#1 2024-11-10 04:41:33

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Data Differs From Server

I have a dedicated Windows server running 1.612 that I got from these forums. No matter what patches I try on the client, it always gives this message trying to connect to my server. With some patches, I can't see my server in the list.

I have tried every version of the client: Origin, Retail CD, and the Anthology version I downloaded. The original Origin version installed by EA's app won't even run correctly before any patching.

There are so many link updates that I can't find a definitive set of files that match.

Last edited by TE5LA (2024-11-10 04:42:48)


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#2 2024-11-10 06:33:14

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Re: Data Differs From Server


Look at this post > https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=10975

See if it helps you, and let us know.


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#3 2024-11-10 23:35:21

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Re: Data Differs From Server

I can connect to my server using external IP and it works, but the server does not show up in the server browser. Other servers do. I have ports forwarded for 14567 and 22000, 23000.

1) At some point earlier, my server was showing up, but I couldn't connect to it.

2) I checked the link and the ServerSettings were indeed set to game.serverContentCheck 0. I changed it to 1 and I can connect.

3) My server reports v1.612  (Ver: Sun, 03 Mar 2013  21:13:44 - tuia@SiMPLE)

4) My client reports v1.61 mod 1.3.4-0-g7aa995d  (What should this be? 1.612?) I started with the Anthology version downloaded here. I have tested and I can connect to servers that report they are running v1.61 or v1.612.

5) I am using BFSM v2.01.   

Might there be a setting in BFSM that is not correct?

Last edited by TE5LA (2024-11-11 00:56:15)


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#4 2024-11-11 02:48:18

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Re: Data Differs From Server

When you launch the server with BFSM, click the Status tab to ensure that there is a large green checkmark instead of the red X there.

Ensure that you are using BF1942_w32ded.exe with Henks' master server patch..
And have you tried BFSM 2.0 (final) ?


To confirm that your server is online:


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#5 2024-11-11 11:07:24

United States
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Re: Data Differs From Server

There is a red X on the Status tab. What does this indicate? The server works. I can log into it by adding my IP address manually.

I noticed BSFM says it can't find my external IP address. It seems to only find the internal IP. I guess this would be the issue, but I don't know why this is.


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#6 2024-11-11 21:18:57

Reputation: +11
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Re: Data Differs From Server

seVen wrote:

To confirm that your server is online:

I dunno why, but my servers somewhy disappeared from bf1942.eu and bf1942.org lists recently.
Despite it people still can connect and play on them. Gametracker also show them as "online"


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