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We will do the impossible just to make you happy !
The balance is terrible wrong... sometime theres 12 vs 5 or even worse
Many times ppl changes team
Is there a way to give a better balance to the server?
Is there a way to block players to swap team?
No one want to play on your team nomax
thought about adding BOB and Tobruk in Rotation, mean "Tankmaps"
Greets your Anna
thought about adding BOB and Tobruk in Rotation, mean "Tankmaps"
Greets your Anna
They can be added, if most players approve it. I would appreciate if you could also suggest how many tanks should be placed for each side in Tobruk and Battle of the Bulge maps.
You get my vote for it
coonic had this idea too and i would vote for it too!
btw what do you think about kursk with tanks only?
coonic had this idea too and i would vote for it too!
btw what do you think about kursk with tanks only?
but with APCs
I used to play on a coop server that had 24 tanks on each side on Kursk. I liked it.
Will sooks and mines be allowed,just thinking out loud for whoops
in my eyes Kursk with 12 or more tanks will not really make fun,
cause it s too small. that will be just a camping battle.
BoB is a huge map with a lot of different points to conquer, its perfect for a Tank battlemap.
Just stick BoB in rotation, each map two rounds .
I would N O T put more than 10-12 Tanks on each side.
And i like the "Zook-Noobs" or miners between the houses and under Bridges,
pls dont take them out, that would destroy the game.
greetz Anna
Last edited by Anna Nym (2014-03-29 09:19:19)
Remove jeeps add tanks
Bocage... nerd...
kharkov, kursk, aberdeen, tobruk, bocage, bulge pls ) with map vote)
u dont know how tanks work so stfu,
and btw am against bob and tobruk in the tanks a lot server.
I like the maps, but the only real tankmap is aberdeen, to many infs are needed in these maps. For example windmill, if someone goes in the tanker should leave his tank to cap. But its a tank server,
arcor arena was filled close to 24/7 a day with only aberdeen on it. And i liked it a lot, also because it had less idiot admins lol
Would be nice to play only two maps on the "Tanks a lot" server: Aberdeen and Tank Arena. Arena is good but people have no this map installed and it's possible to let them know by showing messages with the link to download when they play Aberdeen.
Would be nice to play only two maps on the "Tanks a lot" server: Aberdeen and Tank Arena. Arena is good but people have no this map installed and it's possible to let them know by showing messages with the link to download when they play Aberdeen.
i agree, but needs to mod more tanks then(light ones)
nämeless wrote:Would be nice to play only two maps on the "Tanks a lot" server: Aberdeen and Tank Arena. Arena is good but people have no this map installed and it's possible to let them know by showing messages with the link to download when they play Aberdeen.
i agree, but needs to mod more tanks then(light ones)
Yes, of course. Let's vote for Arena.
Im in favor of regular maps! such as aberdeen, bulge, tobruk, BX, kharkov, gazala?
Aberdeen: as it is...
Tobruk: maybe Ax's server mod? Apc Spwan point?
Bulge: Ax's server mod? Apc spwan point? Moongames?
Bx: more light tanks? apc spawn point? no planes
Kharkov: more light tanks? apc spwan point? no planes
gazala: more light tanks? apc spwan point? no planes
2 rounds per map!
other possible adds... Market, El Al.
About arena... there's no game for inf players, so imo, i say no to it! and also, people have to download the map, so it will make people to leave, and at this time i think its a wrong option for nowdays!
Just take it as it is... an opinion...
Last edited by nomax (2014-04-28 21:19:46)
Tobruk: maybe Ax's server mod? Apc Spwan point?
Bulge: Ax's server mod? Apc spwan point? Moongames?
it sounds like ax had apc spawns on those maps, i'd never do that
just keep the vanilla aberdeen mod, dont know btw but are there deathbubbles at main? and please dont even think about it to mod jeeps back in
sorry max, am against this now. Just keep it SiMPLE and lets stick with aberdeen, otherwise to many changes to the server and eventually it will empty up.
5 people in a gazala map won't fill the server like 5 man in aberdeen, there is a big difference
Last edited by Timmos (2014-04-29 00:51:27)