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Can you do something about the Invasion of Philippines map? In Stalingrad CTF, there was 31 people I believe, but when map ended and went to Invasion of the Philippines, there was like 20. Many people asked me to change map, but I couldn't. Not only that, when Invasion of the Philippines ends, it will become into Battle of Britain. Two back-to-back maps like these kills the population in my opinion. This map isn't popular in [USA] like in [FRA].
Also, can you have a !idle command to kick the AFKers? It screws up the balance of the map.
Just some ideas.
It would be nice to have !kafk. I've been using !kdis and no one has come back asking why they got kicked for.
tuia disculpa que te moleste pero el server SiMPLE USA en los mapas Berlin y Stalingrado se esta volviendo muy mal
arreglastes esos los mapas en el server FRA pero en este esta todo igual
hay mucha gente que tiene 40 matadas 1 muerte y es por hacer spam con granadas en berlin y stalin
tambien los eje toman los 2 taques aliados y mas el de ellos disparan a la base , los aliados no salen....
ponen tnt en banderas haciendolas imposibles de capturar
estaria bueno que hagas lo mismo de poner 1 nade sola aki porque los mapas no se pueden jugar
sakar los taques y las nades ,no se digo sugerencias
otra cosa cual es el comando de ban para cheats? le eh puesto ban a 3 personas maso por !bname .#
porque !ban .# no funciona y como creo un nuevo post :$
Gracias / Dynamite
I attempted to translate for you tuia:
tuia sorry to bother you but in the server SiMPLE USA the maps Berlin and Stalingrad is getting very bad
you fixed those maps in the server FRA but in this it is all unmodified
There are many people who have 40 kills and 1 death by grenade spamming in Berlin and in Stalingrad
the axis also take the 2 allied tanks and most of them shoot at the base, the allies can not come out ....
put tnt in flags making them impossible to capture
it would be good you do the same to put 1 single grenade only because the maps can not be played
remove the tanks and greandes, i don't know i am suggesting
otherwise what is the command to ban for cheats? i've banned 3 people by! bname. #
because !ban. # does not work
and how do I create a new post?
drinking early?
Hola Dynamite,
Tienes toda la razón. Esos 2 mapas se deben cambiar, estoy tratando de terminar todos los mapas en el SiMPLE USA, lo siento por el retraso.
El comando de ban por trucos o glitching es !bexploits. Mira a este tema: BFRemoteManager in-game commands
English translation:
Hi Dynamite,
You are absolutely right. Those 2 maps must be changed, I am trying to finish all maps on the SiMPLE USA, sorry for the delay.
The command to ban for cheats or glitching is !bexploits. Take a look at this topic: BFRemoteManager in-game commands
yes i know ... its doing very well at the moment at 36 .... but one can always hope ..... im perfectly aware that there just might not be enough players in the 1942 community at this and future times to regularly fill up a 60+ slot server at the US west coast .........
I believe waiting 12 seconds to spawn is waaaayyy too long. I personally will not play on a server with a long spawn time.
Most US servers use something like: [Spawn Time (sec) 5] and [Spawn Delay (sec) 3]
Decreasing spawn time usually increases server traffic.
ATF_Waffen */
its more harder to get a flag then, so nadespammers will be happy with those spawntmes.
I like the spawn time, maybe lower it to 8 secs MAX. But it is good.
There is Berlin CQ and Berlin CTF in rotation. Can you make them nadeless, tankless in CQ. As for CTF, maybe APC n jeeps near mains to promote actually attempting to go for the flag?
For Aberdeen, can you make the mains uncaps and have instant tank respawn and add a heavy? Just some ideas.
Ok. Berlin CTF was removed from the map pool today. I'm not sure if Berlin CQ should have no nades and no tanks, because most players have high ping to the server. Aberdeen will be changed, but no instant tank respawn.
plz read my suggestion.... on Wake map CTF SiMPLE server
this map is just simple basebombing and baseraping.... maybe eliminating the planes from map and/or adding jeeps or anti-aircraft.. idk
and Guadalcanal map could be better to add an anti-aircraft on each flag.. since good pilots anyway can deal with one air-aircraft and there is at least a chance to defend a flag there
Anyway... congratz for great server.. awesome place for share time with this fantastic old game
im map modder so just send me the .rfa of levels u wish
Last edited by BellBrothers (2012-08-28 22:50:40)
Pages: 1