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Only 2 days left... Are there still ingame-messages about it?
Added Battlefield 1942 GameSpy patch installer which will automatically replace all necessary files in your Battlefield 1942 directory to redirect to new master server and create compatibility flags for BF1942 (WINXP SP3 and Run as Admin), if you have Windows Vista or newer. In case you install to your Origin Games\Battlefield 1942 folder, original BF1942.exe will be first copied to backup subdirectory. Download: Battlefield 1942 GameSpy patch v1.61
Having an installer sounds great for those who are unfamiliar with .ZIP files, where their game directory is, etc., for getting the patch installed correctly. Can you clarify more regarding /which/ patch(es) are being installed, and/or why the .EXE is named "1.61". For example, which specific files currently listed on would be installed by this .EXE? If both the CD-based Battlefield 1942 and Origin-based Battlefield 1942 are present on the machine, does it install both?
Thanks. -Trench
Battlefield 1942 GameSpy patch automatically copies BF1942.exe v1.61 plus the rest of necessary files for a BF1942 Retail install and BF1942.exe v1.612 for Origin BF1942. It creates a backup of BF1942.exe, named BF1942.exe.bak, if it copies to an Origin BF1942 install. Installer checks if it is a BF1942 Origin or BF1942 Retail install comparing the directory chosen with the BF1942 registry values. It also creates WINXPSP3 and RUNASADMIN flags in Windows registry for BF1942.exe.
So, if you have both a CD-based and Origin-based Battlefield 1942, it will decide what files to copy when you choose the BF1942 directory to patch. It defaults to Retail BF1942 directory.
Named it v1.61 because they are practically the same, trying to clean the BF1942 versions mess that EA created.
Omg... im on a mac and i dont know what to do. I need help!!!!
to /private/etc/hosts
Yes, that should be the easiest solution for BF1942 in MacOS or you can try to hex-edit BF1942 executable and change string to, it may work, if there is no CRC check.
MÅrco wrote:Omg... im on a mac and i dont know what to do. I need help!!!!
to /private/etc/hosts
Perhaps flush the DNS cache $ dscacheutil -flushcache
I cant seem to find where to add what SSK and Tuia told me. I will post screen shots soon of what my BF looks like on a mac and maybe you guys can help me
I cant seem to find where to add what SSK and Tuia told me. I will post screen shots soon of what my BF looks like on a mac and maybe you guys can help me
SSK thanks for that video i kind of understood it. But i have one last question for you guys before i do anything. What do I need to add in when i go to /private/etc/hosts ? Do i put this:, or this:
SSK thanks for that video i kind of understood it. But i have one last question for you guys before i do anything. What do I need to add in when i go to /private/etc/hosts ? Do i put this:, or this:
it won't probably work anyway as i found out because apple sucks and every osx release seems to be broken in a different way when it comes to overriding dns (dns having priority over hosts, some apple service sometimes having even higher priority than that)
as i couldn't get bf1942 working in osx running in vmware, i can't do much testing on this
so anything below might or might not working depending on your osx version:
putting "" in /private/etc/hosts
putting "order hosts, bind" in /private/etc/resolv.conf
sudo dscl localhost -create /Local/Default/Hosts/ IPAddress
if anyone with osx can get it working, let me know
Don't do that, for now. You don't need to use BF1942 in-game server browser to scan for servers. From a quick search, you can use BlackFire, which is Xfire client for Mac, to search and connect to BF1942 servers.
And can you upload BF1942 Mac executable somewhere, like to It may be possible to fix it with a string change from to
Just an idea.. (not sure if it would work?)
But how about a virtual server on a drive, throw windows on it and go?
it didnt work. Seems like i have to buy a crappy little PC Laptop. Thanks for the help guys. I'll ask for more help once i buy the laptop
check your router first if you can make the dns change there, if not consider looking at custom firmware like dd-wrt its very powerful.
there's something really fishy about that mac version, i've been doing some tests with a guy with mac, none of hosts/dns tricks worked, i've gradually patched all references to in binary until i found it's sending queries to a different port (and even udp, not tcp)
not good
ok, it seems mac version uses some newer gamespy sdk and as such
1. does query to and seems to freeze on that as well - this part is (partially) fixed
2. uses enctypeX on a different port to obtain server list - which plain sucks
Last edited by s[sk] (2014-08-06 07:40:05)
no that doesnt sound good, if there was another system for mac it cant be easy to replicate now when the servers down.
maybe its just easier to run a virtual windows version, i think mac has its own wine version or something to that means?
Tuia i already use blackfire but heres the thing. Im running MACOSX 10.6.8 and for me to update my blackfire i would need a newer OS. Maybe ill get the newer OS so that i can download the new blackfire and connect through that.
Tuia i already use blackfire but heres the thing. Im running MACOSX 10.6.8 and for me to update my blackfire i would need a newer OS. Maybe ill get the newer OS so that i can download the new blackfire and connect through that.
you probably won't since apple dropped rosetta (powerpc emulation) in 10.7 and bf1942 is a powerpc app
Tuia i already use blackfire but heres the thing. Im running MACOSX 10.6.8 and for me to update my blackfire i would need a newer OS. Maybe ill get the newer OS so that i can download the new blackfire and connect through that.
I don't know anything about MacOSX, but there should be other programs besides Xfire, from which you may scan BF1942 servers list and connect from there. It seems like it's the only solution, taking into account changing hosts file or editing BF1942 executable has its technical problems.
Take a longer method-
- add the ip of server you like in the in-game console " add server"...
(I know everybody knows this.. But it's 4 new comers)
Last edited by DrOnzzER (2014-08-07 10:22:44)
gameranger no good for battlefield 1942 you cant join dedicated bf1942 servers on that its just lan emulator good for games like cnc age of empires
yup its best if you on mac i think or try to edit hosts file