#1 2014-10-09 14:13:11

Count ComBat
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suckin just4fun gamespoiler

a guy with name soldatbf just buggered up the coral-sea-match by parking sbd in front of the mustang-spawn all the time, in addition he made a lot of tks... most annoying were his dumb comments like e.g.: hey we will loose without teamwork tongue hes still in game atm, current time 14 o`clock...
Honestly, if possible please permban this dumb arse, bounce him out FOREVER pls, this game doesnt need such morons who do ruin the game for all others just for their own poor fun... such suckers prolly do get a stiffy by doin such bullshit, idk... Tx to any admin who gives him a longtime-ban or even better his well-deserved permban!!! Greetz ^cc^

Last edited by Count ComBat (2014-10-09 14:54:42)


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#2 2014-10-09 14:52:10

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

Thanks for your feedback,  we will deal with him as soon as possible.


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#3 2014-10-09 15:00:05

Count ComBat
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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

Yayy tx HoOk - sick`em xD ... Yikes, im still in rage, i would like to kick his arse irl... time for a chill pill huh


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#4 2014-10-09 15:06:38

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

Violence is not the answer. wink


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#5 2014-10-09 16:56:07

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

Right seventy, few days !disban is the answer smile


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#6 2014-10-09 17:33:34

Count ComBat
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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

hehe Sevy u softie - from experience i can say: violence is always the correct answer to AAALLLLL )

Anyway, tx for the ban Sere - although some days arent enough me think, some weeks would have been better for this guy, but ok..

Lets see, i bet though hes one of those nags which never ever will stop doin such bullshit!! I do bet 10 dullah$$ - whos in ^^ ?!


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#7 2014-10-09 17:43:17

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

I dint' ban him cause i din't see him online. But will be aware of him.


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#8 2014-10-10 09:32:30

Count ComBat
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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

mmm wont take long before u meet this dumb pussy again, shes mostly @ simple..
this is her keyhash: b2befe4cb5c63be84a43840f5a7cb247

Last edited by Count ComBat (2014-10-12 02:47:54)


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#9 2014-10-10 12:43:49

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

It's Simon, he deserves !ban smile

Last edited by Viitapiru (2014-10-10 12:46:27)


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#10 2014-10-10 13:22:41

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

guys. im worried
how can u breathe with ur heads so deep in each others asses??
vittupiru, who are u and why are u here? do u know how bans work? do u really know what i deserve? and what are u gonna do about it?


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#11 2014-10-10 14:07:17

Kebab killer
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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

vittupiru, do you know how many times simonFucktard got banned?do you really know many bans he evade? tongue


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#12 2014-10-10 14:12:06

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

No, I haven't got a slightest idea HöÖK wink


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#13 2014-10-10 14:29:11

Count ComBat
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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

x) here we go again huh.. Simone, gotta say u r a very good player, but on the other hand yer one of the worst troublemaker-shitheads i have ever met in this game and i seriously wonder wtf is wrong with u - u r absolutely weird, always abusive, totally arrogant, all the stuff uve written in the gamechat before says all about u and ur poor attitude.. when u r in game all the fun is gone for all others, but for sure this is what it is about huh, what u want to reach with ur poor behaviour.. u really should piss off or jstfu instead... i really hope ull come to a better mindset very soon - get well soon disturbed1

Last edited by Count ComBat (2014-10-10 14:30:09)


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#14 2014-10-10 15:23:06

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

XDDD ''No, I haven't got a slightest idea'', vitupiru is representing a simple admin, he doesnt know why is he here or what is he writing. neither does he know how to play bf42. now that uve diagnosed me, tagged me and told me what i shud do, u better check this shit out. how em dipshit simple admins run hacks behind tuias back and abuse their rights, yet they still suck. why u crawling up ppls asses count? look around will ye.
fun fact: u can stop ppl having fun just with internet connection and bf1942.exe. hilarious shit u guys typin. get skill


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#15 2014-10-10 15:35:43

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

Sarcasm maybe?


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#16 2014-10-10 15:41:01

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

Count ComBat wrote:

x)one of the worst troublemaker-shitheads i have ever met in this game and i seriously wonder wtf is wrong with u - u r absolutely weird, always abusive, totally arrogant

It is actually simple, his background of divorced parents, and insuficient love that he had to get while still a child, was absent, and as consequence , all this negative energy has to come out somehow. This is actually sad, and i am not happy for it, i think that every child has to get many kisses and hugs sad
But that is another story.
If we can share love with you simon, we will be here for you , i m serious !


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#17 2014-10-10 16:39:04

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

goorge! i almost feel bad damn.
except next time get that one fact straight so the whole story wud be kewl. xdddddddddd i mean, its a 50/50 chance if my parents are divorced or not..
g why u so bad at everyhing? omaghaad, just stick with growin ur beer tommy and try getting better hacks.
i needa share my love with u man. come aberdeen and lemme clear the definition of love for u.
im serious!


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#18 2014-10-10 20:11:00

Count ComBat
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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

Sigh C.W. - do u have at all read what this post was about? And what are u talkin there about egoism and rules?? U should better tell him but not me...

He was blocking the MustangSpawn in Coral Sea by parking SBDs in front of it, he did it again and again, so i spawned on the other carrier but he zooked me away while takeoff. As we had just a few planes in air thanks to him and as so many couldnt come in air thanks to him we were getting bombed the shit out of our carriers, the match was lost from the beginning just because Mr. Shithead wanted to have his stupid fun.

And then, after doing this bullshit, as if it wasnt enough already, he came with those sarcastic "we need teamwork"-comments, i mean WTF!! What could be a better teamwork in Coral than protecting the carriers by plane? It wasnt possible at all just because of his dumb disruptive behaviour. So CW-Mate ive got no idea why u do act as spokesman for him here...

Well whatever, enough blahblaah, i wish any admin would post just a few of all the stupid comments he made, never saw anyone before who does secrete sooo much poor and abusive BULLSHIT in gamechat - just read his posts here and tell me again he deserves any kind of support. I think this game doesnt need such guys as they do kill the fun for all others, and there are more suckers out there which always do get a new chance again and again, but some arent worth it as they just wont stop doin their suckin fuckin freakshow. No matter which server it is about, those gamespoilers do scare a lot of cool players away.
But ok, give em all always a new chance to change their poor behaviour. Maybe a ban would be more instructively though...

Bahh enough now, have got better things to do than havin such a discussion so im out of this matter now.

Last edited by Count ComBat (2014-10-12 02:59:01)


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#19 2014-10-10 20:37:41

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

what a dipshit


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#20 2014-10-10 23:30:57

Count ComBat
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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

well, just explained my point of view regarding ur strange comment CW - it just shows that u do know a shit of me..
Anyway good to know that i was wrong there to consider u as a respectable dude. No need for further comments, ty

Last edited by Count ComBat (2014-10-12 03:00:11)


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#21 2014-10-11 11:07:20

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

WoW... Simon and CW in same convo hahaha


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#22 2014-10-11 11:07:59

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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

Count Combat, don't try to find out what is wrong with them.. They where kidnapped by aliens!


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#23 2014-10-13 20:13:34

Count ComBat
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Re: suckin just4fun gamespoiler

Hehe Bora, ye sometimes its not easy to understand some people out there, sometimes its even hard for me to understand myself.. For sure i just should stay a bit cooler sometimes, too.. so now, after got to know these background-infos, i wanted to edit my posts before to defuse my harsh comments a bit, doesnt work anymore tho it seems, there is no edit-button anymore to find x) So i gonna do it here now: sorry for some dumb comments from my side, too - i was out of chill pills tongue


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