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Record a video, please.
Not my film nor my fight but saw this online:
0.32 - 0.41 is the only thing that is suspicious, but that is also indeed too suspicious as it is away from the field of battle. Only question is; what server is he playing on in the video?
0.32 - 0.41 is the only thing that is suspicious, but that is also indeed too suspicious as it is away from the field of battle. Only question is; what server is he playing on in the video?
Yes, and on 0:22 he was about to start a dive on the axis plane but the plane got destroyed.
Yes it was on Schindler's Dogfights.
yes, he plays very suspicious with planes.. he is now playing on AX server..
yes, he plays very suspicious with planes.. he is now playing on AX server..
No, he has a permban on ax.
And permban on schindler also
pretty sure i saw him playin on AX server 2days ago.. anyway.. that guy is cheat imo
LL all seeing eye
pretty sure i saw him playin on AX server 2days ago.. anyway.. that guy is cheat imo
Permban on ax since Friday
Dary : In fact, I reported him also on schindler because in first he cheated on, and the admin must or have banned him as he said
Brigadier, tell me if i have wrong but you said he played on ax saturday because you typed on selaron blueboy and you saw "online" is it that ?
Btw brigadier, don't tell never in chat that you think there is a cheater in game, I and we (i think) prefer that you report in forum, it's more discreet.
Why ? A hacker which feels observed can be more hard to be proved.
It isn't a reproach but a good advice to help us
My jazzy, everybody can have these eyes if they have my list, I spent about 15h to make this list and I didn't finish it because in first, my organization was bad and I have to begin again everything to not forget possible to hacker.
A little lazy now with wine in the blood
Last edited by LL22 (2014-01-05 21:36:07)
thx Luke... they say i am hacking... lololol
You were being watched for a long time , to get what you were doing. I would like to tell how but that would help you be a Better hacker. You were caught, that sucks for you, and that makes a better server, for the rest of the honest players. I think Mafia server allows hacks, play there with the 6 players there.
Read more: … z2pcBFsXTB
I promise you, it isn't because of my videos =]
who runs schindler server, madkiler?
who runs schindler server, madkiler?
No, madkiller hasn't his own server (tell me if i'm wrong) and he wouldn't able to run one
(i mean with fair population )
shindler's server is run by Kansas27