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I down loaded simple's above maps, but when unpacked it says "no BF1942", which I have been playing on Simple/Moon for years. Anyone have ideas why it can't find it in the right file... and help me correct it please? Thanks.....
Anyone can help me out there, or does this post just die on the vine
Are you talking about that "Download New Maps" link ?
I would need to look into what could be going on, i will try to do it today.
When you download the mappack under "Download New Maps" header a SiMPLE-BF1942-New-Maps.exe will be downloaded to your computer.
Start it.
Than you have to search your bf1942 directory on your computer.
For example: D:\games\BF1942
And click on Install.
Not the new maps, I have those.. I mean Road to Rome and Secret Weapons downloads. When I run the setup install program to C/ea games/ bf1942 it stops the install and says "no bf1942"....????
Not the new maps, I have those.. I mean Road to Rome and Secret Weapons downloads. When I run the setup install program to C/ea games/ bf1942 it stops the install and says "no bf1942"....????
How did you install bf1942?
From cd-s?
From here maybe?
I believe from the cd
local drive (C:) Program Files (x86) EA games
Pages: 1