#1 2013-08-31 13:47:01

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Widescreen exe patch for 1.612?

Hey all, I'm trying to join a 1.612 only server (apparently the patched one "kept crashing" for the admin) but also want to use an exe with widescreen patch, except the only ones I can find are 1.61 exes which the server gives "wrong version" error for when joining.

Is there a 1.612 exe (for origin) anywhere with the widescreen patch included?


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#2 2013-08-31 15:54:40

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Re: Widescreen exe patch for 1.612?

Hi! There isn't a v1.612 for BF1942 Origin with widescreen fix, but it can be done, just hold on for a while. What patched server files is that admin using that keeps crashing?


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#3 2013-09-01 12:51:56

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Re: Widescreen exe patch for 1.612?

Hey, it was trapo on the forgottenhonor forums who told me this (see http://forgottenhonor.com/modules.php?n … post651858 ), i don't have any more info but asked him to send you details if it's important.

Also, do you know what this is: http://www.mediafire.com/download/zgvht … creen-fix_
Looks like a team-simple release for CD only but the init.con says 1.61 despite the file title and nfo saying 1.612. And I'm pretty sure I've tried it before and it doesn't work.

EDIT: Oh that actually seems to work smile http://www.mediafire.com/download/zgvht … creen-fix_ CD version says 1.612 ingame, and just got me conntected to an origin (1.612) only server with true widescreen. Now I'm just missing an origin version of the same thing.

EDIT 2: Ok seems to work with the origin install too, after replacing / adding all the exe and mod files and creating custom exe shortcut (doesnt start from the normal shortcut). dunno if some servers would kick you or something. Can you add any info tuia? I don't actually know what I'm doing... tongue

Last edited by pepsi_max2k (2013-09-01 13:08:55)


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#4 2013-09-01 13:20:29

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Re: Widescreen exe patch for 1.612?

Always check our Downloads page, they have the latest releases. Sometimes, I fix or improve the executables.
If you only have BF1942 Origin download, you will need either v1.61 or v1.612 widescreen fix for BF1942 Origin, you choose which version you want to play.
Battlefield 1942 v1.612 No CD and widescreen fix package works with Origin, if you have both BF1942 retail and BF1942 Origin installed, but you should not mix them. Use Battlefield 1942 v1.612 No CD and widescreen fix in default EA Games\Battlefield 1942 directory and Battlefield 1942 v1.612 No Origin and widescreen fix for Origin Games\Battlefield 1942 folder.


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