#1 2012-08-06 16:12:58

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queria decir y disculpen que empiece siempre con el mismo tema ....
este chico me tiene muy cansado  con sus consejos y actitudes
me dice que tengo que hacer. no se me quiere enseñar como ser admin, yo ya lo fui en el server -=TL=- Texas y España y no necesito nadie que me diga que hacer ,
cada vez que kickeo a alguien el me dice primero advierte o porque lo kickeastes?
todas las veces se repite lo mismo , yo se que advertirles no sirve porque no saben leer ,no hacen caso son siempre los mismos
hoy lunes 6 de agosto estaba jugando en STALINGRADO
saliamos de la regeneracion y estaraba él .
mi compañero y yo ( LOS 2 CON HIGH PING)  lo tratamos de matar y como siempre .....empieza a eludir las balas saltando de lado a lado , eso me requema porque si tuviera 40 de ping facilmente lo mataria !
le puse en el chat : noob , you kill for 90% people have high ping...
el pone : excuses
y luego lo invite a jugar 1 vs 1 in un server argentino haber si eran excusas
y me kickea !kdis .4
QUE YO SEPA ENTRE ADMINS NO SE KICKEA....MAL LO QUE HIZO antes de irme expulsado  lo kickie a a el como venganza

PD: yo ya fui admin y las UNICAS quejas que recibo son de él

English translation:
i want to say and sorry always starting with the same subject ....
this guy has tired me with their advice and attitudes. He says what I have to do. i don't know he wants to teach me how to be admin, I already was one on the -=TL=- server Texas and Spain and do not need anyone to tell me what to do,
whenever i kick someone he says first warn or why did you kick him?
every time the same thing happens, I know warning does not work because they can not read, they ignore they are always the same
Monday August 6 i was playing in Stalingrad
we spawned and there was him.
My partner and I (2 WITH HIGH PING) were trying to kill him..... and as always he evades the bullets starting to jump from side to side, and that annoys me because if I had 40 ping I easily killed him!
I write in chat: noob, you kill people 90% have high ping ...
he replies: excuses
and then i invite him to play 1 vs 1 in argentinean server to see if they were excuses
and he kicks me !kdis .4
ADMINS FROM WHAT I KNOW DO NOT KICK THEMSELVES.... damage done before I was dismissed I kicked him as a revenge

PS: I already was admin and the only complaints I received are of him


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#2 2012-08-06 16:45:15

United States
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Registered: 2012-07-18
Posts: 54

Re: RedDawg

Thank God for google translate,which still has a hard time deciphering his jibberish.Gianni (-=TL=- Dynamite) has no business being an admin.He kicks players without warning them for what they are doing.All you have to do is check the RM log which I will be posting.As you will read,I merely asked him to warn players who were breaking the rules,and if they persist to disobey the warning,then kick the players.He killed the population this morning.Kicked players left and right.In Stalingrad,I was destroying him.Like always,he started making excuses that were unprovoked by me.He told me I was a noob,and I did not respond.He told me it was only because I had lower ping and I told him to just play.He then invited me to another server so he could play against me there I think.he has told me numerous times to shut up.Making him an admin was a mistake as I posted a month ago in these exact forums.I did kick him for disrupting gameplay.He is a trial admin and I am a senior admin.He then kicks me for an unprovoked reason.Read the log I am about to post tuia,and it will show you the same conversation as mine.I request you remove him from the admin rights allowed group.He needs to learn to control his temper or find a server where his ping is lower.

8/6/2012 08:57:42 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: NOOB
8/6/2012 08:57:48 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: BAD PLAYER
8/6/2012 08:57:54 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: YOU KILL FOR
8/6/2012 08:57:57 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: 90% POEPLE
8/6/2012 08:58:01 : # [Global] RedDawg: ?
8/6/2012 08:58:01 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: HAVE HIGH PING
8/6/2012 08:58:09 : # [Global] RedDawg: just play
8/6/2012 08:58:12 : # [Global] RedDawg: no excuses
8/6/2012 08:58:18 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: MM EXCUSES?
8/6/2012 08:59:03 : # [Global] FREEKILL: /RS
8/6/2012 08:59:03 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: YOU PLAY VS MME
8/6/2012 08:59:03 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: 1 VS 1
8/6/2012 08:59:03 : # [Global] vlad: /rs
8/6/2012 08:59:03 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: IN THISSERVER
8/6/2012 08:59:03 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]:
8/6/2012 08:59:03 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: GO COME
8/6/2012 08:59:03 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: play?
8/6/2012 08:59:33 : # [Global] RedDawg: !kdis .4
8/6/2012 08:59:33 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: !kdis .6
8/6/2012 08:59:33 : # [Global] -=TL=- Dynamite [URU]: you are idiot
8/6/2012 08:59:33 : Server: Player -=TL=- Dynamite [URU] kicked.
8/6/2012 08:59:33 : Server: Player RedDawg kicked.

Also,scroll up a bit from this chat,and check out where he repeatedly called folks noobs,cowards,retards,and kicked without even 1 warning.


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#3 2012-08-06 17:11:20

Reputation: +84
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Re: RedDawg

sorry, but i cant stop laughing big_smile


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#4 2012-08-06 17:40:04

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Re: RedDawg

Dynamite, please don't insult other players. This should not happen again.


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#5 2012-08-06 17:49:25

Reputation: +11

Re: RedDawg


Dynamite just kicked me for no reason. it was on Gazala CTF about 1045 CST. I killed him several time and he kicked me. Why does this guy have admin rights when he is constantly abusing them?

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#6 2012-08-06 18:02:03

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Re: RedDawg

Buckshot wrote:


Dynamite just kicked me for no reason. it was on Gazala CTF about 1045 CST. I killed him several time and he kicked me. Why does this guy have admin rights when he is constantly abusing them?

I saw you get kicked too and was wondering why. But I was on the other team so I didn't know what was happening.


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#7 2012-08-06 18:13:55

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Re: RedDawg

Buckshot, it wasn't Dynamite.


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#8 2012-08-06 18:58:38

Reputation: +11

Re: RedDawg

Why was I kicked?

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#9 2012-08-06 19:01:24

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Re: RedDawg

You were wrongly kicked by base camping, since it was a CTF map.


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#10 2012-08-06 19:44:02

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Re: RedDawg

It was Denny wasn't it? He said something stupid about it not being a capture the flag map because nobody was getting the flags.


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#11 2012-08-06 19:45:19

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Re: RedDawg

i kicked him,
i know its ctf, i coudl easily be quiet now, but..
buckshot was with tank in our main base, raping airfield, i know its ctf and everything should be allowed, but he was just to get some kills, never tried to take flag, and people were annoyed by this camp on airfield and i tought it should be good to kick him because people might leave in these situations + all this was lame...5 % people go for flag, all others just use this basecamp allowed rule to get cheap kills

i know by the rules i shouldnt have kicked you, i am sorry, but i hope you learn to play..
cya on battlefield


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#12 2012-08-06 22:36:11

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Re: RedDawg

its ctf denny even lame at the airfield helps other to get the flag safer home...


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#13 2012-08-06 23:27:11

Reputation: +11

Re: RedDawg

Dude it was CTF, if i'm shooting up the airfield the team can come in and get the flag.

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#14 2012-08-07 00:24:45

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Re: RedDawg

Buckshot wrote:

Dude it was CTF, if i'm shooting up the airfield the team can come in and get the flag.

we had that discussion a while ago and we came to the conclusion that raping the airfield on ctf is just a cheap way to get kills.

And i know that tuia said it would be ok to kick such guys.

Baserape is allowed on ctf but isnt the goal of ctf to get the flag?
With your rape you didnt even try to get the flag neither you camped the flag what would be more logical.
Your reason that you gave us is also weird, because players also spawn at the flag in guadal.

So for me your baserape was just a way to get easy kills and to raise one of the first places in the scoreboard.

Its just my personal view and if i were at dennys place at that time i would have kicked you also.


Last edited by Zody (2012-08-07 00:26:03)


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#15 2012-08-07 02:49:30

Reputation: +11

Re: RedDawg

Dude you make the rules as you go. I never had this discussion. Jamming the airfield is a good tactic to allow for your team to take the flag while the airfield is being defended.

y'all make up the rules as you go.

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#16 2012-08-07 07:19:21

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Re: RedDawg

I'm with Buckshot on this one. You can't kick someone for basecamp on a ctf map.  It's simply ridiculous.  Jamming the airfield is basically the only way to get the flag back to your base.  And if you had actually been playing you would have noticed that someone else stole the flag and was almost back to the base when the time ran out on the map.  If you are so worried about him sitting with a tank on the airfield, why don't you get out your zooka and shoot him! 

=|Joker$|=Zody wrote:

Your reason that you gave us is also weird, because players also spawn at the flag in guadal.

This makes absolutely no sense and I have no idea what you are trying to say. (Oh, and this was on Gazala, not Guadalcanal.)


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#17 2012-08-07 09:12:23

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Re: RedDawg

Zody, this is not your server, you are just an admin. Not every admin can make his own rules by his own logic...


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#18 2012-08-07 13:52:54

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Re: RedDawg

Buckshot no solo eras tu sino había 3 tanques mas atacando el aeroparque.

English translation:
Buckshot, it wasn't just you, there were 3 more tanks attacking the airfield.


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#19 2012-08-07 15:58:08

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Re: RedDawg

Sloop wrote:

And if you had actually been playing you would have noticed that someone else stole the flag and was almost back to the base when the time ran out on the map.  If you are so worried about him sitting with a tank on the airfield, why don't you get out your zooka and shoot him!

please dont attack zody because i was the one who kicked, and i would like you to be honest because,
at that moment of rape nobody stole the german flag

and second, there was 5 peopel spawning on airfield, only me taking bazooka, but your position was good so i could hit you only once i think, others are bad players so they are considered as cheap kills,

i dont see why discussion here, i said im sorry for that kick buckshot and i hope you learn to play 'fair'


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#20 2012-08-07 16:20:57

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Re: RedDawg

Denny you said sorry and you know at least it was wrong. But its not first time zody made his own rules... i didnt want to offense him, but i think all admins have to follow the same rules. (Sorry if you felt offended zody!!! smile )
But we admins need to work together, otherwise there will be to much discussions. Oc its annoying if there are camper, i know that... but sometimes its the only way noobs learn to play BF and take bazooka instead of sniper or whatever. tongue


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#21 2012-08-07 18:02:29

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Re: RedDawg

to quote buckshot from other post smile

Buckshot wrote:

Base rapers need to be banned.


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#22 2012-08-07 18:24:29

Reputation: +11

Re: RedDawg

Dude, why don't you get it. the game is CTF. base camping is allowed in CTF. Your arbitrary cherry picking my quote which was in reference to conquest. It is conquest that I was referring to banning base rapers.

The point of capture the flag is to attack the main. You make up your own rules and applied them to me. What about the other tank that attacked the airfield? He got a pass? You can't be consistent can you?

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#23 2012-08-07 19:17:04

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Re: RedDawg

Zody, this is not your server, you are just an admin. Not every admin can make his own rules by his own logic...

I always follow the rules that tuia gives us and i remember a thread where he said that we are only allowed to kick them when their only intention is to get easy kills instead of capturing the flag.

and no i dont feel offended wink

This makes absolutely no sense and I have no idea what you are trying to say. (Oh, and this was on Gazala, not Guadalcanal.)

gazala ctf ? i thought its about guadal ctf. But back to that sentence you didnt understand. I just said that there are 2 spawns one is at the airfield and one is at the flag that can be captured.

so that reason is odd.

Dude it was CTF, if i'm shooting up the airfield the team can come in and get the flag.

SO this discussion is solved i think.

Last edited by Zody (2012-08-07 19:20:28)


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#24 2012-08-07 19:37:26

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Re: RedDawg

You are right with the easy kills, but fact is, that everyone has the chance to take a tank and go to airfield. So its not unfair. wink And for some player this map is just boring, so they go to airfield to have fun and make easy kills. (like me) big_smile
But i dont do it because of score... i know its lame, but still fun.


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#25 2012-08-07 21:08:07

Reputation: +11

Re: RedDawg

Hay I am not trying to stir the stink. Thanks dary for the support. I agree CTF is a lame as it gets. What is the difference in camping the airfield in a tank as opposed to a plane, answer none. So Denny are you predjudiced against tanks?

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#26 2012-08-07 21:32:33

United States
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Re: RedDawg

If it wasn't against server rules,which it clearly is/was NOT since it was on a CTF map,Buckshot should have NEVER been kicked.

Last edited by RedDawg (2012-08-07 21:33:20)


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#27 2012-08-07 21:51:33

Reputation: +11

Re: RedDawg

Thanks Dawg

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