#1 2014-11-01 02:29:44

Nathan Adhitya
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Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

That night, ive sit on my chair, and ive lost my balance and knocked, or collided or something like that, my head with the floor, And now, it's hard for me to wake up and sleep, this morning ive fallen 6 Times tried to wake up and, I'm getting random headache.
I hope users here with religion here to pray me for me to get back to be normal.
Thanks if you already prayed for me to get back up to normal.
It was an accident, ive lost my balance ...


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#2 2014-11-01 04:05:39

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

have you been to the doctor?


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#3 2014-11-01 04:39:09

Nathan Adhitya
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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Don't have money to


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#4 2014-11-01 05:07:19

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Go to the doctor as soon as possible, money or no money.


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#5 2014-11-01 07:10:52

Nathan Adhitya
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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

I don't have a vehicle... There's no hospital near my house


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#6 2014-11-01 11:19:21

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Try to rest a lot and get some sleep. Put an ice pack on your head, if it is sore or hurting.


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#7 2014-11-01 12:01:27

Nathan Adhitya
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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Ice pack...?
I have no idea what that is.
All i know is "ice"
My head's not hot.
also, ive got better this afternoon, thanks for anyone who prayed for me


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#8 2014-11-01 12:26:24

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal



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#9 2014-11-01 13:59:03

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

When the trauma took place, did you lose consciousness, even if it only was one second?  If you didn't it shouldn't be anything to worry about!
Try to do some exercises like follow your finger with your eyes (and let someone judge), repeat the same sentence over and over and try to pinch yourself on the leg and the arm so you can exclude stroke which I'm pretty sure it's not, nothing to worry about, better safe than sorry though. If you have any problem; to speak while you're repeating your sentence, stand on one leg or if the pain is delayed when you pinch yourself it should be time to call the emergency for your own prosperous!
It's just probably a mild concussion but do not fall sleep within the next 12-15 hours from when the trauma took place! You should call someone who can take care of you!

(my brother is a doctor and the same thing happened to me once but it was more brutal. I called him and  he told me to do this  written above and I was pretty clean although I had an easy concussion. I was on skii vacation so there was nothing I could so, the hospital was closed near my location) I was on the top of the mountain where we found an inside skate park and I was supposed to do a backflip from one of the stump to a mattress, I didn't make due to slow rotation, my top feet landed on the mattress meanhile my whole body mass was forced towards the ground and I hit my forhead really bad. Too bad I was on the top of the mountain so I had to ride the skis all the way down.

Bad headache and a poor balance for the moment is normal when you're having a concussion!

Last edited by SleveN (2014-11-01 14:16:03)


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#10 2014-11-01 14:40:09

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

I think it is too late for ice...


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#11 2014-11-01 16:01:17

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

just a bad concussion, if it were any bigger trauma, things would have developed faster.
Try and rest, instead of watching your monitor.
Your brain needs rest, because this type of trauma makes a bit of a swelling inside the skull, and in order to put the pressure down, you need to be calm, drink some water, and rest as much as possible
good luck


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#12 2014-11-01 16:21:28

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

G the doctor. smile
I friend died few days later, after someone smashed a chair on his head. How do you know things would develop faster?

Last edited by dary (2014-11-01 16:21:49)


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#13 2014-11-01 16:41:54

Kebab killer
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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

be a strong Nathan!
i remember once i got a hit in my head by hammer , i should post  the photo to make you brave !


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#14 2014-11-01 16:55:23

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Things would have developed faster if it would have been seriously, such as very bad dizziness, bad speech, vomiting, really bad headache and a significant loss of sensation. A stroke usually doesn't appear without any marked symptoms.
I'm sorry for your friend, really sad to hear... A stroke can appear very creeping but since he is getting better and it doesn't seem to be such a harsh trauma there is really nothing to worry about. Going for a CT radiation at the hospital isn't really healthy either, but of course a stroke is more dangerous.


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#15 2014-11-01 17:03:02

Empress of Doom
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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

I've had concussions before. They are no fun! Sleep!


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#16 2014-11-01 17:08:05

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

For christ sake, who told you that sleep is necessary when you have a concussions? big_smile If you sleep you will not be aware of the symptoms that could eventually happen.. Just rest, watch a movie, play some battlefield, stay awake for atleast 12 hours from start where the incident took place.


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#17 2014-11-01 17:27:12

Empress of Doom
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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Last time all I wanted to do was sleep. But it was night anyway lol. I had one really bad a couple years ago snowboarding. I remember I just ignored it and thought I was just dizzy because I hit my head to hard. I vomited later a lot and just didn't feel right. Went to the hospital and they had a test they give to see if you have a concussion. They just said rest and not be too active until I saw them few days later to do the test again. It's a horrible feeling. It's like even worse than the actual pain on ur head from hitting it sad

Last edited by Sunshine (2014-11-01 17:29:56)


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#18 2014-11-02 04:27:18

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Nathan Adhitya wrote:

Don't have money to

Do you feel better now? or still the same, and how much do you need to go to a doctor?

Last edited by Syndrum² (2014-11-02 04:31:39)


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#19 2014-11-02 10:01:13

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

mccrank wrote:

G the doctor. smile
I friend died few days later, after someone smashed a chair on his head. How do you know things would develop faster?

Actually I don't know, but what i do know is that any type of concussion makes the brain tissue swelling, and doctors say to rest, which for me is logical, to be able to allow your body to cure itself quicker., and to exclude any type of stress on it.
Your friend probably had a vene or capilary rupture ?????, which slowly did what it did sad, i hope nathan has nothing similar, but ofc , i don't know.
brain scan would show, but if nathan has no money , then i suggest him to rest, not much he can do.

Last edited by George (2014-11-02 10:03:41)


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#20 2014-11-02 14:03:59

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

George wrote:
mccrank wrote:

G the doctor. smile
I friend died few days later, after someone smashed a chair on his head. How do you know things would develop faster?

Actually I don't know, but what i do know is that any type of concussion makes the brain tissue swelling, and doctors say to rest, which for me is logical, to be able to allow your body to cure itself quicker., and to exclude any type of stress on it.
Your friend probably had a vene or capilary rupture ?????, which slowly did what it did sad, i hope nathan has nothing similar, but ofc , i don't know.
brain scan would show, but if nathan has no money , then i suggest him to rest, not much he can do.

I think resting is a good idea too.

He had brain bleeding or something. Doctors didn't find anything and sent him home. Maybe i should use helmets while driving with bike. It only looks stupid. smile


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#21 2014-11-02 14:17:01

Nathan Adhitya
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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Feels a bit better this day, i keep getting random headache when trying to look down and up and sides.


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#22 2014-11-02 14:41:13

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Because you are swollen, its' normal.
If you touch your chin on your chest, does your head hurt then, like a tighten feeling? You shouldn't exclude meningitis, but it usually comes with fever and sinusitis. Did you hit your forehead or back? It's a really bad system that you don't have "free" X-radius, which should come with the taxes. You should schedule a meeting with your doctor where you can talk about the trauma. It shouldn't cost so much!


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#23 2014-11-02 17:34:21

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

It is much if you don't have money. Sleven, Sleven... big_smile


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#24 2014-11-03 07:49:20

Nathan Adhitya
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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

In my country, Taxes are basically for paying roads and stuff,Doctors costs more than $100
Ive knocked my head on the back
Ive got sinusitis and asthma(dunno what to call it) from born, asthma and sinusitis was from my mother.
About the ice pack, i'm not sure where to buy those, My town sells items super cheap, as example, crisps or something like that,they are made out of plastic and fried using plastic to make it last longer, that's a bit annoying, nearly every people in Surabaya, here always sells everything as cheap as possible, and they mainly use wrong ingredients

Last edited by Nathan Adhitya (2014-11-03 07:51:34)


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#25 2014-11-03 12:52:22

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Re: Nathan went to a bit of a fatal

Nathan Adhitya wrote:

In my country, Taxes are basically for paying roads and stuff,Doctors costs more than $100
Ive knocked my head on the back
Ive got sinusitis and asthma(dunno what to call it) from born, asthma and sinusitis was from my mother.
About the ice pack, i'm not sure where to buy those, My town sells items super cheap, as example, crisps or something like that,they are made out of plastic and fried using plastic to make it last longer, that's a bit annoying, nearly every people in Surabaya, here always sells everything as cheap as possible, and they mainly use wrong ingredients

Ah I see, sorry...
It's already too late for the ice pack now anyways; grab some frozen stuff from the freezer, like meat and it might numb the pain away abit for the moment or fill a plastic bag with water and wait for it to be solid.
Sinusitis is not a hereditary gene, it's just an inflammation in your sinuses that generally comes from a normal cold/virus.  but since you didn't hit your forehead a meningitis should be excluded. When I hit my forehead I was already cold and this triggered an extreme sinus infection I couldn't barely look up or down because of the pain, around the nose and forehead.


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