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We played tonight, and two players tk me purpose, their names are: "bygsok" and "player". Admin "Anna Nass" was there (but as if not), I report that to him 2-3 times, but he ignore my reports. Ofcours I took justice in my own hands and start insulting them in the chat (And I will always do that when someone disturb me in game). Then admin started behaving responsibly and kicked me. After that I went back to the game, and the player TK me 4-5 times, I didn't do anything then, but waited for the admin's reaction, but his reaction of course was ignore
I'm tired of idiot admins on this server, and I don't care what you will do about this. I just felt the need to report the behavior of the admin on the server. And you Paul, if you are the main admin, then pay attention to the behavior of admins who destroy the server. Thanks!
Hello Ari, first of all sorry about your experience. However as much as I understand your frustration, after I checked logs I did not find proper reports except one. Instead I found many insults which honestly is not the best way to ask for admin's help. Yes, one time where you reported the player in question the admin probably didn't notice your appeal, and about that I am sorry but chat was already flooded with insults and a part from that it happens to miss some part of the chat when we are focused on the game. Admin should've paid more attention to that disruptive player and perhaps give him some time off indeed but at the same time the admin did the right thing to warn and then kick you for language - any other admin would have done the same.
Ari, you're a vet player on server so you need to understand that admins are players too and when we do miss some part of the chat you shall simply repeat your report instead of insulting; you started insulting even before to report aka you already started making self justice. Please give more chance to admins to do their job because we do not miss stuff intentionally, we try to possibly help players but also you please allow us to help you better by making a proper report even more than once, if that doesnt work use our discord ticket system(support button that notifies admins immediately about your issue) and please don't go for self justice or flaming because no one wins from that. I count on your understanding and you can expect our admins doing our best - if you can help us with proper reports and have some patience from your side.
And yes, the player who was teamkilling you severely should have been banned 100% - about that please take our apologies. We will see if he can be banned remotely for a few days and in the future we will keep a closer eye on him.
ari, I think you were just having a bad day that night...
I just got on the server when you were already ranting horribly about someone.
I barely had time to check if your accusations were true or not when you were already using ‘words’ that are definitely not welcome on the server.
So unfortunately I had no other option but to kick you (not ban you !!!).
I also find your other accusations completely exaggerated:
A non-executed kick or ban does not turn an admin into a server killer...
Please give the admins time to do their job.
Calling them names and insulting them is not helpful.
Anna Nass
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