#1 2024-11-20 18:31:34

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Adding objects

Hi so here are the steps I follow to add things from mods or xpacks to my maps such as buildings:
Can anyone critique my method and/or tell me what might be going wrong with my bc42 talking to bf42 because more of ten than not these objects won't appear ingame.
I create a addmodel folder with the necessary directories
if a vehicle is involved I use the appropriate sound, ai etc.
I then extract the objects such as EssenBuilding01
The standard Meshes for it EssenBuilding01_m1.rs and EssenBuilding01_m1.sm
Textures found in the .rs file
I put everything in the right directory and create an objects.con with the "run  EssenBuilding01_m1/ EssenBuilding01_m1" command pointing to the  EssenBuilding01_m1.con which has "run objects" "run geometries" in it.
I either use the add file to archive in bc42 or just copy and paste the folders into my map, either has worked in the past.
But now the EssenBuilding objects and many others just will not work or appear ingame. What's going wrong?

the structures of the folders are correct I think:
then Objects/"Whatever object folder/Objectname.con and whatever other files are in there like ai sounds etc.

AND in the Init.con there is the line "run Objects/Objects"
and alternatepath ...bf1942/levels/Mymap/Texture


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#2 2024-11-20 19:13:47

Black Mamba
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Re: Adding objects

Can you share an example of a faulty map? Just upload the packed RFA to a file sharing site, share the link and I can take a look to see what might be causing the issue.

Also, would it be possible for you to post your future topics inside the Map Modding section of the forums if they pertain to that subject please? Thank you.

Last edited by Black Mamba (2024-11-20 22:56:11)


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#3 2024-11-20 21:25:45

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Re: Adding objects

Yes I can do both of those. Sorry, I am still trying to get familiar with this forum, and the subforums.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pPlMqj … drive_link
this is the link for the file for my map.

It's still in earl-mid dev so it's quite rough. I am missing one of the buildings on the German side of the river, in the large town. It's an EssenBuilding.

Last edited by fuzzysheep (2024-11-20 21:54:20)


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#4 2024-11-20 22:58:11

Black Mamba
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Re: Adding objects

Thanks I sent a request for access.


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#5 2024-11-20 22:59:15

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Re: Adding objects

Access granted. I'll update it for anybody else that wants to poke around


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#6 2024-11-21 00:39:07

Black Mamba
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Re: Adding objects

Thx I’ll check out the map.


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#7 2024-11-21 01:16:10

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Re: Adding objects

Yeah if you can, can you unpack the RFA and tell me why that EssenBuilding isn't appearing?
Note: I may it have it in the map itself but my game's main directories.


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#8 2024-11-21 04:48:51

Black Mamba
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Re: Adding objects

I just looked at the map.

It seems some objects in your StaticObjects.con don't appear because they don't have any custom object files associated with them in your main map folder. For example, the objects essenbuilding6 and bg_italytower do not have any referenced CON file in your Objects folder. You will need to add the necessary files for these objects to your map for them to appear in the game (standardMesh, objects and textures).

Likewise, some custom objects you reference in the Objects.con file in your Objects folder do not exist in StaticsObjects.con. These are Outpost, Stonefencei_M1, SuburbHouse_3_m1, e_camp_fire (an effect rather than a static object I suppose), EssenBuilding10_M1, CitymeshEssen, EssenBuilding01_M1, EssenBuilding04_M1, Italytower_m1 and BG_Italiantower_m1. You will need to add these objects to your map via Battlecraft 1942 (as static objects) for them to show up in the game.

Also, for custom object textures to show up properly, you need to add the following line in your map's Init.con:

textureManager.alternativePath bf1942\levels\Rhine_Crossing\Texture.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by Black Mamba (2024-11-21 04:49:49)


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#9 2024-11-21 05:46:40

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Re: Adding objects

The files that are referenced that don’t appear are because I didn’t use them after all, that’s just a one objects.con fits all lol.
As for the Essen files I have them in my main game directories, and they’ve worked in the past. I do want the bf tower.
I have set the alternate texture path but it always gets overwritten because next time I unpack the map to tweak anything in the actual files, it’s never there.


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#10 2024-11-21 05:47:16

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Re: Adding objects

I will update things and let you know if it works or not on my end.
Thanks buddy.

Last edited by fuzzysheep (2024-11-21 05:48:36)


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#11 2024-11-21 17:26:20

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Re: Adding objects

Hey Mamba, I followed those steps for the EssenBuilding06_M1 and the BG_Italiantower, and they still refuse to show up. Is it a matter of compatibility settings being off/on for parts of the process?

Last edited by fuzzysheep (2024-11-21 17:38:19)


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#12 2024-11-21 19:17:15

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1510
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Re: Adding objects

Send me a PM with your updated files and we’ll figure it out that way.


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