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its not intro sound?, i think i never heard those voices
my bad, it's trailer
+- 00:45
Last edited by s[sk] (2013-07-28 19:56:54)
you can take it down with one shot only on the front right/left track. Hit it between the track and the armour. Though you need to be very very accurate. Not an easy shot...
no way lec ... i’m sceptical .... (^_^;)
please tell us where that spot is ....
x, y coordinates ... x is horizontal, y is vertical
for example, i’ve made a blue dot at :
x 22, y 8
in picture 1
x 6, y 17
in picture 2
coordinates, pics, video or it doesn’t happen ๏[-ิ_•ิ]๏
It's impossible.
Here! This values are correct if u shoot with heavy tank
t34 85
sherman side
m10 side
t34 85 side
Last edited by Denny (2013-07-28 22:23:48)
It has some mistakes. You can't take out a Tiger, a M10 or a T34 with just one shot from any light or heavy tank. You can destroy easily light tanks with one shot from M10 or T34. Tiger has more armor (125 hitpoints) than M10 and T34 (100 hitpoints) but gives slightly less damage.
maybe its a matter of you guys' definition of one shot = one kill
91 % could be understood as both, since it wont instantly destroy a tank .... it will leave the tank burning and selfdestructing unless repaired
88 - 99 % damage = selfdestruct (flames in the back)
100 % = instant blowup
i think i agree with tuia .... 91 % is max .... so no heavy tank can be "instantly blown up" by another heavy tank
lecter ... how do you know the tank you were facing, werent a bit damaged in the first place ?
if anybody knows how to instantly blow up a heavy tank with another heavy tank, then i'd really like to see it
this is what max damage from an m10 to a t34 or m10 looks like (91%) :
Last edited by X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X (2013-07-29 11:28:38)
ffs last time i will say this. Ive done 1 vs 1 against Sepp, and i mean, hours of it. Our main goal, and only goal, was to get in each others front and shoot once and kill the other. One shot = total blow out. I was always on m10 and he was on Tiger. No shots before, no one else around. Aberdeen just for the two of us. When i come back to the game, this week, ill show how its done.
No. Maximum damage from one shot from M10 or T34 is 91% to a M10 or T34.
Well, if you shot the M10 with the T34 in the tracks he will just burn and will explode at - 17 %. But if you shot a tank burning it is 100% shot for me and not 91% or something. If you don't believe me we can have a 1 on 1 on tank arena.
Last edited by dary (2013-07-29 09:05:44)
When M10 or T34 reaches 12% health it starts burning and self-destroys after 8 seconds. Taking 91% damage from a T34 or M10 shot it destroys after 6 seconds. Please, show some videos, back up your claims, of instantly destroying a full health heavy tank with one single shot. It's not possible, and you will see that if you examine Objects.rfa, Game.rfa and StandardMesh.rfa files, which dictates BF1942 damage system.
A Tiger can't be destroyed with one single shot (maximum 73% damage) from a heavy tank and with a Tiger you can't destroy a M10 or T34 (maximum 77% damage) in one shot.
can the value of damage have change under the influence of the motion relative to the target?
Did you read what i wrote?!?
I said that the M10 will just start burning and not explode instantly at the same time! After - -17 % he will explode.
But what is 100% for you? When i am an engineer and see a mate in a tank it says 100% and not 117%.
When M10 or T34 reaches 12% health it starts burning and self-destroys after 8 seconds. Taking 91% damage from a T34 or M10 shot it destroys after 6 seconds. Please, show some videos, back up your claims, of instantly destroying a full health heavy tank with one single shot. It's not possible, and you will see that if you examine Objects.rfa, Game.rfa and StandardMesh.rfa files, which dictates BF1942 damage system.
A Tiger can't be destroyed with one single shot (maximum 73% damage) from a heavy tank and with a Tiger you can't destroy a M10 or T34 (maximum 77% damage) in one shot.
tuia, i shot m10 with another m10, it started burning, i consider that 1 shot takes time to learn this
I did not consider critical damage, if starting to burn is to destroy then we all agree M10 or T34 can destroy a T34 or M10 in one shot.
In M10 or T34 health bar goes from 100 hitpoints (100%) to 12 hitpoints (0%), below 12 hitpoints is critical damage (burning) what you refer to a negative percentage, until it blows up at 0 hitpoints (-14%).
joint, damage system does not take speed of vehicles into account, angle and distance of targets, yes.
And the tip to avoid such shots, move your tank a bit left to right if enemy is close and wants to shoot your track, by moving a bit you can reduce the angle of shot and it wont take so much.
And tip for shooting enemy who is moving a bit and trying to avoid your shots: if u have time, wait for the moment that he shoots, he will probably stop for a second when he press fire, thats the second you can hit him in weak spots. 2nd tip is more useful when at a bit far range.
Last edited by Denny (2013-07-29 11:48:31)
No. Maximum damage from one shot from M10 or T34 is 91% to a M10 or T34.
dude tuia, yes you can. maybe because ur not that skilled you can't do it, but dary, musen and the 1st liga players know this (and some others)..
stop being such a douche, try it yourself. sometimes practice is better than theory
its like dary said
no instant kills but 1 shot can let them burn