#1 2014-10-08 18:58:18

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Server kick threshold

I suggest making the auto-kicking threshold value "-6" instead of "-9". 

It will ease the pressure from admins and players.

Trolls and inadequate people will have less amount of tk pleasure tongue

Last edited by Serebro (2014-10-08 19:03:37)


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#2 2014-10-09 00:07:15

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Re: Server kick threshold

Ok, it will be set at -6, but I've seen some players complain before because of minus score auto-kick, believing they were kicked by an admin.


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#3 2014-10-09 08:56:19

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Re: Server kick threshold

It's bad idea, because when you throw landmines, two idiots will always explode them, so you have -6 and kicked.


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#4 2014-10-09 11:42:42

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Re: Server kick threshold

2 teamkills and minus score are different things. if you previously had at least one kill you will stay on server.


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#5 2014-10-09 11:55:37

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Re: Server kick threshold

On the others servers, there are no problem with -6.
Why here there would be ? smile

The players just have to play intelligently and not to blame admin ...

Maybe put in information chat, "be carefull, at -6 you'll get autokicked" or something else.


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#6 2014-10-09 16:39:05

Winston Smith
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Re: Server kick threshold

I often play "HOKKAIDOJPN#1 Schindler'sList" and on that server if you team damage - vehicle or soldier - then an equal amount of damage comes off your health.  Therefore, if you team kill then you die instantly.  It makes team killing no fun at all - cause it's just suicide, and it teaches you to be careful when throwing grenades, firing artillery and carpet bombing with the B-17.  I think if you had this system then the intentional (and careless) TKers would move on pretty soon.  Thoughts?



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#7 2014-10-09 16:50:19

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Re: Server kick threshold

Agree about teamkillers who will lose their interest, but it won't be interesting for regular players to play also. The game will lose it's realistic particularity. Well , at least for me it would be so.

Last edited by Serebro (2014-10-09 16:51:00)


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#8 2014-10-12 19:25:18

Winston Smith
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Re: Server kick threshold

serebro2064 wrote:

Agree about teamkillers who will lose their interest, but it won't be interesting for regular players to play also. The game will lose it's realistic particularity. Well , at least for me it would be so.

I see what you mean, it does suck when you suddenly die because someone drove over an old landmine or something.  But, in terms of realism, not being able to attack an enemy's main base is also not very realistic - in war that would be a high priority target.  But I see that to make this game more playable then rules are made and enforced as best they can be. 

How about a situation where if you TK a player in your uncapturable home base then you lose health/die, but outside of the main base the usual situation applies.  When I have trouble with punk TKers it's usually within the main base where the TKers feel safe - if they try that bollox outside, where the battle is raging, then they have to deal with the enemy, right.

This is all just musings, I have no idea about programming or modding and I have no idea how easy or difficult it would be to make a change like that.



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#9 2014-10-12 20:02:08

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Re: Server kick threshold

Winston Smith wrote:

How about a situation where if you TK a player in your uncapturable home base then you lose health/die, but outside of the main base the usual situation applies.  When I have trouble with punk TKers it's usually within the main base where the TKers feel safe - if they try that bollox outside, where the battle is raging, then they have to deal with the enemy, right.

I think that'd be cool.


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#10 2014-10-20 23:55:00

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Re: Server kick threshold

Winston Smith wrote:

How about a situation where if you TK a player in your uncapturable home base then you lose health/die, but outside of the main base the usual situation applies.  When I have trouble with punk TKers it's usually within the main base where the TKers feel safe - if they try that bollox outside, where the battle is raging, then they have to deal with the enemy, right.

It can't be done, as far as i know. There are other options available, such as enable voting to kick a player, kickback damage, reducing friendly fire damage, increasing spawn delay TK penalty, but they have their disadvantages.


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#11 2014-10-21 08:25:51

Winston Smith
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Re: Server kick threshold

That's a shame.   Is kickback damage where you get damage if you hurt a teammate?  That's my preferred option anyway.  I guess TKers will always find a way to annoy people no matter what though.  We just have to suffer through it and avoid the temptation to retaliate. wink


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#12 2014-10-22 00:11:34

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Re: Server kick threshold

Kickback damage has the landmines problem. Voting to kick a player has been enabled for testing.


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#13 2014-10-22 13:24:19

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Re: Server kick threshold

How many votes needed?


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#14 2014-10-23 00:18:14

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Re: Server kick threshold

60% of total players.


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#15 2014-10-23 08:38:05

Red Scorpion
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Re: Server kick threshold

Have my doubts whether this will work, will be continuing voting to kick players and it will get very annoying imo


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#16 2014-10-23 16:50:43

Winston Smith
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Re: Server kick threshold

Actually that just happened to me playing Berlin on USA Server - fortunately the other players voted no.  It was a fairly fun game too, but in the last 1/4 of it someone tried to vote kick me out about 6 times in a row!  I have no idea who it was or why they wanted to kick me.  I don't think I TKed too often and I certainly wasn't doing anything against the rules - I was on Allied team so there's no uncap or anything.  I didn't even have the highest score.  I guess it was just a grudge. 

Is it possible to have kickback on all weapons apart from landmines?  Or have no team damage just for landmines?  Although that would completely change the dynamic of using mines because then you could run up to a tank and chuck a mine on it and not die.  Oh well, perhaps there's no perfect answer.



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#17 2014-10-23 17:36:41

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Re: Server kick threshold

I think that unfortunately, the votekick will make the object of several complaint.
Let see then.


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#18 2014-10-23 23:03:59

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Re: Server kick threshold

Winston Smith wrote:

Is it possible to have kickback on all weapons apart from landmines?  Or have no team damage just for landmines?  Although that would completely change the dynamic of using mines because then you could run up to a tank and chuck a mine on it and not die.  Oh well, perhaps there's no perfect answer.

No, that is not possible.
For now, vote kicking will run for a few days as a test. You should report any abusive player you deem it justified to be banned by PM or a new post, even though I may not reply, I read all reports.


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#19 2014-10-23 23:24:07

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Re: Server kick threshold

Now we've got idiots kick voting for no reason. I'll see if I can ID the guy doing it on the server right now...


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#20 2014-10-23 23:35:56

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Re: Server kick threshold

There is always someone finding loopholes. smile I don't think it's possible to know who started the vote.


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#21 2014-10-24 06:29:31

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Re: Server kick threshold

tuia wrote:

I don't think it's possible to know who started the vote.

I think you are right....that's the problem for stopping any abuse too, who did it?... there is no culpability.
Disrupting game-play that way is just too much of a temptation imo. When the right ones find out they can do it...errr


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