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SleveN wrote: … 2456765891
What's you opinion about the chemtrails? Watch the whole movie if you bother and it will give you a food for thought are real. Yet, i still dont know what are they used for. I know they are spraying various poisons,heavy metals.. but i think there is something more with them
Accordning to the Geotechnical engineering they claim that the planes spill are aerosol ( What we have learnt to know is the planes spill are carbon (2 percent of carbon spills from the air traffics) together with nitrogen oxides, water vapor, and the effects of contrails, calculated aviation account for 3.5 percent of total human impact on climate.
I think it's a very stamped information. But I don't really think there is an illuminati trying to harm the earth or controlling the weather. I think it's just the way it is, we are dependent by planes if we want to travel further and what so ever the spill from the planes is not good what ever if it's aerosol or the substances media want us to know about.
Moonlight you are too young to understand this shit anyways. One day, you will maybe see the world on another perspective but first you will have to pass through the puberty, son.
It's an interesting speech but in my opinion it's a little bit farfetched. I ask myself why would they poison us and make an impact on the atmosphere? Who is this guy? Who does he works for and where did he conclude all these facts. He said he knew a girl in the 1990's working with "mechanics and stuff" what is stuff? Of course media trying to fool us with shit like they always do and there is alot of researching made about chemtrails from geotechnical engineering organisation but as far as I know it's still not an abstract evidence although I really do enjoy discussing it.
I found one thing on Wikipedia which was kind of funny actually. If you search on Chemtrails it says "It's an chemtrail conspiracy theory" when people find the word conspiracy theory they all go ignorant, don't even want to pay attention, which media want us to be. If you search on wikipedia for "Climate engineering" which is a reliable organisation it says "Climate engineering, also referred to as geoengineering" . What does geoengineers doing researches about now? Chemtrails. I don't know if I can call this a conspiracy conclusion or if it's legit but if the media keeps away information from us about this there might be someone with higher power beyond this. But I still can't figure out why they would poison us etc.
We're using planes because we want to travel further and still the car has a harder impact on the environment because of all the amount driving the car.
They are doing this cuz they want world population reduced to 500 000 000- 700 000 000.. Simple as that
He doesen't work for anyone, watch some videos about him and u'll see that he speaks the truth
Q: But the evidence out there , why more people are not concerned about the Illuminati ?
A: Because people simply can not believe this is happening . I am a strong Christian, and in Revelation , it is said that just before the return of Jesus , people will behave as if nothing is happening , everything is normal , despite evidence to the contrary . Yes , you can show people the video recordings of the ritual , and they will declare :
" It must be a fake , people just do not do things like that . "
You can show them the website with Pentagrams , buried bones and other evidence , and they will say, "Oh , it's just teens playing around ." You can show them pictures of underground tunnels near Los Alamos , and they will say : " Is not that interesting . 's Got to be some government project . " They can be displayed scars on the bodies of victims of cigarette burns from childhood , and old scars on his back that have healed over time , and the question would be " Are you sure it is not self- Applied ? "
The evidence is there , but in my opinion , the average person does not want to know , even when confronted with it , it will look the other way .
Last edited by bora87 (2014-05-17 11:24:18)
I can't speak about the evidence since I never have confirmed them. Maybe you have? Don't you ask yourself the question why they would reduce the population with about 7-14 % ? How big extent of proliferation of killing will it be? It seems like if it's all over the world it doesn't make any sense. If there are only some parts they want to root out I would see it on another perspective.
It's not only chemtrails there, there is a lot of other things including ww3 they are planing. Do some research about why they want population reduced and u'll see
A bit too long but very interested article:
Jared Loughner.. i remember seeing him on TV and talking in a court room. He is one crazy guy! Talked about complete random shit. Apparently, his belt buckle would tell him to steal candy bars lmao. And that dhokhar chechen guy is a lovely person. At least he ran over his own brother. Too bad he'll be executed soon. I was hoping he would be released into general population in prison
They all seem like very classy guys.
An interesting video about the WTC 7 collapse
That building collapsed by it self, yeah, the terrorists..
Found a wackier guy than David Icke:
Would you believe this guy? Yet, he is telling the truth. This is a clown made to discredit.
Real writers end up in jail or getting killed. They don't live in mansions or get paid huge sums per month.
Sorry bora, David Icke is just another clown polluting and discrediting with his insinuations about shape shifting reptiles, that the moon is hollow, aliens are among us.
You can see david icke's conversations with credo mutwa i think he's african shaman who talks about reptiles, and there is bunch of other people who told to icke that they saw those reptilian shapeshifting humanoids, but didnt go to public with that, cuz it's obviousl why..
for harp. Video of rakovica is bullshit, im passing there almost every day, that thing stands almost 15 years. Because there is military base. In barajevo where i live is other story, 2010 started biggest drought ever, after that they said '' someone stole all pipes on harp system and we must close it cuz lack of finances''. Bullshit first class they build it again on same place. And probably somewhere where nobody can see it.
U work for CIA not me
maybe they just drop excessive fuel before landing?
and at high alttitude with soft and cold air, jet get freezy and draws same trails
Last edited by joint (2014-05-22 16:12:30)
Don't think so
ok^) but you doubt what is this, or you certain that this something chemical that intended against population??
I know that those plane are spraying poison, not those on pic, but generaly.
U and others constantly trying to prove i'm wrong, i rly don't care i know the truth, even that some1 of that ruling elite tells u that they are doing all that stuff u still wouldn't beleive cuz u don't want to