#241 2014-03-17 16:44:19

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless ,why referendum wasnt at whole ukraina but just in lil part of country?
lol sure as lavrov said all is ok with law base(like in " the KOSOVO " -> case )


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#242 2014-03-17 17:18:53

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

say wrote:

nämeless ,why referendum wasnt at whole ukraina but just in lil part of country?
lol sure as lavrov said all is ok with law base(like in " the KOSOVO " -> case )

I think it was only in Crimea due to the violent seizure of power in Kiev. Hence, the constitution doesn't work in the whole Ukraine because there were no elections and no any legal impeachment procedures.

Angry Russian wrote:
nämeless wrote:

That's how it looks like from some point of view. I am waiting for news that people were forced to vote on pain of death.


I hope this is a joke

I said "from some point of view" to make things more exact.

Last edited by nämeless (2014-03-17 17:20:23)


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#243 2014-03-19 19:18:19

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

According to the French main newspaper, what are going to happen to Crimean people :

Russian passports will be offered to the Ukrainian (25% of the population). If they refuse, no one will be forced to go away but they can no longer vote.

The Tartars boycotted the referendum. They are still opposed to the Crimea's return to Russia, but the parliament just made a gesture for them (the right to an education in Crimean Tatar language, représentation in the future government).
Some have seen their houses tagged with a cross.

Crimea are going to be one of the poorest regions of Russia. Retirees have high expectations in this annexation : the average monthly Russian pension is EUR195 for EUR107 in Ukraine.

The journalist also report that there were no envelopes supplied with the ballot papers in many of the polling stations during the referendum.
What's the point of putting polling booth if anybody can see your vote when you go out ? Next time find out about democraty before faking a voting. Fucking commie big_smile


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#244 2014-03-20 12:06:41

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Crimea is Russia now and there is nothing that can change this, but it will be interesting to see what will now happen in eastern Ukraine where lot of Russians live and are not satisfied with current establishment in Kiev. By the way, when do they plan to make elections in Ukraine so they can have democratically elected government?


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#245 2014-03-20 18:23:16

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

yep, that will be interesting


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#246 2014-03-20 18:48:01

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

meanwhile our new goverment keep fight for freedom of speech:
director of National TV get forced to write a resignation from his post, the named reason is his chanel showed signed the agreement between authorities of Crimea and Putin on joining Russia, after that he was kidnapped and his location is still unknown, viva revolution!
to watch russian newa i have to use a proxy, its easyer for me to play BF 1942 on servers where i banned than watch russian news wink


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#247 2014-03-20 20:03:13

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

our econonmy sucks too, idd like our kountry to join russia, i wanna live in democracy

Last edited by Denny (2014-03-20 20:03:33)


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#248 2014-03-20 22:43:17

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Denny wrote:

our econonmy sucks too, idd like our kountry to join russia, i wanna live in democracy

The life quality in Russia is NOT obviously good and our economy sucks more than you can imagine: no progressive taxes (13% for all), "grey" salaries, low pensions (the average is about 230 EUR), bad roads, illegal migrants, bureaucracy et fucking cetera... People like me can't even buy a new good car and forced to drive old Mazda 6, because my month's salary is about 800 EUR and all the banking credits around are very unprofitable. I don't even drive to get to the office due to this fucking traffic jam, it's easier to use the underground. There are only a few good things that would be profitable for Crimean people, things like low prices and some government programs for young families with 2 or more children, which allows them to get some dole payments (8600 EUR) + additional payments. I don't know so much about this, because I am single officially. smile

joint wrote:

to watch russian newa i have to use a proxy, its easyer for me to play BF 1942 on servers where i banned than watch russian news wink

At least you can watch only positive news about Ukraine on TV. smile

Last edited by nämeless (2014-03-20 23:03:27)


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#249 2014-03-21 01:57:30

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Those nazis from Svoboda and Pravy Sektor are a bunch of sell outs: http://www.dailystormer.com/ukraine-rig … wish-race/
Jews took over Ukraine, simple as that, always hiding behind all the political puppets from Europe and USA. They did the same in Russia in 1918.


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#250 2014-03-21 02:08:23

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Russia is in big problems now, montenegro and albania take sanction against them. Dunno if russia will survive that, good luck !


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#251 2014-03-21 02:15:12

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Russia is turning to Japan. They haven't just threatened Russia with sanctions, probably some terrorism in their mind.

“Some Western politicians are already threatening us with not just sanctions, but also the prospect of increasingly serious problems on the domestic front. I would like to know what it is they have in mind exactly: action by a fifth column, this disparate bunch of ‘national traitors’, or are they hoping to put us in a worsening social and economic situation so as to provoke public discontent? We consider such statements irresponsible and clearly aggressive in tone, and we will respond to them accordingly.”



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#252 2014-03-21 02:19:41

Empress of Doom
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Nameless, what are grey salaries? I never heard of that before.


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#253 2014-03-21 03:35:44

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

grey salaries, also "wages in envelopes" it is when employer(boss, hirer) dont pay taxes to retirement fund, its when you work illegaly but get a little bit more to wage, or even same wage, if you dont like that- you free to go, labor unions are exist, but they are not real
tuia, not jews, but zionists, also many of them are jews, but among zionists are present many other nations
its very funny and sad at the same time, when a millionare jew-zionists sponsoring radikal right political party, which declare hate against all jews, regular jewish people have nothing to do with that, they are victims, sacrificial sheeps, and usualy they are appear in worst situation than all around, and when they get hurt, its just another good reason to make "unjustly offended folks" show for everyman and a climes against zion become looks pretty nazi in everybody eyes
you better dont confuse those, or everybody will call you nazi and be prejudge regarding all you say in advance, blind hate or blind violence is what they want you to do


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#254 2014-03-21 09:45:43

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Sunshine wrote:

Nameless, what are grey salaries? I never heard of that before.

Well, I will try to explain but I am not sure it will be clear enough for you. Grey salary is a scheme of tax evasion that may affect taxation, pensions, statistics and the list of the most common questions to the HR manager, so the most common question is:
- What I can get "at hands"?
As is. People think that salary is money to top up their bank accounts each month but everything is not that clear and Joint is not that correct in his statement, because grey salary doesn't assume some kind of illegal employment, or who knows, maybe he is right and it works in Ukraine where I have never been to, but here in Russia some things are not so obvious: on the face of it, there are no any violations in the labour contract.

Here is a simple equation.

White salary

where CMSB is Common Month's Salary Base, EeSB is Employee's Salary Base and ErSB is Employer's Salary Base;
S = EeSB - (EeSB / 100) * IT,
where S is Salary and IT is Income Tax;
ErSB = (EeSB / 100) * PF + (EeSB / 100) * SIF + (EeSB / 100) * FCMIF,
Where PF is Pension Fund, SIF is Social Insurance Fund and FCMIF is Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
IT = 13%, PF = 22%, SIF = 2.9%, FCMIF = 5.1%;

For example, a person gets 920 EUR gross by the labour contract.

S = EeSB - (EeSB / 100) * IT = 920 - (920 / 100) * 13 = 800.4 EUR;

That means an employee pays 119.6 EUR per month of income tax and gets 800.4 EUR afterwards.

ErSB = (EeSB / 100) * PF + (EeSB / 100) * SIF + (EeSB / 100) * FCMIF = (920 / 100) * 22 + (920 / 100) * 2.9 + (920 / 100) * 5.1 = 202.4 + 26.68 + 46.92 = 276 EUR;

That means an employer pays 276 EUR per month.

Grey salary

The grey salary scheme works when it's written in the labour contract that an employee's salary base is 300 EUR and he gets 300 EUR officially + 500 EUR (or more) privately. There are a lot of bad employers who use this scheme to evade taxes.

Vojislav wrote:

Russia is in big problems now, montenegro and albania take sanction against them. Dunno if russia will survive that, good luck !

It's possible to hit back with sanctions against EU because the EU has interdependence with Russia on gas supplies, but we have got only this kind of sanctions yet. smile


tuia wrote:

Those nazis from Svoboda and Pravy Sektor are a bunch of sell outs: http://www.dailystormer.com/ukraine-rig … wish-race/
Jews took over Ukraine, simple as that, always hiding behind all the political puppets from Europe and USA. They did the same in Russia in 1918.

Jews don't bother me at all, but the leader of Right Sector (and maybe the next president of Ukraine, who knows) was a terrorist in some Islamic republics to the south of Russia, where terrorists want to kill all the infidels in the name of Sharia. It bothers me greatly.


They even use their own police that can stop and beat the real police in Kiev.


Last edited by nämeless (2014-03-21 10:41:35)


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#255 2014-03-21 10:18:51

Empress of Doom
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

My head nearly exploded...but surprisingly I kinda understand that big_smile Basically... the person is getting paid "under the table" I think it's called.

I think tgat happens in some line of work in usa too. A lot of union stuff do that.


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#256 2014-03-21 10:36:06

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Sunshine wrote:

My head nearly exploded...but surprisingly I kinda understand that big_smile Basically... the person is getting paid "under the table" I think it's called.

I think tgat happens in some line of work in usa too. A lot of union stuff do that.

I am not familiar with this slang, we call it "salary in envelope" or "grey" salary. smile


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#257 2014-03-21 12:15:27

Empress of Doom
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

I think it's the same. Example... In US a salary is like what you make in a year, but can still be paid a little extra. People who work for $/hr (not salary) usually don't. They just get a paycheck that has taxes taken out of it. I work for my aunt. I don't have a salary but instead work for $/hr. Instead of getting a paycheck though, she just pays me in cash. With that, no money is taken out for taxes or anything. It is "under the table" as in not official. Is it kind of like that?


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#258 2014-03-21 12:21:54

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Ah, I understand now, it's just a figure of speech like people sit at the same table and one of them is passing money under the table to make it confidential.


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#259 2014-03-21 13:32:53

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

that kind of employment is not legal but its still only chance to earn some money ...
my employer pays me 40€ /8-10h for work at height hes not paying taxes (me neither)(in normal he would pay double)
We only getting risk tht construction supervision will catch us big_smile


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#260 2014-03-21 13:36:24

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

tuia wrote:

Jews took over Ukraine, simple as that, always hiding behind all the political puppets from Europe and USA. They did the same in Russia in 1918.

portugal was already taken over by the jews too? or is it the last bastion of anti-jew resistance? ;-)


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#261 2014-03-21 17:42:05

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

big_smile big_smile Princess of Crimea come invade slovakia ,please


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#262 2014-03-21 19:11:54

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless the new einstein haha tongue


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#263 2014-03-21 19:30:45

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:
Sunshine wrote:

Nameless, what are grey salaries? I never heard of that before.

Well, I will try to explain but I am not sure it will be clear enough for you. Grey salary is a scheme of tax evasion that may affect taxation, pensions, statistics and the list of the most common questions to the HR manager, so the most common question is:
- What I can get "at hands"?
As is. People think that salary is money to top up their bank accounts each month but everything is not that clear and Joint is not that correct in his statement, because grey salary doesn't assume some kind of illegal employment, or who knows, maybe he is right and it works in Ukraine where I have never been to, but here in Russia some things are not so obvious: on the face of it, there are no any violations in the labour contract.

Here is a simple equation.

White salary

where CMSB is Common Month's Salary Base, EeSB is Employee's Salary Base and ErSB is Employer's Salary Base;
S = EeSB - (EeSB / 100) * IT,
where S is Salary and IT is Income Tax;
ErSB = (EeSB / 100) * PF + (EeSB / 100) * SIF + (EeSB / 100) * FCMIF,
Where PF is Pension Fund, SIF is Social Insurance Fund and FCMIF is Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
IT = 13%, PF = 22%, SIF = 2.9%, FCMIF = 5.1%;

For example, a person gets 920 EUR gross by the labour contract.

S = EeSB - (EeSB / 100) * IT = 920 - (920 / 100) * 13 = 800.4 EUR;

That means an employee pays 119.6 EUR per month of income tax and gets 800.4 EUR afterwards.

ErSB = (EeSB / 100) * PF + (EeSB / 100) * SIF + (EeSB / 100) * FCMIF = (920 / 100) * 22 + (920 / 100) * 2.9 + (920 / 100) * 5.1 = 202.4 + 26.68 + 46.92 = 276 EUR;

That means an employer pays 276 EUR per month.

Grey salary

The grey salary scheme works when it's written in the labour contract that an employee's salary base is 300 EUR and he gets 300 EUR officially + 500 EUR (or more) privately. There are a lot of bad employers who use this scheme to evade taxes.

Vojislav wrote:

Russia is in big problems now, montenegro and albania take sanction against them. Dunno if russia will survive that, good luck !

It's possible to hit back with sanctions against EU because the EU has interdependence with Russia on gas supplies, but we have got only this kind of sanctions yet. smile


tuia wrote:

Those nazis from Svoboda and Pravy Sektor are a bunch of sell outs: http://www.dailystormer.com/ukraine-rig … wish-race/
Jews took over Ukraine, simple as that, always hiding behind all the political puppets from Europe and USA. They did the same in Russia in 1918.

Jews don't bother me at all, but the leader of Right Sector (and maybe the next president of Ukraine, who knows) was a terrorist in some Islamic republics to the south of Russia, where terrorists want to kill all the infidels in the name of Sharia. It bothers me greatly.


They even use their own police that can stop and beat the real police in Kiev.


Be careful with those 2, if sanction get no result they can send troops  wink I heard that Putin will offer wood instead gas tongue thats a solutin


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#264 2014-03-21 19:49:23

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

say wrote:

big_smile big_smile Princess of Crimea come invade slovakia ,please

Yes, people like her, especially in Japan where she is like a new anime character, but in the real life she is a new 34-year-old Crimean prosecutor and she is divorced with a child. Try yourself.

Vojislav wrote:

Be careful with those 2, if sanction get no result they can send troops

On foot or hitch-hiking?

Last edited by nämeless (2014-03-21 19:53:41)


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#265 2014-03-21 20:24:05

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

lol say


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#266 2014-03-21 21:29:42

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

nämeless wrote:
say wrote:

big_smile big_smile Princess of Crimea come invade slovakia ,please

Yes, people like her, especially in Japan where she is like a new anime character, but in the real life she is a new 34-year-old Crimean prosecutor and she is divorced with a child. Try yourself.

Vojislav wrote:

Be careful with those 2, if sanction get no result they can send troops

On foot or hitch-hiking?



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#267 2014-03-21 22:42:53

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

definitely hitch-hiking !
...chance to know different ppl big_smile
btw mobilization already started...

Last edited by say (2014-03-21 22:44:22)


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#268 2014-03-21 22:48:06

Empress of Doom
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Oooo for real? Are they attacking rest of Ukraine?


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#269 2014-03-21 22:49:00

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

say wrote:

btw mobilization already started...



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#270 2014-03-21 22:56:39

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

idk how its in other states of EU but  SVK has no army only 5000 profesionals rest is in some NATO bullshit ...
I got friend in this nato"squad" its just 2 days left  b4 they got order. I dont know where is he I can only guess they going to do some training excercisers like russia did ...


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