#31 2013-08-06 13:37:04

Reputation: +12
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Re: Beliefs ?

Blind Eddy wrote:

I thought that all these countries, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, were predominantly Christian countries.

i would add Poland, they're really big on this christian bs ;-)

official numbers here are quite inflated (not sure what it's nowadays, 60-70% claiming they're christian, majority of them just pro forma)

i'd bet that if we went german way with church tax, we'd suddenly have the lowest number of christians worldwide ;-)

Last edited by s[sk] (2013-08-06 13:42:10)


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#32 2013-08-06 13:41:42

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Re: Beliefs ?

Blind Eddy wrote:
nämeless wrote:

Yes, Christian by default. The last time I was in church was in 1985. smile

Default setting tongue

Can be adjusted manually afterwards.

well, it's a problem

once your parents decide to "christen" you, you can't fix it afterwards (you can officially leave the church but they will still consider you as "their")
thank "god" for my parents ;-)


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#33 2013-08-06 13:43:09

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Re: Beliefs ?

Blind Eddy wrote:
nämeless wrote:

Yes, Christian by default. The last time I was in church was in 1985. smile

Default setting tongue

Can be adjusted manually afterwards.

For sure. I don't believe in Jesus, I believe in cookie monster nowadays!

Last edited by nämeless (2013-08-06 13:43:31)


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#34 2013-08-06 14:55:51

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Re: Beliefs ?

I believe in... myself


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#35 2013-08-06 15:16:39

Kebab killer
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Re: Beliefs ?

I believe in one god we call it Allah in Arabic


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#36 2013-08-06 16:01:27

Reputation: +54
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Re: Beliefs ?

Im Catholic,
and i dont care if ur atheist, as long as u try to be a good and honest person
btw ive never seen catholic making fun of atheist, but as i can see many atheists have something against church, god, the ones who believe etc


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#37 2013-08-06 16:07:08

Reputation: +10

Re: Beliefs ?

Denny wrote:

Im Catholic

By the way, how is the relation between Catholics and Protestants? I have never really understood this, is there real hatred or just disagreement on some issues?

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#38 2013-08-06 16:07:44

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Re: Beliefs ?

Denny wrote:

btw ive never seen catholic making fun of atheist, but as i can see many atheists have something against church, god, the ones who believe etc

makes sense, doesn't it?

if i say i believe in e.g. tooth fairy, people will make fun of me
if i say the opposite, there's not much to make fun of ;-)


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#39 2013-08-06 16:12:03

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Re: Beliefs ?

Blind Eddy wrote:
Denny wrote:

Im Catholic

By the way, how is the relation between Catholics and Protestants? I have never really understood this, is there real hatred or just disagreement on some issues?

I dont know, im not head of the church big_smile
They surely disagree with some stuff like protestants dont believe in how Marie gave birth to Jesus or smthing.


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#40 2013-08-06 16:36:24

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Re: Beliefs ?

In croatia are only romanian catholics and no protestants or very few... the conflicts between catholics and protestants took place in germany and irland, so why do you think Denny knows anything about that?

It was about money and power, what else?


Last edited by dary (2013-08-06 16:38:09)


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#41 2013-08-06 16:44:25

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Re: Beliefs ?

Denny wrote:

btw ive never seen catholic making fun of atheist, but as i can see many atheists have something against church, god, the ones who believe etc

How can someone have a problem with something (god), which he thinks that it doesn't exist at all? Everybody make fun of the chruch, even catholics... just watch south park. hehe


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#42 2013-08-06 16:45:48

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Re: Beliefs ?

So, who amongst u people believe in God?


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#43 2013-08-06 16:53:17

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Re: Beliefs ?

dary wrote:
Denny wrote:

btw ive never seen catholic making fun of atheist, but as i can see many atheists have something against church, god, the ones who believe etc

How can someone have a problem with something (god), which he thinks that it doesn't exist at all? Everybody make fun of the chruch, even catholics... just watch south park. hehe

well i saw nameless mentioning Jesus, enough proof?


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#44 2013-08-06 16:55:26

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Re: Beliefs ?

Denny wrote:

well i saw nameless mentioning Jesus, enough proof?

Jesus was a cheater from Ukraine


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#45 2013-08-06 16:59:07

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Re: Beliefs ?

No, he just used his name as nickname.


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#46 2013-08-06 17:39:32

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Re: Beliefs ?

the faith has no religious
(© of i dont remember who):D


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#47 2013-08-06 18:01:59

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Re: Beliefs ?

s[sk] wrote:
Denny wrote:

well i saw nameless mentioning Jesus, enough proof?

Jesus was a cheater from Ukraine



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#48 2013-08-06 18:08:13

Flying Dutch BREAD
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Posts: 458

Re: Beliefs ?

Sounds like s[sk] thinks that joint is a cheater and jesus big_smile


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#49 2013-08-06 19:02:07

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Re: Beliefs ?

I think it's weird to believe in something that doesn't even exist. First things first, the religion was created by the humanity for the benefit of mankind and it's just another step of evolution we will forget in a couple of centuries, one step closer to superiority. Soon enough, I hope so.
Back to the roots. There were a lot of unexplained natural phenomenons like fire, flash, thunder, wind, sunrise, animals etc. All the people have the same common ancestor and when those man-kind creatures were mentally advanced enough to be interested in the source of natural phenomenons and environment, there was a time of fetishism, petroglyphs and totems afterwards. Skipping the time away over the ages, I want you to recall the Oriental despotism, Antiquity and all the fallen civilizations. Nowadays, nothing will bring you to believe in a flash as Zeus's wrath or in the golden chariot of Ra when you see a sunrise, but the Ancient people believed in it. Moreover, it was supported by the leaders because it's much more easier to rule among the believers and to rule them all.
The most modern story of god is the story to constitute justification for assassinations, wars and plunders in the Middle Ages, the fairy tale to support the religious organizations nowadays and the useless memories in the not too distant future. After the first space flight in 1961, cosmonaut Gagarin got a lot of letters from people and they asked him about something beyond Earth. He told them there is no god, no angels and no holy spirit. Making the future come true, we lag behind the times with religion and getting back to the times of Giordano Bruno's fire or maybe farther away. Actually, there is no difference between the cross of Jesus and very old totem. It makes no difference for me. Fuck, I want more beer.

Last edited by nämeless (2013-08-06 19:17:21)


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#50 2013-08-06 19:04:42

Flying Dutch BREAD
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Posts: 458

Re: Beliefs ?

How do you know monkeys have no religion Nameless ??? (Drunk)


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#51 2013-08-06 19:12:52

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Re: Beliefs ?

Flying Dutch BREAD wrote:

How do you know monkeys have no religion Nameless ??? (Drunk)

I wasted about 10 minutes to pull my thoughts together to compile them in a few sentences. You understood it wrong.


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#52 2013-08-06 19:14:40

Flying Dutch BREAD
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Posts: 458

Re: Beliefs ?

nämeless wrote:
Flying Dutch BREAD wrote:

How do you know monkeys have no religion Nameless ??? (Drunk)

I wasted about 10 minutes to pull my thoughts together to compile them in a few sentences. You understood it wrong.

xD ROFL just joking


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#53 2013-08-06 19:45:32

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Re: Beliefs ?

In my opinion people have to be smarter then a over 2000 years old religion. After the war many people became religious in Ex-Yugo and for me the evolution goes in the wrong direction. Religions have nothing to do with logic if you ask me.

With a little bit common sense you know what is bad and what is good. We don't need a religion anymore to tell us that we must not kill or whatever.

You don't have to be a good person if you have a religion. In germany many priests are child molesters if you didn't know. That is one reason why many people make fun of the church.


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#54 2013-08-06 19:51:46

Flying Dutch BREAD
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Posts: 458

Re: Beliefs ?

dary wrote:

In my opinion people have to be smarter then a over 2000 years old religion. After the war many people became religious in Ex-Yugo and for me the evolution goes in the wrong direction. Religions have nothing to do with logic if you ask me.

With a little bit common sense you know what is bad and what is good. We don't need a religion anymore to tell us that we must not kill or whatever.

You don't have to be a good person if you have a religion. In germany many priests are child molesters if you didn't know. That is one reason why many people make fun of the church.

Umm not only in Germany


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#55 2013-08-06 20:50:03

Reputation: +10

Re: Beliefs ?

Blind Eddy wrote:

I thought that all these countries, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, were predominantly Christian countries.

Yep, they are. I actually went to a Catholic College for some years and a big part of my family is catholic. Maybe i´m in some sort of way but to be honest i dont care about religions.

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#56 2013-08-06 20:57:04

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Re: Beliefs ?

Blind Eddy wrote:

I thought that all these countries, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, were predominantly Christian countries.

The most russians orthodox...


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#57 2013-08-06 21:19:22

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Re: Beliefs ?

Lecter wrote:

i don't believe those gods you kill for or die for, meaning i dont like religions.
I do believe there is something out there. If that something actually really cares about us, mere earthlings, that's a different story. But I´ve some kind of faith, dunno if its supported or nurtured by some superior being or if it is only a feeling I can´t comprehend.



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#58 2013-08-06 21:26:35

Flying Dutch BREAD
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Re: Beliefs ?

LL22 wrote:

1st = lol
2d =  U no believe in BREAD ? xD


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#59 2013-08-06 21:26:47

Reputation: +10

Re: Beliefs ?

nämeless wrote:

I think it's weird to believe in something that doesn't even exist.

If God didn't exist, I wouldn't believe in him big_smile Not only do I believe that He exists, I also believe that He is omnipotent and perfect in all His infinite attributes.

We were talking about "default settings". My default setting when I grew up was no religion at all. I manually switched to Islam when I was 12 because God made perfect sense to me ever since I was a little child. I see proof of His existence all round me, in each and every individual, in each and every object there is.

If you open any medical book, you'll see how complex the human body is and how all the different body parts work together to make us function the way we do. And this is just us humans, there are so many things in this universe that function so perfectly that to me there is no doubt that there is a higher being that controls all this.

I respect if people do not believe in God, for everyone is responsible for his own life. However, sometimes I see that people get very emotional when God is mentioned. I wonder why, if these people don't even believe that He exists?

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#60 2013-08-06 21:31:52

Flying Dutch BREAD
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Posts: 458

Re: Beliefs ?

Blind Eddy wrote:
nämeless wrote:

I think it's weird to believe in something that doesn't even exist.

If God didn't exist, I wouldn't believe in him big_smile Not only do I believe that He exists, I also believe that He is omnipotent and perfect in all His infinite attributes.

We were talking about "default settings". My default setting when I grew up was no religion at all. I manually switched to Islam when I was 12 because God made perfect sense to me ever since I was a little child. I see proof of His existence all round me, in each and every individual, in each and every object there is.

If you open any medical book, you'll see how complex the human body is and how all the different body parts work together to make us function the way we do. And this is just us humans, there are so many things in this universe that function so perfectly that to me there is no doubt that there is a higher being that controls all this.

I respect if people do not believe in God, for everyone is responsible for his own life. However, sometimes I see that people get very emotional when God is mentioned. I wonder why, if these people don't even believe that He exists?

Honestly I think the human body doesnt function perfectly cause we dont have the strenght to fight with bare hands i mean. We use weapons without weapons we couldnt even kill a chimp tongue


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