#1 2014-05-16 22:46:16

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Origin Download of BF1942 removed

we can confirm that Origin has removed the download of BF1942 today.

Yesterday it still was downloadable....




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#2 2014-05-16 23:08:08

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Was it there yesterday? It was removed for me and some others about a week ago. Either way its sad news.


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#3 2014-05-16 23:10:37

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Grabbi wrote:

we can confirm

Hmm, sorry, who "we"?


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#4 2014-05-17 00:17:50

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed


http://www.pixel-fighter.com/modules.ph … c&start=30

Good morning all comrades! crying tissue

The saddest news now because Battlefield 1942 is not available via Origin and also BF 2; BF 2142 are not available via Origin

I just have verified (checked) by going on Origin site. Example here in France:

Free games now I do not see Battlefield 1942 Twisted Evil Devil

Demo now I do not see Battlefield 1942 Twisted Evil Devil

In "search" I wrote Battlefield, unfortunately no Battlefield 1942, No BF 2; NO BF 2142 Twisted Evil Devil
I see only that:
https://www.origin.com/fr-fr/store/brow … lefield#60

"Quel coup de Trafalgar"  Angry or Very Mad

I am very angry and disappointed. EA killed (has killed) Battlefield 1942 the father of all Battlefield games!

For me it is a kind of crime because Battlefield 1942 has many good Mods and many people worked and created Mods for 0 $ .

What shall we (do) for our young people now?

Where shall (could) we find Battlefield 1942 (legal version)?
Here for example: (note: I certify on my honor that I have not financial interest for "justforgamers" firm (entreprise)
http://www.justforgames.com/battlefield … 2x10432455
http://www.justforgames.com/battlefield … 2x10432300

Note: I know that in some East European countries special versions of Battlefield 1942 exist (for 0 RUB) but unfortunately these versions of Battlefield 1942 are not legal.

But I think now for the future is to create FH3 full free game on Cry Engine 3 , it is possible because our comrade BMV and some his friend are working on new version of Battlefield 1941. But what a very hard job and need more and more Free time!

These days are difficult for me because always and always bad news in May 2014.

Best regard and courage!

sgt_garcia xmas

Same in Germany

Download is offline

same in Sweden

download is offline

Same in USA

Download is offline

Same in Australia

Download is offline

all reports from PFCs over 13 countries


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#5 2014-05-17 08:14:16

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Its removed here...


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#6 2014-05-17 08:36:08

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

download is on in Fr...


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#7 2014-05-17 09:12:21

ghost of ...
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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Grabbi wrote:

we can confirm that Origin has removed the download of BF1942 today.

As far as I know, it was removed for everybody living everywhere around May 10th.

Grabbi wrote:

Yesterday it still was downloadable....

I think you're wrong. It wasn't.

Alvarez-Latino wrote:

download is on in Fr...

What does that sentence mean? That you still can download it if you live in France?

Just checked with a french IP, BF1942 is not available on Origin.

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#8 2014-05-17 09:28:34

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

yeah i download it and i play just right now...


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#9 2014-05-17 18:38:51

gay 4 pay just today
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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Had someone living near me in the U.S. with same internet provider saying he can see and download it. Not sure why it doesn't affect everyone.


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#10 2014-05-18 16:16:21

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

I've been assuming that Origin would have removed Battlefield 1942 "from the catalog" as a free game you can acquire and add to your list of "My Games".

But certainly they haven't actually removed the game files themselves?  Meaning everyone who did already have the game in "My Games" can still play, and presumably (?) can even re-download the game via their Origin account if they re-install on a different computer, etc.

What would be interesting to me right now is someone who DOES NOT already have Battlefield 1942 in their "My Games" but DOES own a CD-ROM-based version of the game: If you login Origin and use the "Redeem product code", and for the code you enter in your Battlefield 1942 CD KEY (the one printed on the back of he CD case), does this still authorize you access to the Origin Battlefield 1942 downloadable game?  i.e. Origin giving you access to the game because you already own it, even though you cannot select, add or even purchase Battlefield 1942 through the Origin / EA store any more.


Last edited by Trench (2014-05-18 16:17:28)


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#11 2014-05-18 21:16:53

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

with the "new" replacement master server by s[sk] there s also no cd serial verification / origin serial verification anymore....which came along with the original masterserver.... (check luigi alumera s files about this)

basically you can enter 1234567890 in your registry value and it converts it to a fake cdkey.

nevertheless.... download source for the CD version (without entering the serial number in setup) or a rar file of the origin version would be helpful!  we all know that is solution would be NOT legal acc. to ea/origin terms of condition, but if you cant get the game anymore anywhere....what should we do then ?  Play BF4?

Greetings gentlemen


Last edited by Grabbi (2014-05-18 21:18:54)


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#12 2014-05-19 02:01:48

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Grabbi wrote:

with the "new" replacement master server by s[sk] there s also no cd serial verification / origin serial verification anymore....which came along with the original masterserver....

Agree with all points.  And I would also further assert that many servers had probably already disabled this back in February 2014, either by virtue of running Team-SiMPLE's modified dedicated server binaries (which disable master.gamespy.com key query) or the game server operator themselves disabling communication to master.gamespy.com (specifically only for key query).  This had been a necessary step in order to get the Origin-assigned key hashes to be allowed to show on public servers, which were otherwise deemed "invalid" by master.gamespy.com.

But if you were replying to "Enter your CD-ROM key into the Origin 'Redeem product code' dialog and see if it authorizes you download access to the Battlefield 1942 game", we're talking about two entirely separate things.



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#13 2014-05-19 05:02:22

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

first team simple great work on the front page download of bf1942 and i know its not legal what I'm going to say here but they give us no option here i think its time we make a all in 1 installer  that got s[sk] bf1942.exe and road to rome + secret weapons and put up as free download all over the web to get new players to bf1942. it was already free and they are now trying to kill BF1942 we are the fans! we dont want this so lets make that installer i think Cry Engine 3 is bad idea how long before ea will take crysis 3 server offline huh ? ea is pure evil they wont let game life long anymore if you look at bf4 its all website based very easy to kill once they want it dead

Last edited by mortarman (2014-05-19 15:55:04)


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#14 2014-05-19 21:25:45

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

the generated CD key is important to ALL BF 1942 servers which runs a ranking.......uniqueness of a player -> fingerprint even it s  a faked generated one !

Only over connection to the "official" master server there was a "controll" if key is fake or not.

To have a key in exe is usefull, so ppl can use ranking eventhough their key is "Not valid"....

noone cares about this issue..... but to get the game downloaded somewhere with new masterserver settings and where you can enter a faked/generated serial into registry ( origin version and cd version) is the challenge

It needs to be an independent setup which includes all features the community gathered togeher....

A new player has no infos about all that, and before he checks what he needs to do BF1942 is dead....




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#15 2014-05-19 21:39:59

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

you can still kick or ban players on ip and we got make a new admins tool that only work on login not keyhash and kick on ip  not keyhash
ranking is not important most players who play on bf1942 server never even look on a stats server  you making this look like bf2 bf3 bf4 we love bf1942 for its fair none rank system its what i hate about bf2 bf3 bf4

Last edited by mortarman (2014-05-19 21:42:53)


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#16 2014-05-19 21:54:42

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Having some accomplishment is nice smile


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#17 2014-05-20 00:31:56

Black Mamba
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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Who gives a fuck about Origin anyway it's full of noobs and retards.

CD over everything.


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#18 2014-05-20 00:40:22

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Battlefield 1942 was abandoned by EA Games long ago, and now it's officially abandonware. smile 1 year ago they released Battlefield 1942 as a free download to bundle up their Origin client and get new Origin sign-ups, to compete with Valve's Steam. That time has gone and now with master.gamespy.com shutdown, they drop the game. I saw some days ago Battlefield 2 with all the expansions packs selling for 2,5 € and I thought to myself this is not good news for BF2, they might be trying to make some last cash before master.gamespy.com shuts down. As far as I know, EA Games hasn't supported BF2 or BF2142, like they promised they would.

Trench wrote:

What would be interesting to me right now is someone who DOES NOT already have Battlefield 1942 in their "My Games" but DOES own a CD-ROM-based version of the game: If you login Origin and use the "Redeem product code", and for the code you enter in your Battlefield 1942 CD KEY (the one printed on the back of he CD case), does this still authorize you access to the Origin Battlefield 1942 downloadable game?  i.e. Origin giving you access to the game because you already own it, even though you cannot select, add or even purchase Battlefield 1942 through the Origin / EA store any more.

I don't think so. You either have Battlefield 1942 under My Games in Origin client or you can't download it. CD-ROM based BF1942 and BF1942 download from Origin are distinct and the product code, I think, is associated with your Origin account.


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#19 2014-05-20 06:55:50

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

tuia wrote:

I don't think so. You either have Battlefield 1942 under My Games in Origin client or you can't download it. CD-ROM based BF1942 and BF1942 download from Origin are distinct and the product code, I think, is associated with your Origin account.

That certainly sounds reasonable.  Guess I won't know until I go create a clean Origin account, and use a CD KEY that hasn't already been registered on another Origin account.

The reason for my question was that due to unrelated "everyone should go register their Battlefield 1942 CD KEY in Origin before the shutdown" advice that was being given elsewhere.  I decided to try it in my Origin account to see what would happen.  I already had the Origin-delivered "free" Battlefield 1942 added to "My Games", and it shows the Origin-issued "product code" (equivalent of CD KEY for the Origin-delivered game) in the game information page.

Using the "Redeem product code" section like where you would enter the activation code for a purchased game download, I entered my circa 2002 Battlefield 1942 CD KEY instead.  Origin knew this was a Battlefield 1942 CD KEY, and told me I had successfully added the game.  (Of course, I already had the Battlefield 1942 game in "My Games", so that wasn't really a change.)  But now when I go into the game information page for Battlefield 1942 in "My Games", it only shows me my circa 2002 Battlefield 1942 CD KEY in Origin now (as the "Product code"), instead of the "free" Origin-issued key it had been showing before.

The fact Origin recognized the circa 2002 Battlefield 1942 CD KEY at all, and claimed it successfully added the game to my games and started displaying the "old" CD KEY in the game information page, made me think maybe Electronic Arts has been using this as a support fulfillment method.  "Still have the CD case but one or more of your CDs is missing or damaged?  No problem, just enter the CD KEY off the back of the CD case into Origin and you'll have access to the full game download."



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#20 2014-05-24 03:25:42

ghost of ...
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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

... And today, the official EA BF1942 page was taken down. Very little significance of this, but nonetheless another small nail in 42's coffin ...


Only stuff left is:



http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/fo … 8306624773

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#21 2014-05-24 04:11:26

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

I can't blame EA, why should they still support this game? We can still spread the torrent anyway.


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#22 2014-05-24 10:40:22

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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

Yes, thank you for posting it. They have confirmed in https://www.origin.com/en-ie/store/buy/battlefield-1942

Please note: The online multiplayer tech for Battlefield 1942 on PC has been provided by GameSpy, who will be deactivating this service in June 2014. Because multiplayer is a major part of the game’s experience, we have decided to no longer sell Battlefield 1942 in its current form. For more details, please read EA’s online service updates page.

Origin specializes in digital downloads. If you would like the game on disc, please visit the publisher’s website.


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#23 2014-06-10 21:05:17

ghost of ...
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Re: Origin Download of BF1942 removed

The removal of BF1942 from Origin one month ago, plus entering the summer season ago can really be felt. Global player count has dropped about 20% last 30 days and continues downwards.

Compared to November 2013, global population is almost halved. Daily peak was about 1000 then, it's 550 now.

As I remember, global daily peak right before 1942 got released on Origin - October 2012 - was around 600, which means current pop is at an all time low, even with Origin players. Ouch :-)

And then there's that funny thing 20 days away, I predict it's gonna be a real slaughterhouse; at least a further 50% reduction in 30 days.

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