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The German bureaucracy made a mistake when issuing the above-mentioned special permit.
Of course it is no Flying Whales, France.
It's the Karwsz Flip, Poland.
My licence, finally!! I lost faith in the German bureaucracy already.. btw, i do inf sometimes, for the record (althought, usually just to walk to the nearest pile of steel
). Tnx B'schuetz!
Welcome back, Rose !
You may ignore one word on your licence, i made it in your absence.
The German bureaucracy's over diligent, you know.
The German Bureaucracy (2024):
How to drive an APC on SiMPLE
Hello comrades,
i am Blindschuetz, and i'm your truck driver for this map.
I could greet you like this or something similar,
and in the following I would like to quote a little from the book pictured above.
M3A1, Hanomag and Ho-Ha are halftracks, armored personnel carriers: APCs.
These type of vehicle was designed to bring troops into combat.
And exactly this is the main goal of every dedicated truck driver in Battlefield 1942.
Please keep in mind, this duty won't be awarded with points. APC drivers barely make any kills,
taking flags is the task of infantry and tanks, the APC better stays behind.
The truck driver's true score is not shown in his line on the scoreboard,
instead, it is represented by the score of those team members who are able to take advantage
of what they are offered.
Medals of your team's heroes and the victory at the end of a map brighten up a truck driver's mood.
Together with a nice pint of beer of course.
lolz u need guide for APC passenger behaviour to, saw lot of bad manners there
Oh hi Ruff.
How nice of you. A tanker showed up right in time.
There we go.
Armored columns from the base to the outposts should be common.
Go in packs, work together!
This friendly teammate is Engineer. His backpack contains much useful stuff.
Have you given him an uuuz colour, yet? How about #46AD7C, Ocean Green ?
Your Engineer 1 by car is supposed to clear landmines ahead of you.
He may also decide to stay behind the armored column, wrench-ready.
Having one or even two of these friendly supporters in your pack is very useful in every respect.
Tankers are commanders.
They decide over the speed of an armored column.
The tank advances as the head of the pack, it'd be like cars and the APC as flies 'round a horse butt.
Clever tankers, when not engaged, have an eye on the supporters.
And don't worry, you will have your kills.
The next paragraph is about Engineer 2 with APC, the colour is the good old German Sandgelb, #d2b773.
By the way, here's a useful page for HTML Colur Codes
*Reminder to tuia: … 55#p190855
True, tuia.
There's an extra chapter in the APC manual dealing specifically with planes.
The anti-air MG of a medium tank combined with the MG of the APC can do pretty well against those nasty planes.
Well, make it 2 MGs, this might not be enough against pro pilots,
but at least the average fairy can be scared away.
Oh, and probably there's even a caring pilot in the team who deems a convoy worth more
than a single vehicle to protect.
Benefits for the tanker with an APC in the immediate vicinity:
the additional wrench of the supporting halftrack - the APC driver is Engineer in 95% of cases
increased chances of survival in the event of sudden air strikes
infinite ammo
Arriving combat area, the column breaks up, the mechanised troops get out of the APC, clear the area and backup the tank.
Tankers are commanders.
Once the leader of the group, the spearhead, has an overview, it's time to regroup.
Distribute your squad with the F-keys.
Let the troops heal and reload, go F2 F7, F6 F5 when in need of wrench or ammo.
Go F4 F4 or launch a next charge.
Advancing like this should get the opposing team into dire trouble.
And don't worry, you will have your kills.
If you have more than 1 tank on the main combat line, have a close look at your partner tank and at the APC.
Form a wedge, have the support truck in the back, pronged with two tanks working in tandem.
Deploy available SPGs (Wespe, Priest, Sexton) behind or next to the APC: infinite ammo and a wrench.
If the commander of a self-propelled gun (SPG) is too busy and focussed on a target -
the Gunner of the truck (all praise Xberg !) reliably warns you of any possible threat. F7 F4, F6 F6
Remember, normally an APC is operated by a crew of 2, when things turn ugly the SPG can back off while the APC keeps attacker busy.
Make good and reasonable use of your F-keys.
F2 F2
F1 F1
P.S. find a nice uuuz colour for your armored column buddies: HTML Colours
Last edited by Blindschuetz (2024-05-20 10:52:21)
a premium tank for money in war thunder, which appeared in 2021, I played 100+ hours on it, the perfect combination of speed, cannon and survivability (survivability is the ability of the crew to withstand more hits) although this game is a realistic simulator of tanks and airplanes, in recent years devs have done a complete fuckup with updates and other things, this machine withstood 122, 100, 105 mm tank shells, they just passed through (yes, this may be because the shells are not cocked since the fuse is not triggered on the armor because of its thinness and just like a blank passes through) but watch military video and you will find out what such projectiles do when they hit even thinly armored vehicles
I mean, if such a projectile just hit without exploding, the overpressure would sweep away everything inside and there crew would be nothing left, at least what could they have is a severe concussion and inability to continue working
Last edited by Russian MadMax (2024-05-20 13:55:14)
Oh come on, dude.
Stay on topic please.
The vehicle might be a halftrack, a Sd.Kfz. 251 Hanomag,
but it's no APC, it's a tank buster.
By the way, the gun is a PaK 40, as we know it from Liberation of Caen.
We need the APC's to have flak cannons.
Well, cannon or troops. This one isn't an APC either:
Last edited by Blindschuetz (2024-05-20 14:39:12)
Just take off the gun - here's APC for you, put it back - here's arty for you, everything is as simple as 2 fingers on the asphalt
Karwsz wrote:That's literally us
Except the ranks and therefore the names are in the wrong order
Nice thx, much catchier too.
tuia wrote:That is easy picking for planes, you need one or two polish tanks or Kettenkrad to protect you from above.
We need the APC's to have flak cannons.
We tried to have additional AA guns added to the Axis carrier on our Oz Wake 2 server. They were awesome- until the carrier moved and left the AA guns floating in the ocean-
We never could figure out a way to remedy this-
This was a server side mod- that didn't require a map download- perhaps more could be accomplished with a full server/map mod
Sunshine wrote:tuia wrote:That is easy picking for planes, you need one or two polish tanks or Kettenkrad to protect you from above.
We need the APC's to have flak cannons.
We tried to have additional AA guns added to the Axis carrier on our Oz Wake 2 server. They were awesome- until the carrier moved and left the AA guns floating in the ocean-
We never could figure out a way to remedy this-
This was a server side mod- that didn't require a map download- perhaps more could be accomplished with a full server/map mod
Did you try to configure the holdObject command? This might work: … bject.html
InguiringMind wrote:Sunshine wrote:We need the APC's to have flak cannons.
We tried to have additional AA guns added to the Axis carrier on our Oz Wake 2 server. They were awesome- until the carrier moved and left the AA guns floating in the ocean-
We never could figure out a way to remedy this-
This was a server side mod- that didn't require a map download- perhaps more could be accomplished with a full server/map modDid you try to configure the holdObject command? This might work:
That doesn't help Mamba. Sticking weapons to ships has failed me also, but an APC on deck stays put no problemo.
Edit - Bud was going to create a miracle for this, but he prolly forgot..
Last edited by seVen (2024-07-27 04:46:56)
InguiringMind wrote:Sunshine wrote:We need the APC's to have flak cannons.
We tried to have additional AA guns added to the Axis carrier on our Oz Wake 2 server. They were awesome- until the carrier moved and left the AA guns floating in the ocean-
We never could figure out a way to remedy this-
This was a server side mod- that didn't require a map download- perhaps more could be accomplished with a full server/map modDid you try to configure the holdObject command? This might work: … bject.html
The very talented developer Henk was doing the mod- I don't know what method he was employing. He worked on it for a while and determined it was not possible- without requiring players to download a map.
An AA position on the Axis carrier deck would alleviate the nuisance loop bombers I believe.
Henk did a couple of other interesting things with the Axis carrier that are no longer being used. On the original Oz Wake server park bombing is really a problem- there are certain players who make it their life's work to park bomb the carrier at the start of a match and sink the carrier in 15 seconds.
There were a couple approaches employed to mitigate this behavior:
(1) When an enemy plane landed on the carrier deck or flew lower than one meter above the carrier deck, the plane and it's contents were destroyed.
(2) If an enemy player parachuted on the carrier deck- he was free to cause any mayhem that brought him pleasure- but if he entered a axis plane on the deck- he was immediately terminated.
As you can imagine- these changes 100% solved the problems- with an unintended consequence- players hated this new game behavior.
Reluctantly- this new carrier protection behavior was removed, and talking to offending players to try to have them modify their behavior was reinstated. As expected, counseling offenders has had little effect on correcting their behavior.
Like the literally hundreds of other empty servers, Oz Wake 2 stands empty 99.999% of the time.
It stands as a testament to my good intentions gone awry.
Last edited by InguiringMind (2024-07-27 22:54:22)
This is what destroys servers, selfish and headstrong people , they are in the center of the world, a dying world. Nothing useful
Last edited by Russian MadMax (2024-07-27 23:25:03)
Fuqing weeb...
gg indeed, Mille.
This manoeuvre serves as part of learning material for APC commanders.
Zincha is not ready yet to earn himself a licence, but sshhh, let him focus on his tasks.
Ah yes, the quote, it's from Tim Taylor:
get out the APC - even when far away from flag
In view of the fact that it will be the last Axis attempt to fight down the Allied defenders,
i would even love to have the doors of the halftrack locked.
The focus should be on the neutral flag at the bunker for the next 5 minutes.
F2 F7
Well, this is what i would recommend these soldiers here -
another great work by Canadian military painter Ronald Volstad.
Bailed out near Kursk
F2 F1
F2 F7
p.s. the knocked out Pz IV had a crew of 5, according to the damage the machinegunner/radio operator is no more.
Zincha was unable to obtain the licence.
Moral failure due to the pressure, poor him.