#1 2015-06-28 04:53:38

United States
Reputation: +90
Location: Indiana
Registered: 2015-06-28
Posts: 554
Windows 7 Firefox 38.0

Player called "*** Zobywan Kenoby ***" TKer

I was playing in the FRA server in an Iwo Jima game that ended a few minutes ago, so I was playing mostly between 22:00 and 22:30 GMT-5.  I came in late, so I did not see all the action, but there was a player (#3) named "*** Zobywan Kenoby ***" who was TKing intentionally.  I was in a plane and he kept shooting at me, although I didn't realize it was coming from him until he actually shot me down and I saw the "*** Zobywan Kenoby *** killed a teammate" message.  At that time he was auto-kicked for minus score, so he must have been doing it for a while.  Just near the end of the game he came back, and TKed me again, and I don't think there's any way it was an accident.  The logs should verify the TKs.

So in addition to TKing I think he also violated the rule that says "Do not try to evade a ban, that will lead to a much longer ban" by coming back to do the same bad behavior he had already been kicked for.


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