#481 2014-07-23 13:42:05

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:
Sunshine wrote:

it was pro-Russian separatists who shot it down accidentally because sattelite photos show that missile was launched in separatist area during that time

If these photos exists, why don't they publish them?

Probably there aren't any photos, they are putting pressure on russia


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#482 2014-07-23 14:30:46

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:

I am trying to find some logic: if I commit a crime like that one, I would hide the evidence that could expose my guilt. The separatists had a good chance to destroy, "lose" or "never find" these black boxes, but they gave them to another country and made it officially.

true but only in the case that those blackboxes could produce any evidence on who downed that plane


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#483 2014-07-23 15:01:40

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Now 2 fighter jets were shot down!


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#484 2014-07-23 15:27:13

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

s[sk] wrote:
nämeless wrote:

I am trying to find some logic: if I commit a crime like that one, I would hide the evidence that could expose my guilt. The separatists had a good chance to destroy, "lose" or "never find" these black boxes, but they gave them to another country and made it officially.

true but only in the case that those blackboxes could produce any evidence on who downed that plane

How did they know could they or not?

Sunshine wrote:

Now 2 fighter jets were shot down!

2 SU-25 from man-portable air-defence systems.


Last edited by nämeless (2014-07-23 15:41:38)


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#485 2014-07-23 15:44:24

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:

true but only in the case that those blackboxes could produce any evidence on who downed that plane

How did they know could they or not?

if i had to speculate, i'd say they had to confirm that with more knowledgeable people, possibly from a different country and that's why it took so long until they handed them over


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#486 2014-07-23 15:46:05

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

But the black boxes were sealed up and separatists posted the photo when they found the black boxes somewhere in the crash area.

Last edited by nämeless (2014-07-23 15:47:00)


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#487 2014-07-23 15:49:41

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:

But the black boxes were sealed up.

still speculating
if you'd be an expert on this stuff and you knew them in and out and i'd tell you exactly how i shot down the plane, you might be able to tell me if those black boxes could contain anything compromising


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#488 2014-07-23 15:51:27

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:

separatists posted the photo when they found the black boxes somewhere in the crash area.

i think the first footage of them was in some journalist video showing some guy carrying something orange
it took a few days until they said they had them


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#489 2014-07-23 15:53:05

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

s[sk] wrote:
nämeless wrote:

separatists posted the photo when they found the black boxes somewhere in the crash area.

i think the first footage of them was in some journalist video showing some guy carrying something orange
it took a few days until they said they had them

Does it mean they got data from the black boxes to analyse and make sure it has no evidence and gave the boxes to Malaysians?

Last edited by nämeless (2014-07-23 15:53:32)


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#490 2014-07-23 15:56:14

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:

Does it mean they got data from the black boxes to analyse and make sure it has no evidence and gave the boxes to Malaysians?

i still haven't read about a single thing that these blackboxes record that could tell from where the missile came from
commercial planes don't have radars that could detect them (for now)


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#491 2014-07-23 16:41:19

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

i heard that military planes detect rokets not by an active radar (transmiter+reciever) , that can be perfect target,  but by a receiver that recieve signal from a missle's radar emitter, and any big civilian plane has good detectors that can detect and recognize large range of radiations and log any activity in blackbox of course, i could be wrong though


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#492 2014-07-23 17:19:55

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

some of you have funny thoughts. civilian planes don't have any warning system on board, why should they? Also i don't think that the black boxes will not give any good information. Buk  missiles do not explode by contact, they explode in distance, means that the plane will break in between. furthermore it means that some of the passengers and probably also the pilots were still alive while falling down, cos a freefall from 10km can last up to 5minutes. But still, what shall they say?

Last edited by Kobra (2014-07-23 17:21:44)


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#493 2014-07-23 17:32:13

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

it not have to be military warning anti missle system to capture signal from a missle, planes fly using radio beacons and has advanced equipment on board that can see most of signals
also unlikely that box would log all radio noises..

Last edited by joint (2014-07-23 17:50:30)


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#494 2014-07-23 17:40:24

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

i dont know who did it, my speculation its Russia. But i and many others just want to know what happend, and also the ones who did it, that those will be punished


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#495 2014-07-23 17:56:41

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations


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#496 2014-07-23 18:30:08

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

ye u guys suck ball


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#497 2014-07-23 19:01:30

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

what a dolbojeb


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#498 2014-07-23 19:25:57

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Timmos wrote:

ye u guys suck ball

What kind of ball? A bouncy ball? A kick ball? A marble ball? A soccer ball?


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#499 2014-07-23 19:33:06

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Timmos wrote:

i dont know who did it, my speculation its Russia. But i and many others just want to know what happend, and also the ones who did it, that those will be punished

U will never know what really happened .But to be more closer to truth look who profit from this. U will say Russia cuz ur nerd. Motive for this have only americans eu and nazis in Ukraine. Its a damn fact


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#500 2014-07-23 20:11:37

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Vojislav wrote:

Motive for this have only americans eu and nazis in Ukraine. Its a damn fact

like all the posts in bora's legendary thread


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#501 2014-07-23 20:15:57

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#502 2014-07-23 20:58:37

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

So Vojisav, u think its pretty normal to steal items from the deaths? Rings, phones, laptops & stuff? God we should nuke you


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#503 2014-07-23 21:07:18

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Vojislav wrote:
Timmos wrote:

i dont know who did it, my speculation its Russia. But i and many others just want to know what happend, and also the ones who did it, that those will be punished

U will never know what really happened .But to be more closer to truth look who profit from this. U will say Russia cuz ur nerd. Motive for this have only americans eu and nazis in Ukraine. Its a damn fact

So you say that rather one of the "western" countries shot it on purpose than some guys, thinking the have to shoot at everything that moves, did it by "accident"? What is the "profit" again?


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#504 2014-07-23 22:17:50

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

I would say its same kind of scenario like "arab spring".
Best arms in conflict r media as always .. so we listening bullshits from both sides
I like this chaos in media , when articles r losing value of words in hours
Its funny to see how ukrainians change their national thinking for few worthless bugs

anyway & Where r those western media which were doing interview with rebels at (Siria,Libia...)
asking rebels for what they r fighting "with support of their democratic ideas" ?

anyway there is 2 sides of rebels at ukraina
1.Nationalist which r supported from west
2.Nationalist which r supported from east

Both of em r nice toys in tha game

Its fucking disgusting how u blaming east or west for influence.. in this region
Blame ukrainians cos  they r dump sheeps in this game .
More like animals which r killing neighbors for few money at own country

I love this big mouth computer heroes who know shit about war & want to judge or punish someone for anything... they r so boring with their thinking
Ukraina will bleed till last man untill "marionette" players will found new interesting country


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#505 2014-07-23 23:46:06

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

we know damn much about war! we playbf1942


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#506 2014-07-24 00:07:43

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Timmos wrote:

So Vojisav, u think its pretty normal to steal items from the deaths? Rings, phones, laptops & stuff? God we should nuke you

press F to loot   lol


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#507 2014-07-24 08:29:55

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Timmos wrote:

So Vojisav, u think its pretty normal to steal items from the deaths? Rings, phones, laptops & stuff? God we should nuke you

These news about looting comes from Ukrainian media and I would say that at least the half of their news are fake, like these news about looting.


This rebel already said it's not true.


Looks like a fake by Reuters. What is published on the official Reuters website is just a text with no audio/video record.

Last edited by nämeless (2014-07-24 11:39:13)


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#508 2014-07-24 11:52:08

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

http://nieuws.nl.msn.com/afbeeldingen/d … amp-mh17-1

its dutch, but u probably can translate it.

@nameless this is the part i said about the seperatist that told they shot down the enemy plane. Good luck defending that u Putin sucker


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#509 2014-07-24 12:29:36

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Timmos wrote:

http://nieuws.nl.msn.com/afbeeldingen/d … amp-mh17-1

its dutch, but u probably can translate it.

@nameless this is the part i said about the seperatist that told they shot down the enemy plane. Good luck defending that u Putin sucker

It's just a text. Why the fuck I can't watch the interview where he said they shot this plane down? Let me show the way they made this kind of news.

Exclusive: Elvis Presley confesses to a crime

by John Doe | 22.11.1963 23:20 | USA, Dallas


"John Kennedy is a crackwhore. I hate him and it was me who shot him down in Dallas..." Presley told Reuters on Monday

Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
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text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text


comments (2)

by John Smith | 23.11.1963 01:44
yes, i was him!!!!!!!!! presley sucks

by Mary Jane | 23.11.1963 01:47
presley burn in hell oh my god

Last edited by nämeless (2014-07-24 12:38:30)


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#510 2014-07-24 12:45:02

Empress of Doom
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Both Ukraine and Russia will streeeetch the truth or not tell the full truth and tell lies. That is how all these things go it seems. We wont know everyting until way after this is all over.


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