#61 2014-06-06 21:09:06

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Re: Shooting ahead

(muahaha)  Hi...


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#62 2014-06-06 21:43:43

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Re: Shooting ahead

hi arkos tongue


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#63 2014-06-07 20:10:07

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Re: Shooting ahead

Arkos wrote:


Hi all...

I guess, everybody from you reminds my "whining" about lagy feeling on your server. Sometimes i can hit an opponent which is standing still 8 times directly into head, and nothing happends. Sometimes, while flying, when im directly behind another plane, i need 400 bullet's to take it down. In fights, i have to aim, like i would have 200-400 ping, but even then, when bullet's are hitting, some of them have no effect.

I could live with that. But the really worst thing is, the situation changes allways while playing. That means, i have allways to readjust my aimings, even in the same map, but in droping bombs the differences are sometimes to sick.

Today i made a short test.

Is this the reason for these problems?



(PS: And don't blame me, (again), for my english, i can't speak nor write in english...)


Hello Arkos,

Your ping to the server looks stable, you should only pay attention at row 15 in your picture, because the ping to the other routers is irrelevant in most cases, those in between routers usually drop ping packets. So, this should not be the reason for your problems. Do you experience the same problems in other servers and in other games?


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#64 2014-06-07 22:33:48

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Re: Shooting ahead

I was playing on two other servers yesterday, and it was completly different. I hit targets easy as in that inf video, also in larger distances. The difference i can see, when i shot enemys, (larg distance), with 3-4 bullets, or on 20-30 meters with 1-2 pistol bullets. As i said, the problem here sounds, like i would have packet loss.

Other games... what do you mean with "other games"?. xD


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#65 2014-06-08 19:14:05

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Re: Shooting ahead

Hmm... today, it was far better than other times. (means ~normal aiming ahead). Also a lot of people played on server, but it was good, i had no problems. Specially in Berlin, (formerly), it was mostly to special, but not today. (Ok, sometimes you shot and nothing happends, as everyone have to live with that from time to time). What i saw for now > the ~ping was not as high as other days (where it's double), on the other side, the server was good visited. There was only one with more than 100,(~130 Ping).

(Between, today was one of these days, where people played as a team. Philippines and Aberdeen were really special.)


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#66 2014-06-09 00:52:04

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Re: Shooting ahead

Arkos wrote:

Other games... what do you mean with "other games"?. xD

I mean other games besides BF1942, especially other first person shooters you may play, to test if it's your connection or computer problem.


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#67 2014-06-15 23:41:21

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Re: Shooting ahead


"Other games... what do you mean with "other games"?. xD" >>> That was a joke... wink


In fact, i think, it is a PC thing. AMD Timestamp Problem. I found out, what i can do against it, and like this, the gameplay isn't that bad. Not solved, but much better. But there are still moments it changes while playing, but it's better.



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#68 2016-06-09 18:02:21

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Re: Shooting ahead

Arkos wrote:

Hmm... today, it was far better than other times. (means ~normal aiming ahead). Also a lot of people played on server, but it was good, i had no problems. Specially in Berlin, (formerly), it was mostly to special, but not today. (Ok, sometimes you shot and nothing happends, as everyone have to live with that from time to time). What i saw for now > the ~ping was not as high as other days (where it's double), on the other side, the server was good visited. There was only one with more than 100,(~130 Ping).

(Between, today was one of these days, where people played as a team. Philippines and Aberdeen were really special.)

no three dots big_smile


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#69 2016-06-09 18:04:40

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Re: Shooting ahead


Woot... that was a mistake... i demand your apologies!!!

And no editing later. I was probably sic or stonend or something....


Last edited by Arkos (2016-06-09 18:07:26)


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#70 2016-06-09 18:21:01

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Re: Shooting ahead

Arkos wrote:


Hi all...

I guess, everybody from you reminds my "whining" about lagy feeling on your server. Sometimes i can hit an opponent which is standing still 8 times directly into head, and nothing happends. Sometimes, while flying, when im directly behind another plane, i need 400 bullet's to take it down. In fights, i have to aim, like i would have 200-400 ping, but even then, when bullet's are hitting, some of them have no effect.

I could live with that. But the really worst thing is, the situation changes allways while playing. That means, i have allways to readjust my aimings, even in the same map, but in droping bombs the differences are sometimes to sick.

Today i made a short test.

Is this the reason for these problems?



(PS: And don't blame me, (again), for my english, i can't speak nor write in english...)


What you can't see on those picture now, is that the pingdifference at last routing server and Simple between those spikes is -450ms

I make a vid next days. then you see it. I presume that is this rubberbanding gameplay and when you shot blanks.


As example... AX some days ago where i made a screenshot in that moment with the spikes. Ok, this was not very difficult...



On simple server one week ago i had on the last routing server between ~130ms and ~432 ms between those spikes and it was completly unplayble for me. And this ~130 - ~432ms also shown up on simpe server at last position.


Last edited by Arkos (2016-06-09 18:36:09)


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#71 2016-06-09 21:56:35

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Re: Shooting ahead

Just changed my ISP

simple_trace_old_ISP.jpg simple_trace_new_ISP.jpg

Last edited by bud (2016-06-09 21:57:43)


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#72 2016-06-09 22:10:28

Reputation: +63
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Re: Shooting ahead

Seeing back this post, I also feel like it's very unstable sometimes on how far you have to aim ahead of the enemy plane, and I know it also depends on speed and ping.


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