#301 2014-03-29 01:20:17

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:

Well, apart from the brainwashing news in Russian and European television, I could only say these sanctions are not that effective, but some people in Russia think that we should reserve for ourselves the right to hit with sanctions back like to ban some products from EU, stop to support American space program when NASA depends so much on Russian rocket engines, raise prices on gas for Germany, refuse to buy those helicopter carriers from France etc. As far as I remember, the agreement about those carriers was carried out between president Medvedev and president Sarkozy: people in Russia don't actually understand or support Hollande's behaviour and think that he is just another temporary arsehole like France needs someone more serious and more trustworthy like Marine Le Pen. In my opinion, these talks about sanctions will bring nothing with no action, because it's time of cautious people who prefer to act with reasonable precaution and far-reaching importance. I also think these modern times teaches a good lesson to our authorities because they started to think how to make our economy more independent.

I'm not talking specifically about sanctions. For couple of years now, Europe and Russia are growing apart from each other. For instance in France, the share of Russian gas imports has been reduced by half since 2008. In my opinion it's a bad strategy, and this crisis is speeding up the remoteness.

We are already in trouble, this squabble for no reason is stupid. The Hollande's overreacting is stupid and the Putin's swaggering is foolish.

When is the election ?


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#302 2014-03-29 22:23:48

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Coco wrote:

We are already in trouble, this squabble for no reason is stupid. The Hollande's overreacting is stupid and the Putin's swaggering is foolish.

Totally agree.


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#303 2014-03-31 12:17:23

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Ukraine is a mess, which suits both sides - makes it easier to control. I do not think that stronger sanctions will be applied because EU-Rus trading ties are big and both would lose and in the end Ukraine will pay the price.

One another side will definitely profit from this west-Russia conflict - its China. It is said in media Putin is turning now even more to China (trading).

Last edited by RamYam (2014-03-31 12:18:01)


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#304 2014-04-01 23:46:22

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:
Hemnes wrote:

In Ukraine borned brown plague, and the U.S. call it democracy. All have already seen that the word "democracy" means "what is needed west and American bankers." However, most people do not see this, and Ukrainians themselves deny the existence of the Nazis in Kiev. Someday, they finally got angry  the Bear ..

It reminds me of the information war against Russia in 2008 with a lot of fake videos and staged photos. Wag the dog!


wtf peace man wtf

yes china and russia make own market

Last edited by joint (2014-04-01 23:49:38)


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#305 2014-04-04 20:01:22

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Darth Vader is not being allowed to stand in May's election. Bljad'! He was the best presidential candidate!



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#306 2014-04-14 12:28:46

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Got a question to the actual situation in ukraine. Now after Krim is through and other parts want to be russian who is actually the initiator? My father says that these guys would be putins people while I actually say that these are the residents who want to decide for theselves.? On the news I saw something like: "putin is ready to let tanks roll over european borders"which actually makes no sense for me.


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#307 2014-04-14 15:22:56

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Kobra wrote:

Got a question to the actual situation in ukraine. Now after Krim is through and other parts want to be russian who is actually the initiator? My father says that these guys would be putins people while I actually say that these are the residents who want to decide for theselves.? On the news I saw something like: "putin is ready to let tanks roll over european borders"which actually makes no sense for me.

Actually, it's not about the whole Ukraine, it's about a few regions to the East and South. People were inspired by the Crimean choice, so they want the referendum to decide for themselves: some people want to join Russia, some want to stay in Ukraine, but the main question is federalisation. The Kiev separatists blame the Eastern separatists for separatism, the head of the defence committee of the Federation Council of Russia said that we won't deploy our peacekeepers without the common UN decision, Barroso said that EU is not ready to offer membership for Ukraine, no money from the West, no money from Russia, people are nervous because everybody got them fooled. They have no support from Russia and this made them to get armed with what they got in the armory rooms during the takeover. Nowadays, they are waiting for the special forces, national guard of the Right Sector and Ukrainian army from Kiev that comes to suppress the riots, because they got the order to launch the anti-terrorist operation. As is.

By the way, where is Joint? I want his opinion.

Last edited by nämeless (2014-04-14 15:28:32)


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#308 2014-04-14 15:36:36

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Ye I know that it's not about whole ukraine. Well I asked what would be putins interests in these regions?


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#309 2014-04-14 15:56:21

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

The Crimea interests were obvious: Russia has the military base and fleet there for a long time and the majority of Crimean people are Russians. The Eastern and Southern Ukrainian interests are not quite obvious. Putin is not the almighty president who decide everything, there are a lot of things which depends on the Federation Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gazprom headquarters and the others. Ukraine runs into debt and this debt is much more then the EU and US can afford to share for Ukraine. Russia wants money for gas and everything else, Ukraine consume everything but give no money. I think that Russia has interests in Ukraine's federalisation because it gives more chance for partnership with Ukraine than with those who got their power in Kiev with Molotov cocktails.

Last edited by nämeless (2014-04-14 15:57:24)


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#310 2014-04-14 17:25:43

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Keep doing your market, the west wont move because of germany needing gas.


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#311 2014-04-14 18:29:05

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

I don't want it because everything is going on is bad for everybody.


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#312 2014-04-15 21:07:36

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

looks like civil war started sad


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#313 2014-05-05 09:03:37

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Im Osten nichts Neues ? Friends from East could you give us some news ?

I still don't understand this crazy war clearly. In very concrete terms, what concerns push Russian speakers into aiming to secede from Ukraine ?

Joint what is the current situation in Dnepropetrovsk ? How is the atmosphere among Russian and Ukrainian speakers ?


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#314 2014-05-05 09:21:07

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

http://pikabu.ru/view/kak_ubivali_odess … ya_2241476


The next massacre is on 9, May.

Last edited by nämeless (2014-05-05 09:54:19)


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#315 2014-05-05 11:45:38

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

One thing to clarify, does ukraine ppl dislike or even hate rus ppl in general? From what u wrote I understand that ukraines dislike rus ppl...

Mahmoud AhmaVinejad wrote:
Coco wrote:

what is the current situation in Dnepropetrovsk ?

Rebels from West Ukraine want to destroy East Ukraine & kill all russian people. So bad...


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#316 2014-05-05 14:17:44

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Coco wrote:

Im Osten nichts Neues ? Friends from East could you give us some news ?

I still don't understand this crazy war clearly. In very concrete terms, what concerns push Russian speakers into aiming to secede from Ukraine ?

Joint what is the current situation in Dnepropetrovsk ? How is the atmosphere among Russian and Ukrainian speakers ?

relatively peaceful, we had demonstrations here, demonstrations with Ukrainian and Russinans flags did held next to each other and there wasnt any real clashes, but since Dneper got new governor-billionaire, owner of the one of biggest corporation and big bank "privat-bank", and gave to nationalistic "right sector", under their leader Dmirtry Jarosh command, complete freedom of action, they came from the west and found kind a headquarters here, since then ppl afraid to show their views, few month ago i saw many cars with Ukranian flag, and even more with "George Ribbon"- symbol of victory in WW2, now noone have on their car George Ribbon because they attak everyone who wearing it or have it on car, many ppl get hurt coz of this, all russian chanels banned, from regular mass media all we can hear is russian agression and almost nothing about real political deals, one of most popular chanel "inter" even didnt mention about attak on their building by right sector, they did it because this chanel maked news in wrong way, also it was pretty loyal regarding new goverment, now news on it are like a bad teater, sick to watch
but still we do here much better then eastern regions, i'd say we have here most ppl who want to Ukrane stay one-piece, but its considering like they support right sector and new goverment. and precisely overwhelming majority here never consider russians as a enemy, most think we are one nation who live in diffrent contries,
but afrer Crimea and new format of tv news many ppl change their opinion regardin Russian authorities, they say like "how could Russia attak Ukraine and took Crimea from us, wtf their goverment doing" and news say like "yes, they are enemy, who want invade us, we are diffrent folk, we going to europe, everyone who thinks diffrent is separatist and traitor"
the end

Last edited by joint (2014-05-05 14:25:08)


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#317 2014-05-05 20:05:20

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Ukraine is like Europe..medieval Europe.


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#318 2014-05-05 21:17:24

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Coco wrote:

Joint what is the current situation in Dnepropetrovsk ? How is the atmosphere among Russian and Ukrainian speakers ?

forget to answer smile in Dnepropetrovsk over 99 percents of population speak russian as native lnguage, 95 % can understand ukranian perfectly and maybe a half can speak on clear ukr very well, at suburban many ppl use ukranian words together with russian, kind a mix, this never cause any problem with understanding, me, for example, when i have watched a movie in ukranian voices, i usualy cant recall in which languge it was..

Last edited by joint (2014-05-05 21:23:13)


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#319 2014-05-05 22:15:45

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

one thing is sure, west again make fight between brothers pushing aside thing who chose those guys to lead country taking down legal president ?


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#320 2014-05-07 09:08:36

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

joint wrote:
Coco wrote:

Joint what is the current situation in Dnepropetrovsk ? How is the atmosphere among Russian and Ukrainian speakers ?

forget to answer smile in Dnepropetrovsk over 99 percents of population speak russian as native lnguage, 95 % can understand ukranian perfectly and maybe a half can speak on clear ukr very well, at suburban many ppl use ukranian words together with russian, kind a mix, this never cause any problem with understanding, me, for example, when i have watched a movie in ukranian voices, i usualy cant recall in which languge it was..

Thank you for your explanations, I had misconceptions !


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#321 2014-05-07 15:52:11

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Coco wrote:
joint wrote:
Coco wrote:

Joint what is the current situation in Dnepropetrovsk ? How is the atmosphere among Russian and Ukrainian speakers ?

forget to answer smile in Dnepropetrovsk over 99 percents of population speak russian as native lnguage, 95 % can understand ukranian perfectly and maybe a half can speak on clear ukr very well, at suburban many ppl use ukranian words together with russian, kind a mix, this never cause any problem with understanding, me, for example, when i have watched a movie in ukranian voices, i usualy cant recall in which languge it was..

Thank you for your explanations, I had misconceptions !

thank you for ask smile


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#322 2014-05-26 22:08:10

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Now Ukraine joins European Union?


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#323 2014-05-26 22:45:17

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

I think so.

A fat cat oligarch was elected:



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#324 2014-05-27 15:30:52

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

one of declared goals of the "revolt", a goal that persuade ppl to collabarate, its getting rid of the influence of the oligarchs and their interests on the politic, haha, poor almost europian dumbfuckers

Last edited by joint (2014-05-27 15:31:23)


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#325 2014-05-29 02:48:38

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations


Some news ?


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#326 2014-05-29 06:12:56

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Coco wrote:


Some news ?

Ukrainian army keeps shooting the civilians..


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#327 2014-05-29 09:27:26

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

I am very glad that Crimean people escaped from this massacre, because Ukrainian army, Right Sector and national guard of Ukraine have no guts to make war against Russian army in Crimea, so they make war against the civilians in the Eastern Ukraine.



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#328 2014-05-29 20:36:03

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Things like this we cant hear here. All news from Ukraine is wild pro russians attacks legal ukrainian forces.


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#329 2014-05-29 23:39:09

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

They are pushing for a World War III, like they did in World War II with Germany and Poland.


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#330 2014-05-30 11:10:55

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

who are "they"?


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