person/DoS) or IP's (if it's a botnet or several individuals/DDoS) that are attacking you, once you have those logs, google 'whois IP' and track down the IP address to find out the ISP, you should find an email that says [email protected], contact that email with the Wireshark logs.
You can also call that ISP directly and tell them what is happening and they will warn the user upon breaking their contractual terms by using their internet services for criminal purposes, if the user persists with this behavior then his internet will be terminated and his own ISP might take legal action against him.

You can also contact the company that is hosting your VPS and tell them what is happening so they can contact whoever is attacking you. They will probably suggest you some DDoS mitigation software that's highly expensive so don't bother going there, there are already several bypasses for most anti-DDoS software. For example, I use hostkey and they charge 100€ for DDoS protection...No thanks.

On a last resort, you can just get the Wireshark logs and make a criminal charge since denial of service is a crime punishable by law, and nowadays, everyone is traceable and with the FBI's current international cooperation protocols you can simply drop your information with valid proof on this address - Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | File a Complaint
That's an official FBI website, do not joke with them or you will be target of legal responsibility!
If you press a criminal charge you will have to use your real information, do not worry about whatever content you host on your VPS either, if they are, in this case, MAIET's copyrighted files, the FBI and your local/national authorities will only investigate the information that you provide them. Only the copyright holders (MAIET) can take legal action against whatever you have on your VPS, and so far I haven't seen MAIET getting anywhere with their lawsuits and/or cease and desist letters.

Also, if you choose to take legal action I will warn you now that you will have to wait months due to the massive proliferation of cyber crimes, but in the end, it will be worth waiting. Ignorant individuals might mock you and say nothing will happen and that the authorities do not care, but they do care, I've "been there, done that", and you'll get the last laugh if you're a good guy, trust me. But if you're using your VPS to attack other servers then just ignore everything that I've said because everything will turn against you.

If you need anymore assistance feel free to contact me through private messages.


If that is the case, its not a direct attack on the server but that server company, the way they are doing can effect that server company, but this is childish.  Friend of mine at HP gave me that link, that is all Tuia has to do is inform that server company of the possible attack, they can install programs that can and will monitor all income connections and then they can log it, build a case, if that server company loses business in excess of over $5k its federal crime which follows under the FBI, but lets just hope its due to maintenance.  I've had my issues with TOOKIE but I wouldn't even think about possible posting this or theaten on a public forum of cyber attacking a server because of one person.  You read my ban appeal Icebag$, I've had issues with him but i just sit and took a deep breathe and patiently waited it out, i've been kicked numerous times for "afk" "dis" "tk" etc, by admins its not worth it to show this side of you which i no doubt you can.  Let the upper admins look into it, but coming out on a public forum??

Last edited by BoS (2015-09-10 14:29:41)


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#48 2015-09-10 15:15:34

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

Bos - thank you for the sanity injection and the posted information.

I have been running Wireshark on my server for some time now and already have data that can and will be passed to authorities should any issues such as this occur again, I am also sure that Tuia has all this in hand for Simple Servers so enough said about this I think.



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#49 2015-09-10 17:19:24

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

back after a week away i cant believe i have lost half an hour reading this soap opera


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#50 2015-09-10 18:03:29

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

Russ wrote:

Well, the server is down. If this is IceBag$ following through on threats, might I suggest legal action of some sort?

Legal action?  LMFAO


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#51 2015-09-10 18:07:30

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Tookie Once Again!

Hello BoS,

You have made a significant contribution to this thread. You have pointed out the criminal aspect of our friendly Psychopath’s threat to carry out a denial of service attack against the Simple community. He has reached the heights of stupidity running his alligator mouth about his criminal intentions on a public forum for everyone to see:

           ”Operation Server Freeze is underway. I have begun to organize my tool library and resources while educating myself on the technical parameters that govern network operations of BF1942 servers. At first glance it seems that BF1942 has many vulnerabilities, so finding one that I can effectively and reliably exploit is only a matter of time.

Psychopath’s posting his criminal intent on this forum reinforces my observation he suffers from delusional fantasies of power and relevance to go along with his inflated self-esteem. Telegraphing his criminal intent on an open forum indicates he obviously does not have the intelligence to conduct his attack without help:

             ”I have contacted two colleagues already with detailed specifications, and I have also contacted a developer who has an existing tool that I suspect can be modified to achieve my goal and that I shall be glad to pay him for his services.”

Now than it is established that Psychopath has made criminal threats against the Simple USA server, I want to add another aspect to “Captain Insaneo’s” admitted criminality:

”conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future.”

To bad he is banned permanently, I like to have him around for the comic relief. He never fails to provide entertainment with his overwhelming stupidity. Thank you Bos for your input, not only have you shined a light on Icefags criminality, you have assisted me in my argument, Icesnag is an unmitigated dumbass.


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#52 2015-09-10 18:50:32

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

Just so there is no confusion, whatever happened to the server yesterday or today or whenever it was apparently attacked, that was not me.  As I indicated in an earlier post, when/if I begin attacking the server, the source of those disruptions will be made abundantly clear, there will be zero doubt as to the cause.

Another thing, a DDoS attack is far less effective than what I am developing.  When/if I unleash the Kracken, the game server will be endlessly pounded from random IP addresses across the globe in a way that will have it unable to operate in any meaningful way.  Such attacks will appear no different than legitimate traffic, and a defense from them will take some time to devise ...but then the tactics can be easily changed so the cycle can continue.

When/if my goal is realized, the tables will be turned, and finally TOOKIE will understand as well as those who continue to allow him to abuse me and others time and time again while simply making up shit to suit his highly dysfunctional compulsion to unfairly rule over others and mistreat them unless they bow to his made-up so-called authority as an admin on a fucking game server.  Individuals like him understand only one thing: FORCE.  I have exhausted all peaceful avenues with this server and its operators; now it is time for force.

As for the threats of legal action being some kind of a deterrent, that honestly makes me laugh.  I get giddy just thinking about all the time and effort the hall monitor types will spend poring over server logs, game server logs, network logs, and all the rest of it only to come up with dead ends.

I can already see TOOKIE and Water Boy Reno collaborating for days and weeks and months to compile detailed log files with vast chunks missing and others inserted in order to "prove" their point ...just like TOOKIE does shit now.  Except then Reno, who apparently believes himself a legal expert, can put it all into a 3,000-page Complaint and file it in his ass when he has no money or other resources necessary to even begin to start down that road.  LOL Good Luck with all of that!  You'll need it.

If I can't get justice from those in the position to do the right thing, then at least I will have a lotta' fun playing with the Kracken and exacting justice on my own.  But one thing is for sure: NO ONE CAN SAY THAT I DIDN'T GIVE THEM A CHANCE.  If/when the Kracken goes live, my intentions will be complete disruption until complete submission - there will be no response from me to the countless pleas, "Oh, IceBags, please please please stop crashing the server" - there will be a mandatory period of endless attacks with the intent to permanently shut down and keep shut down the game server current known as SiMPLE USA.

So at this point it's a roll of the die; it's a question, can IceBags pull it off.  Honestly, I believe I can, but I am not 100% certain.  I am actively working on it, and I have already involved several others who are also working on it with a financial incentive as a reward.  If it's possible, it will be done.  While this path should have been ridiculously unnecessary, because I continue to be subject to TOOKIE's flagrant abuse so long as he remains Admin on the server, "ridiculously unnecessary" has become the last remaining option for me to exercise merely to ensure that I am left alone to simply play the game.

Last edited by icebags (2015-09-10 19:18:59)


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#53 2015-09-10 19:39:02

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Tookie Once Again!


You are ridiculous, I can’t stop laughing at you as everyone else who reads your delusional fantasies:

                   ”Another thing, a DDoS attack is far less effective than what I am developing. When/if I unleash the Kracken, the game server will be endlessly pounded from random IP addresses across the globe in a way that will have it unable to operate in any meaningful way.”

You will not rests until everyone knows what an colossal jewel of stupidity you really are. Your lack of intelligence is only surpassed by your mental illness, which causes you to babble on incessantly in your deluded world of make believe.

              ”Megalomania - is a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem.”

Please keep up your postings, I’m convinced your criminal activities are the right track to get your ban removed. You again prove my point.

How does it feel to be the so stupid, is it because of your mental illness, or is it you are just plain stupid and mentally ill?

Good luck.


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#54 2015-09-10 23:31:31

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

janet reno (TX) wrote:


You are ridiculous, I can’t stop laughing at you .....blah blah blah

14 posts by you on this, a Forum Topic having absolutely nothing to do with you.

Before leaving this thread without further or future review, I write this final post simply to share with you a recent epiphany.  No doubt regrettably for you, I will be unavailable as your audience, unaware of whatever you may post, so what I am about to say will have to sustain indefinitely your excessive preoccupation with me.

The revelation I had recently hit me while counting the number of reply posts authored by you as I couldn't help but read pieces of a few of them.  "No wonder his wife died!" I finally realized!

Go ahead and respond to this post ...again and again if it helps.  Get it all out of your system ...if that is possible.  But at some point, I hope you get some professional help.  Sitting around drinking, monitoring an on-line Forum and posting irrelevant, insipid ideas designed purely for the purpose of creating drama is about as pathetic as it comes.

Having served in the military myself, I genuinely respect that you too have served, but that you've become a petty tyrant drunkard is an embarrassment and below the conduct of a man, let alone a serviceman.  Do now whatever your internal impulses will have you do, write whatever you feel like writing; after that, though, get some professional help ...for real.

Last edited by icebags (2015-09-10 23:49:17)


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#55 2015-09-11 01:16:29

janet reno (TX)
United States
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Re: Tookie Once Again!

Good riddance scumbag.


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#56 2015-09-11 02:00:25

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

icebags wrote:

When/if I unleash the Kracken, the game server will be endlessly pounded from random IP addresses across the globe in a way that will have it unable to operate in any meaningful way.  Such attacks will appear no different than legitimate traffic, and a defense from them will take some time to devise.

This IS a DDoS attack. And it is easy to defend from this one.

icebags wrote:

I am actively working on it, and I have already involved several others who are also working on it with a financial incentive as a reward.

I am really sorry for you if you really paid somebody to help you.

icebags wrote:
janet reno (TX) wrote:


You are ridiculous, I can’t stop laughing at you .....blah blah blah

14 posts by you on this, a Forum Topic having absolutely nothing to do with you.

Wrong. If you ever kill the server he will be affected. Everyone will be affected. Even those ones who are not registered on the forum. So this post has something to do with everyone.


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#57 2015-09-11 03:39:17

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

A note for Team-Simple...

If I were a team-simple owner/admin I would run a netwhois on some of the documented IPs you have and initiate contact with the abuse departments for IceBag$' ISP(s). You will need to do this in writing and simply report the threat activity without getting into opinions. You really have more than you need in this thread alone by most standards to at least initiate the abuse complaint process with any major ISP.

Additionally, strictly from the perspective of an IT professional, the threatened attacks would violate multiple federal laws. Such occurrences can be reported to the proper authorities using the methods at the Department of Justice Computer Crimes link below. Direct victims and, in many cases, even third parties can file complaints and receive assistance. Though the threats seem like a whimsical bullshit temper tantrum, if anything happens I'd strongly encourage everyone affected to file appropriate complaints. Considering a full description of the prospective crime and plenty of IP information is available, my guess is this would be quite track-able by the concerned agencies.  While the threats sound like a sick delusional fantasy, the potential criminal and civil liabilities from such dubious action are quite real.

http://www.justice.gov/criminal-ccips/r … erty-crime

Last edited by lonewolf-mcquade (2015-09-11 03:40:05)


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#58 2015-09-11 03:56:35

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Re: Tookie Once Again!

lonewolf-mcquade wrote:

A note for Team-Simple...

Only because my attention was specifically called upon and I simply cannot resist....

R O F L M F A O !!!!  Everyone's a LAWYER.

Lonewolf, sometimes your timing is priceless.  Thank You for making me laugh so hard, I nearly feel off the chair.

lonewolf-mcquade wrote:

.....even third parties can file complaints and receive assistance.

OMG You totally should take this "case" ...pro bono of course.  With your expertise in Law, it should all be sealed up and IceBag$ in jail right quick like and stuff!  LMFAO!

Still laughing........  Honestly, lonewolf, this is one of your better "explanations" that totally makes sense ...so long as I don't think about it.  :-)

Let me assure you, the odds of me succeeding in Operation Server Freeze using The Kracken 1.0 are a hell of a lot better than those of you or anyone on "Team SiMPLE" from doing anything about it, before or after.

Also, and this is a bit of an aside... It is interesting to observe that your natural inclination is first to resort to force rather than urge resolution by peaceful means.

Last edited by icebags (2015-09-11 04:12:17)


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#59 2015-09-11 04:08:41

janet reno (TX)
United States
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Re: Tookie Once Again!

Hello Lonewolf,

Your post is enlightening, I guess numb nutbags has read it. He must have realized he has legally exposed himself to the possibility of a dose of his own medicine.

Hay douchebags,

You said you had an epiphany, a revelation and are finished with this thread. Guess you are feeling the heat for you fantastical delusions?

Hay stupid, we just have to report your ass to your ISP and we don't have to worry about the legal fees your ISP will pursue you themselves. Man you are as stupid as they come.

Hay shithead. You must be feeling the reality, you know awareness of reality is a breakthrough? Seems reality is overriding your megalomania induced delusions.

Stick with me buddy, there might be hope for you.

Haha, Fat chance


Last edited by janet reno (TX) (2015-09-11 04:22:02)


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#60 2015-09-11 04:37:12

United States
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Posts: 138
Windows 2003 Chrome 45.0

Re: Tookie Once Again!

janet reno (TX) wrote:

.....we just have to report your ass to your ISP and we don't have to worry about the legal fees your ISP will pursue you themselves. Man you are as stupid as they come.

Guess you're not quite ready to seek professional help yet.  In fact, it sounds like you might have a bright new future ahead in the field of Law.  Holy fuck, you really twelve-stepped your ass straight the fuck into a whole new life.  You GO, girl!

You really should just go ahead and SHOW me how stupid I am instead of just writing about it ...exactly how I'm done writing about this shit and instead working on a solution.  Tell you what, genius, I'll do what I'm doing, and you go do whatever strikes your fancy.  But whatever you do, don't hold back; do your absolute and utmost worst to me.  I'll be right here shakin' in me boots while you amass the most powerful force you can bring to bear, that of a beer fart.

janet reno (TX) wrote:

Hay stupid.....

By the way, I believe you meant "hey" - "hay" is the straw your mother eats.

Last edited by icebags (2015-09-11 04:40:45)


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