#1 2025-01-18 11:52:21

Paul Baumer
Reputation: +2683
Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,738
Windows 10 Opera 115.0

RtR+SW server - some changes

Hi all,
After numerous reports on broken autobalance on RtR SW, this morning the server was restarted with new settings(Autobalance is on, smart team balance option is disabled). That means that players who have to respawn might be forced into team with less players to help the balance in case one team has significantly less players than the other. This system has been proven to be the most helping towards keeping the correct balance and fun game, but it also requires a certain help from players. Please if you see that numbers of players are uneven and you are automatically forced to the weaker team, do not switch back to stronger team but help your new team instead. That will make the game more challenging at first for you but a lot more fun for everyone because nobody likes to play a full round as 5 players against 11 for example. Clearly if you want to switch to the weaker team yourelf on your own initiative that is very much welcome and we appreciate if players help us mantaining balance.

Second thing is map rotation. Baytown and santo_croce are temporarly removed from map rotation as a test, and will be added eventually on request from players. That decision comes from these maps being very large and although played quite often, majority of players does not like them and numbers of players drop when these maps come up. Bots are an issue for santo_croce because they keep firing from main base to the opposite main base across the river which disturbs the game for many. Baytown is a very large map with long distanced flags and many levels(hills, mountains, water in between the sides) which makes it unplayable without a proper number of vehicles aka jeeps and tanks and with bots who steal those vehicles that are present on the map.

Third important thing is autoban for teamkilling and swearing. For some reason yet to find out, there are many automatic bans lately to players for minus score. As far as I could see it's often happening to players who aren't known to be particularly disruptive but rather come from mines(that bots often drive onto). The margin for the number of tk's before the ban will be slightly changed, please let us know if you notice a difference and hopefully that will lower the chances of getting banned by accident. Clearly try to use mines wisely and don't throw them around if you see your bots going in that direction. Also mind there is a list of banned words, saying them too often will get you autobanned - please be careful about that. In case you get banned automatically contact our admins, we already are lifting most of these bans but sometimes it's not easy to keep track of that.
Also the round time will be increased to 40 minutes instead of 36.

Feedback is much appreciated on each of these changes, let us know if you feel any differences and do their improve your experience in game.  To make your feedback as efficient and full as possible please play at least for some rounds before telling us your opinion. Thanks


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#2 2025-01-18 19:50:20

Reputation: +558
Registered: 2014-08-13
Posts: 1,008
Windows 10 Firefox 134.0

Re: RtR+SW server - some changes

everything that has the word ''smart'' in it is actually dumb


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#3 2025-01-22 21:35:30

Reputation: +5
Registered: 2017-09-22
Posts: 23
Windows 10 Chrome 132.0

Re: RtR+SW server - some changes

Paul Baumer wrote:

Bots are an issue for santo_croce because they keep firing from main base to the opposite main base across the river which disturbs the game for many.Thanks

This can be fixed with a invisible wall on the river. A modder can place (custom) static objects on the river, so bots dont see acrose the river. I think it can even be made that you can fly trough it, but the wall doest need to be very high, and usually you wouldn't fly that low over the river anyway.
With this there is a better flow of bots going from bases to flags, it should helps with preventing that all flags are taken by the emeny.

Paul Baumer wrote:

That decision comes from these maps being very large

Apart from the the bases flags, the flags are petty close to each other, altrough it can take up some time to go from a flag by bridge to a hill flag. Overall this map feels more small that large.

Altouch i dont like Baytown very much, i dont like the idea of maps getting completely removed, something like one week those maps on maplist one week off the map list, would be better i guess. Or if possble put every map 2 times in the maplist, unpopular maps 1 one time.


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